DC reveals Superman's unseen romance with an upcoming DCU superhero

DC reveals Superman's unseen romance with an upcoming DCU superhero

DC has revealed a previously unseen romance between Superman And a surprising hero soon to make theirs DCU Debut. Lois Lane is the true love of Superman's life, but Clark had several relationships before meeting her, including Lana Lang. now, Superman lore gets a massive shake up Jenny Sparks #2, as the titular heroine reminisces about a past affair with the Man of Steel.

Jenny Sparks was created by Warren Ellis and Tom Raney.

Jenny Sparks #2 was written by Tom King and drawn by Jeff Spokes. Captain Atom has taken people in a domestic hostage. As the hostages' lives are being bargained for, Jenny Sparks, who fought Captain Atom in the previous issue, talks to Superman. After discussing strategy, Jenny believes it's a mistake, but not before calling him a "gorgeous wanker." Superman replies that it wouldn't be their first mistake before flying off.

Six panels of Jenny Sparks and Superman talking about their previous relationship.

then, Jenny responds to a past affair with a college-age Clark Kent while on the rebound from Lori Lamaris.

Superman and Lois Lane are an iconic couple

Despite this, Superman has dated others

Superman and Lois Lane are one of, if not the greatest couples in comic book history. Since the two debuted in Action comics #1, their relationship has evolved over time. For the majority of Superman's existence, the tension between him and Lois was obvious, even if she wanted nothing romantic to do with Clark. DC made history in the 1990s Superman #50, when Lois accepts Clark's offer. After revealing his identity to her not long after, the two were married in 1996 Superman: The Wedding Album. The two are still married in the DC Universe.


While Lois may be the love of Superman's life, he has had other romantic partners. After Lois, the most famous is Lana Lang, Clark's high school sweetheart. Lana was one of the first to learn the truth about Clark, and the two remain friends to this day. Then there's Lori Lamaris. Introduced in 1959s Superman #129, Lori was a mermaid living in Atlantis. in the pre-Crisis DC Universe, Lori has a brief affair with Superboy. This is later acknowledged, revealing that she dated Clark while he was still in college. Jenny Sparks admits you in this issue.

Jenny Sparks and Superman are an unlikely couple

Jenny meeting (and sleeping) with Superman is a brand for you

Jenny Sparks and Superman prove that opposites really do attract.

Jenny Sparks, the one-time leader of the Authority, doesn't immediately come across as someone Superman would date. Jenny, a "century baby" with energy manipulation powers, drinks, smokes and generally runs counter to Superman's image. Jenny takes a disdainful attitude towards superheroes, which comes through in her conversation with Superman in this issue and Batman in the previous issue. During his time with the Authority, Jenny was not above using lethal force, which should have put her at odds with the Man of Steel. Jenny Sparks and Superman prove that opposites really do attract.

That Jenny Sparks would come with Superman also keeps well in her iconoclastic nature and rebellious character. Being a century baby, Jenny has lived for a hundred years. The various creators who chronicled Jenny's adventures often show her weaving in and out of history, often rubbing shoulders with some of the 20th century's most famous people, both good and bad. SupermanBeing one of the biggest icons of the 20th century, it's a natural to meet Jenny Sparks, but the fact that he actually slept with the upcoming DCU icon is downright shocking.

Jenny Sparks #2 is on sale now from DC Comics!