DC puts the Titans in their place, admitting they can't actually replace the Justice League

DC puts the Titans in their place, admitting they can't actually replace the Justice League

Warning: Contains potential spoilers for Absolute Power #4!

For over a year, DC has tried to convince fans that the Titans Can stand shoulder to shoulder with these Justice League. While the Nightwing-led team is undeniably one of the strongest in comics, claiming they could replace the Justice League is always a tough sell. Many fans welcomed the shift, but others remained skeptical that the Titans could really measure up. Now, it seems that DC is finally acknowledging that the doubters have a point.

A key point to watch in upcoming releases will be Nightwing's role in Justice League Unlimited.

The Absolute power The Crisis event, led by Mark Waid and Dan Mora, which pitted DC's heroes against Amanda Waller and her power-stealing Amazons for months, finally reached its conclusion in Absolute power #4. The last issue delivered some standout moments, but none more significant than the closing page, which features a key conversation between Green Arrow, Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman.

Absolute Power #4 Green Arrow Wonder Woman Batman Superman

In this conversation, Green Arrow voices what has been on the minds of many - despite the Titans' undeniable strength and contributions to the DCU, The void left by the disbandment of the Justice League was never truly filled by the other team.

Green Arrow calls out the stupidity of the Justice League for letting the Titans replace them

"With respect to the Titans...the world needs a Justice League." - Green Arrow in Absolute power #4

Justice League Teen Titan Nightwing

After DC's heroes claim victory over Amanda Waller, the Trinity confronts Green Arrow about seemingly betraying them by working for Waller. Although it is now clear that Green Arrow never truly betrayed the team, Wonder Woman, Superman and Batman are less than happy that Oliver kept his plan to himself, especially given the consequences that led to several heroes being injured in the crossfire. Green Arrow admits his mistakes but quickly shifts the conversation, pointing out that They all share blame for nearly allowing Waller to succeed in her plan To rid the world of its heroes.

The key failure, he emphasizes, was the simple fact that they were no longer a unified team. Oliver explains, explaining that if they had kept the constant communication they once had as part of the Justice League, they would never have been caught up in Waller's scheme. He acknowledges the Titans and their accomplishments in their absence but asserts, "We are ridiculously irresponsible to break up the gang." While he does not directly discredit the Titans, The subtext is clear: no team, no matter how capable, can truly replace the Justice League. Oliver concluded his thoughts by saying, "...the world needs a justice league."

Absolute Power tastes the formation of Justice League Unlimited

Justice League Unlimited is the answer to past DCU hero failures

Justice League Unlimited 1 Summer Variant Cover: DC superheroes including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Nightwing, Green Lantern and more run towards the viewer

Green Arrow's call to reunite the Justice League is one of the most important moments in the comic, as it hints at one of the key changes coming with DC's ALL IN initiative - the formation of JUSTICE LEAGUE UNLIMITED. The debut of the new Justice League in DC all in special #1 is a direct response to Oliver's criticisms in Absolute power #4 About the heroes' disconnection and lack of unity. But the formation of the Justice League is not only about a new name; It's about a whole new approach to team dynamics.

As shown in All in special #1, the most significant change is the expansion of membership. Although the Justice League once limited their ranks, they are now inviting every hero on Earth to joinCreating a roster with unlimited capacity. The shift aims to promote greater unity in the hero community, with the goal of preventing crises like Absolute power of happening again. This marks the beginning of a new era for the Justice League, one focused on inclusivity and collaboration, as they strive to become stronger and more united than ever before.

Will DC's ALL-IN initiative continue to elevate Nightwing into the hero ranks?

The Dawn of DC saw Dick Grayson become a leader of all heroes (is DC about to bounce back?)

The inclusion of the Titans in the new Justice League roster helps smooth the transition between teams, ensuring that the achievements of the younger team are acknowledged. A key point to watch will be Nightwing's role in Justice League Unlimited. With Dawn of DC and Absolute Power, DC worked to establish Dick Grayson as a leader among heroes. Now, with Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman back, it will be interesting to see where Nightwing ranks among them and whether DC continues to elevate him to the same level as the Trinity, both in the eyes of fans and others. Justice League Letters.

Absolute Power #4 Available now from DC Comics!

Absolute Power #4 (2024)

Absolute power 4 cover

  • Writer: Mark Waid

  • Artist: Dan Mora

  • Cover artist: Dan Mora