WARNING: Contains potential spoilers for BATGIRL#1 (2024)!
While I have deep respect for Barbara Gordon's pioneering work and will always have a special place in my heart for Stephanie Brown's humor and our shared love of waffles, I firmly believe that Cassandra Cain is by far the BEST Batgirl the Bat Family has seen. And with the debut of Cass's new solo series, DC has not only validated that belief, but reignited my enthusiasm for her character.
...there is something much more powerful about being born to be the villain and still fighting tooth and claw to become the hero...
When the news broke that Cassandra Cain would have a new solo series, my initial reaction was excitement, quickly followed by the thought: "It's about time." I've always believed that Cass was the perfect choice for her own series, as she's one of the most unique and fascinating members of the Bat Clan, but I couldn't help but feel a little anxious.
Most of all, I wanted this series to be successful so that Cass could get the recognition she deserves and hopefully lead to more DC projects with her. Fortunately, Tate Brombal, Takeshi Miyazawa, Mike Spicer, and Tom Napolitano captured the essence of Cass' character in their inaugural issue. and showed why she is, without a doubt, the best Batgirl.
Cassandra Cain was born the villain, but chose to become the hero
“I am Batgirl. And no one – not even my mother – will ever take that away from me.” – Cassandra Cain in Batgirl #1
Although each panel Batgirl #1 resonated with me, one specific scene stood out because it perfectly captured what I believe to be the essence of Cassandra Cain's character - her choice to be a hero despite being born into a villain's destiny. As Cass reflects in her internal monologue, her origins were not chosen by her. Created for the sole purpose of becoming a weapon and killing, her fate was decided long before she was born, as the union of David Cain and Lady Shiva was entirely focused on that outcome.
Given this origin, Cass could have easily become a sympathetic villain. It would have been understandable if she had embraced her killer's fate, considering that killing and hurting was all she knew. However, despite not having positive influences in his life, Cassandra's inherent goodness and willpower were so strong that she chose to reject the only purpose she was given. Her decision to become a hero is even more remarkable when you consider how hard she had to fight for it, as David Cain did everything in his power to stop her from escaping her villainous destiny.
This hero's journey is beautifully emphasized in Cass's monologue during a fight with assassins in Batgirl #1: "My origins were not my choice. None of this was my choice. But I'm an orphan by choice. I am Batman's daughter by choice. I know how to kill. I hold back by choice. Because I'm Batgirl. And no one – not even my mother – will ever take that away from me.” This moment is so powerful because it succinctly captures the struggle and choices that led Cass to become Batgirl, while also reaffirming that no one can take away the morals she chose for herself.
Sorry, Stephanie and Barbara, but Cassandra's hero origin story surprises you all
The Robins are even having a hard time competing with Cassandra
Ultimately, Cassandra's choice and fight to become a force for good elevates her above Barbara and Stephanie in my eyes. Both Barbara and Stephanie had heroic beginnings, which is undeniably commendable, but there's something far more powerful about being born to be the villain and still fighting tooth and claw to become the hero - especially when the forces of evil (i.e. , David Cain) are doing everything in their power to stop this from happening. In my opinion, Stephanie and Barbara's origins simply don't compare to Cassandra's Batgirl/hero journey.
In fact, I would go so far as to say that Cassandra has one of the most iconic, hard-hitting, and unique origin stories of the entire Bat-Family, second only to Batman and possibly Dick Grayson. However, Cass' journey to becoming a hero is even more impressive than Dick's. Just like the other two Batgirls, Dick started out as a hero. The only origin of the Bat-Family that comes close to Cassandra's is that of Damian Wayne, since he was also born to be a villain. However, I would argue that Cassandra's path to heroism is above Damian's, as the Bat-Family's morals were forced upon him, while Cass actively pursued those same morals.
Batgirl #1 Proves Cassandra Cain Is Batman's Only True Successor
Cass TRULY believes in Batman's 'no killing' rule
In addition to capturing what makes Cassandra Cain the best Batgirl, this scene also shows why Cass is Batman's true successor. Although this may be a controversial opinion, No one in the Bat-Family respects Batman and his morals as much as Batgirl. She is his true twin flame when it comes to his mission and like him, the idea of killing again horrifies her as she believes that killing is wrong no matter the victim. No other member of the Bat-Family upholds Batman's morals with the same depth and conviction as Cassandra.
Some may argue that one of Batman's sons should be his successor, and while I understand that perspective, I don't believe any of them fully deliver. the four essential criteria for the role: unrivaled combat skill, strict adherence to the “no killing” rule, sharp detective skills, and Batman's patented intimidation factor. While Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian all possess some of these characteristics, none embody all four in the same way as Bruce and Cass. Of course, the real question remains whether Cassandra wants to step into her father's shoes when he retires or dies.
Cassandra Cain gets bonus points for having the best Batgirl costume
Cover C Stanley 'Artgerm' Lau Card Stock Variant for Batgirl #1 (2024)
My final point about why Cass is the best Batgirl - and one of the best members of the Bat-Family in general - may be more superficial, but it's still valid: her costume. Cassandra has one of the most badass and inherently scary costumes in the entire family, thanks to her mostly black color scheme and hood complete with mouth sewn shut. I always thought this look made her look like a rag doll trapped in the shadows, and I mean that as the biggest compliment. While Cass' costume may not be the most classic or iconic Batgirl Look, I believe it perfectly captures the badness and ultimately stands out as the best.
Batgirl #1 is now available from DC Comics!
BATGIRL #1 (2024) |
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