Notice! This article contains spoilers for the season 1 finale of The Penguin.
While The penguin
remains outside the UDC
in the Elseworlds of Matt Reeves' standalone Batman universe, he did a lot to establish connecting elements in that universe, but he definitely didn't create Robin. Matt Reeves managed to create a universe of DC stories that survived the change, with James Gunn stepping in and setting up the DCU. Along with your Batman film that was widely praised and critically acclaimed, Reeves also produced spin-off shows to build his version of Gotham.
And while the first spin-off, The penguindidn't feature any direct appearances from Robert Pattinson's Batman, it led fans to speculate about other connections the show was making before Batman 2. Most notably, the theory that Victor Aguilar, a young man Oz employs as his associate and intern, could have evolved to become Batman's sidekick Robin. But the end of The penguin clearly debunks this theory in an intense two-minute scene.
Victor Aguilar's Death Disproves Batman Robin Theories Surrounding Him in a Brutal Way
Victor met a brutal end in the penguin
After proving himself to be an extremely resourceful and intelligent young man, Victor's time in the Reeves Batverse was cut short. Although Oz and Victor struggle to fully trust each other throughout the series, the ending shows the two sitting together, looking out over Gotham, and expressing your mutual appreciation and affection for each other. Victor tells Oz that he sees him as family, and although Oz appreciates this sentiment and reciprocates, this starts a violent chain reaction of events.
Oz puts his arm around young Victor, but instead of a simple hug, Oz tightens his grip. He tells Victor how much he means to him, but also points out that while family can motivate people, it can also make them weak. So he keeps squeezing until Victor leaves. This is beautiful clearly confirms that Victor will never be Robinbecause he is dead. And while it would be interesting to see Victor switch sides and put his skills to the test as Batman's sidekick, it wasn't meant to be.
Why Victor Aguilar's Death Was Always More Likely Than Him Being Robin
Victor might never have worked with Batman after Oz
The reality is that it never would have made sense for Victor to become Robin. The entire race The penguin The first season was dedicated to seeing Oz grow up to become a new crime boss in Gotham, and Victor was his loyal assistant, albeit forcibly detained. Victor had no choice but to serve Ozand after a while, he really started to trust him and feel a close connection. Victor may have been a great candidate for Robin, but it wouldn't work.
If Victor had betrayed Oz, it would have made Oz an even greater threat, and he would have taken revenge on Victor and everyone he loved. Furthermore, Batman is still early in his career and probably feels the need to work alone. Batman has a lot to learn and grow before he's ready to take on a sidekickand he probably wouldn't have enough trust in someone who worked with a villain like Oz Cobb to help him catch criminals.
How Batman Could Still Introduce a Robin to the Universe
What needs to happen before Robin joins Batman
If Batman universe intends to bring a Robin to the Reeves Batverse, this will take time and patience. Batman needs to become more familiar with his strengths and weaknesses and make mistakes along the way. He will need to find someone who makes a considerable impression and who is willing to step up and help him. The reality is that there are Most Likely Candidates to Join Batgang Before a New Robin appears, with the first potential ally being Selina Kyle. At the end of BatmanSelina and Batman broke up, but the two clearly had a connection.
While Catwoman may not be a true hero, she could be a useful ally for Gotham's Dark Knight. Batman also needs to learn to work with others, seeing value in what they bring to the table, and while the next entry could create a young Dick Grayson or some other version of the sidekick, it wouldn't make sense to give Pattinson's Batman a Robin so soon. in your career. The risk is too great, and seeing how dangerous Gotham's villains are now The penguinit makes sense for Batman to refine his own skills rather than training a protégé.
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