Superman and Lois may have made the DC Extended Universe's Lex Luthor look worse with his new version of DC's most iconic Superman rival. While Superman's Golden Age adventures initially established Ultraman as the Man of Steel's archenemy, Lex Luthor soon replaced him as Superman's archrival. As Lex Luthor's genius, obsessive hatred of Superman, and personal connection with Clark Kent developed over the decades, he became not only Superman's greatest enemy, but also one of his most difficult enemies.
It's no surprise that Lex Luthor appears in many Superman adaptations in which Gene Hackman combines his comedic talent with Richard Donner's lack of empathy. Superman movies. Michael Rosenbaum will portray Lex Luthor throughout the long-running series. Smallville A television series in which a version of him evolved into the role of Superman's arch-rival. The DC Animated Universe will also have an exciting and iconic look at Lex Luthor (voiced by Clancy Brown), who is initially portrayed as a corrupt businessman inspired by John Byrne's post.Crisis comics, but who transitions into the role of a mad scientist and leader of a crime syndicate.
Lex Luthor's story in Superman & Lois season 4 makes the DCEU version even worse
Tyler Hoechlin portrays Superman in both Supergirl And Superman and Loiswith the two shows having different continuities. Supergirl Jon Cryer's version of Lex Luthor is a completely ruthless, modernized take on the classic criminal mastermind and mad scientist portrayal of Luthor, making him a viable threat even to the likes of Supergirl and Superman. Superman and Lois however, installs a new version played by Michael Cudlitz. This iteration also has an established history as Superman's nemesis, but he's spent the last 17 years in prison and is out for revenge. on both Superman and Lois Lane.
Michael Cudlitz's Lex Luthor is a little different from most versions of the iconic villain, as Lex has an impressive physique. Superman and Loislikely as a result of his nearly two decades in prison. Some viewers might argue that this and other factors make him a more suitable reimagining of Lex Luthor than Jesse Eisenberg's version. who is the main antagonist Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice in DKEU. Eisenburg's Lex Luthor included many of the most important features of the comic version, but was nonetheless controversial among many viewers.
Why is the DCEU version of Lex Luthor so controversial?
Jesse Eisenburg's Lex Luthor is in many ways an authentic and comic-accurate version of Superman's greatest foe. Dawn of Justice giving Luthor some resemblance to his portrayal in Superman: Birthright. Luthor is socially awkward and quirky, but there's no doubt that he's one of the most dangerous characters in the DCEU. Lex Luthor's manipulations pit Superman and Batman against each other and lead to numerous horrific deaths throughout the process. Dawn of Justicewith the film's final victim being Superman himself, killed by Doomsday, Lex Luthor's creation in the DCEU.
Unfortunately, many viewers didn't like Eisenberg's version of Lex Luthor.and eventually it became one of the many polarizing elements Dawn of Justice. Some viewers found Eisenberg's Luthor to be too quirky and unhinged, perhaps lacking the gravitas and gravitas that many expected from Superman's arch nemesis. Notably, Gene Hackman's version of Luthor also combined random goofy antics with his deadly criminal schemes. Unfortunately, Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor never got a second chance with audiences, only appearing briefly again in late 2017. Justice League And Zack Snyder's Justice League director's cut.
Lex Luthor from Superman & Lois is exactly what the DCEU needs
Although both versions of Lex Luthor - Jesse Eisenberg and Michael Cudlitz - are portrayed as master manipulators and criminal masterminds, they have very different demeanors. In the DCEU, Eisenberg's Luthor becomes Superman's archenemy throughout the series. Dawn of Justice and at first it's a seemingly insane and almost silly take on the character, despite his subsequent appearances being reminiscent of classic Lex Luthor. Cudlitz's version brings intensity and ferocity. this comes both from the established history with Superman and from years of imprisonment.
For this reason, critics of Eisenberg's Lex Luthor, who otherwise liked the DCEU, might want to see the franchise make Luthor more like its hero. Superman and Lois iteration. Zack Snyder's DCEU films are noted for their intensity and often dramatic twists on classic DC characters. maybe make a Michael Cudlitz-like version of Lex Luthor natural for them. In any case, both Jesse Eisenberg's DCEU version and Michael Cudlitz's version Superman and Lois are ruthless crime lords who pose a worthy threat to their versions of Superman.
Superman and LoisThe seventh Arrowverse spin-off series will take the main characters from Metropolis to Smallville. The CW series picks up after the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover, which saw the collapse of the multiverse and the merging of worlds into what is now Earth Prime. Superman and Lois sees Lois Lane (Elizabeth Tulloch) and Clark Kent (Tyler Hoechlin) deal with the pressures of their jobs while also being parents to two teenage sons. Lois and Clark are no strangers to the Arrowverse, and Hoechlin's Superman was introduced back in Supergirl Season 2. Meanwhile, Tulloch's Lois made her debut in the 2018 Elseworlds crossover. The duo are joined by a growing cast of characters, including a new version of Lana Lang.
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