DC is setting the stage for Flash's history-making death

DC is setting the stage for Flash's history-making death

Warning: Spoilers for Absolute Power #3In 1985, the Flash Made comic history when he died saving the world in Crisis on Infinite Earths. Barry Allen's death changed the trajectory of the DC Universe, and he was about to make history again when another crisis brought him back to life. Now, almost 40 years after his original death, the pieces are in place for The Flash to suffer the same tragic fate in DC's current main event.

Barry Allen may be one of the fastest heroes in the DC Universe, but even the Flash can't run dead forever.

Absolute power #3 by Mark Waid and Dan Mora is the latest installment in DC's Absolute power Event. Most superheroes have been depowered by Amanda Waller's legion of Amazons, with Barry Allen's Flash being one of the few who still have his powers. An unknown voice reaches Barry as he escapes from one of Waller's pawns - a speedster-powered Amazo named Velocity - and gives him a job to infiltrate one of Waller's facilities. When Barry asks what to do there, the voice says: "What the Flash always does in a crisis... save the world or die trying."

Barry Allen is ordered to go to Waller's secret prison by a mysterious voice, and when Barry asks what he should do, the voice replies: "What Flash always does in a crisis... save the world or die trying."

There's no denying that the ominous line is a reference to The Flash's death in Crisis on Infinite Earths by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez, and it could be Predict that Barry Allien will die in Absolute power. With this and other clues in mind, it is possible that the fastest man alive is running his final race.

A look at the history of the Flash in DC's crises

Panels of Crisis on Infinite Earths #8 by Marv Wolfman, George Pérez, Jerry Ordway, Anthony Tollin and John Costanza

Lightning disintegrates in Crisis on Infinite Earths

The original death of the Flash occurred in Crisis on Infinite EarthsThe first major crisis to hit the DC Universe. Barry Allen managed to destroy the anti-matter cannon in order to save the multiverse, but in doing so he ran so fast that his body could not handle the power. As shown above, the Flash disappeared into what would eventually become known as the Speed ​​Force. The mysterious speaker's words to the bottle in Absolute power #3 are an unmistakable reminder of his parting words hereAs Barry repeats that he needs to "save the world" while he is falling apart.


For the next twenty years, Barry Allen was gone, and Wally West inherited the Flash mantle to become the Flash for a new generation. Then, everything changed in 2008 Final crisis By Grant Morrison and JG Jones, when Barry suddenly emerges from the Speed ​​Force. Against all odds, he died in one crisis and returned to the land of the living in another, and he's been back as the bottle ever since. Nowadays, Barry and Wally both use the Flash title, but it looks like There won't be two flashes for much longer Absolute power.

After almost 40 years, Absolute power Set up another death for the bottle

Flash's life hangs in the balance in DC's latest crisis

The call Barry received isn't the first instance of the Flash's potential death being hinted at in the series Absolute power Event. in Absolute Power: Task Force VII #5, The Flash escapes from Velocity, who has absorbed the powers of every speedster in the Flash family - except Barry. In the seconds he could spare, Barry shares a heartfelt moment with Iris West that has all the makings of a goodbye. When Iris insists that Barry will always come back to her, he is unable to promise that he will this time. This brief hesitation says more than words ever could about the fate of the bottle.

After this emotional scene, the death of the Flash is now further foreshadowed in Absolute power #3 Through the cryptic message of the mystery voice. After receiving the instructions, it's up to Barry to put his life on the line and uncover Amanda Waller's plans. Barry has the weight of the world on his shoulders, and all ways lead to him, as he has sacrificed for the greater good. It may seem unlikely that DC would kill off a hero as iconic as the Flash, however Barry Allen is no longer the main Flash. The honor belongs to none other than Wally West.

With Wally West as the main flash, Barry Allen is not needed anymore

Barry is no longer the face of the Scarlet Speedster

Flashes with Wally in New Costume DC

Wally West is set to go all-in as the Flash for DC's upcoming All In initiative, meanwhile Barry Allen is nowhere to be foundEven in different trials and orders. Not only is Wally continuing to lead the current ongoing Flash series, but he also joins the new Justice League, taking Barry's place on the team for the first time in over a decade. Wally is even set to be the Flash of the Absolute Universe, with no sign of Barry so far. Barry Allen is officially obsolete as the FlashSo there isn't much of a point in keeping him around.


It's time for DC to let the Flash legacy move forward instead of keeping it stuck in the past, and that means finally letting Barry Allen go.

Since Wally West's return as the Flash in 2021, Barry has slowly fallen to the wayside, and that might be for the best. Barry's resurrection in Final crisis Ending the passing of the Flash mantle, leading to the controversial New 52 reboot, which erased Wally from existence to reinstate Barry as the one and only Flash. Wally's replacement after twenty years clearly didn't stick, and now the status quo that followed Barry's original death has returned. It's time for DC to let the Flash legacy move forward instead of keeping it stuck in the pastAnd that means finally letting Barry Allen go — for good.

The Flash's next race could be his last

Will Barry Allen survive the crisis?

The Flash #13 (2024)

Flash stands on a shattered pedestal under a fiery orange sky, lit with lightning, as the broken pieces of a Flash statue lie on the ground around him.

Release date:

September 25, 2024


Simon Spurrier


Ramón Perez

Cover artist:

Ramón Perez

Variant covers:

Özgür Yildirim, Mike Deodato Jr., Nicola Scott

BARRY ALLEN RACES FOR HIS LIFE! Barry Allen has been to the ends of the multiverse and back. Now, he runs into a danger unlike any he has ever encountered, as the fate of not only the Speed ​​Force, but all heroes, hangs in the balance. Barry's life story flashes before his eyes as he begins his most important race ever.

Barry Allen may be one of the fastest heroes in the DC Universe, but even the Flash can't run dead forever. The application for The bottle #13 by Simon Spurrier and Ramón Pérez offers more allusions to Barry's potential death. with an emphasis on "LiveAccording to this issue's synopsis, the end may be near for the Scarlet Speedster. Both the main Flash series and Absolute power Building up to something big for BarryAnd it remains to be seen whether the Flash will survive what comes its way.

Dying in a major event would be a fitting way for Flash to go out after his death and resurrection in past crises.

With his future more uncertain than ever, There is a strong chance that Barry Allen will not make it out of this event alive. All signs point to him being killed in Absolute powerAnd dying in a major event would be a fitting way for The Flash to go out after his death and resurrection in Past Crisis. Despite how difficult things seem, there is comfort in knowing that Barry's legacy will be carried on by his successors, starting with Wally. Barry Allen's run like this Flash is nearing its end, and whatever fate befalls it, the DC Universe will never be the same.

Absolute power #3 is available now from DC Comics.

Absolute Power #3 (2024)

Absolute Power 3 Main Cover: Batman with a cracked tile holds batarangs, which reflect the Amazons, Brainiac Queen and Failsafe.

  • Writer: Mark Waid

  • Artist: Dan Mora

  • Colorist: Alejandro Sánchez

  • Writer: Ariana Maher

  • Cover artist: Dan Mora