Superman and Lois put Lois Lane (Elizabeth Tulloch) in a difficult situation. In just 4 seasons, this iteration of the courageous journalist has been through more tragedies than most iterations of the character. Sure, being married to Superman is tough, but the series keeps piling tragedy after tragedy on this Lois. From cancer to family drama to losing several loved ones in quick succession, this poor woman is the show's answer. Now this Superman and Lois is coming to an end, I sincerely hope Lois has a satisfying conclusion.
With only 7 episodes left in the CW series' final season, I'm worried that it will have to go through worse things before things start to get better. This season has been explosive so far, with some truly wild moments, including the death of Superman himself. That's right; DC killed off the show's title character. Lois is left with the task of picking up the pieces, and I'm left thinking the writers must be kidding me. Regardless, this is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what Lois went through in Superman and Lois.
Superman and Lois always gave Lois Lane the saddest stories, season by season
Lois Lane can't catch a break
An example of how Superman and Lois What gives this last character the most depressing stories is the treatment of Lucy Lane, his sister. Jenna Dewan reprises the role of Lucy, having played her in Supergirlalthough this iteration of the character is very different. Before the start of the series, Lois and Lucy had a falling out over the exposure of former cult leader Ally Allston. Lucy believed in Ally so much that she took drastic measures, such as swallowing a bottle of pills and eliminating Lois entirely. She re-enters Lois' life in season 2.
Unfortunately, she was still part of Ally's cult and just wanted to discredit Lois. All season long, Lucy betrays Lois repeatedly. She only saw reason after Ally attacked her father, Sam Lane, to force Superman to appear. Lois tried in vain to contact Lucy before things got this far, but young Lane was too fascinated by Ally's false promises to care.
Just one season later, Lois thinks she is pregnant with her third child, but is instead diagnosed with stage three inflammatory breast cancer. Although the comic book "Superman & Batman: Generations" has a similar plot, Superman and Lois really delves into how she is affected by the disease. For example, she experiences denial and keeps trying to follow a lead instead of going for chemotherapy treatments.
Lois gets a lot of focus in Season 3, and her illness poses a unique challenge for her family, as Clark can't simply beat cancer. Although the series has been accused of "softening" her because of its focus on Clark's reaction, her character is given space to experience her emotions independently of her husband. Ultimately, Lois completes treatment, undergoes breast surgery, and survives.
Superman & Lois Season 4 Amp Increases Lois Lane Tragedies Astronomically
Lois loses two of the most important people in her life
You would think that after her illness and recovery, Lois got a break, but the writers of Superman and Lois I would disagree. Season four continues to bring more tragedy to Lois and her children, and I can't help but feel sorry for her. The previous season ended on a cliffhanger, with Superman and Doomsday locked in battle. Unfortunately, the latter emerges victorious and rips Clark's heart from his body. Doomsday gives his heart to Lex Luthor.
Initially, Lex appears to be preserving Superman's heart to experiment with his Kryptonian DNA. However, After Lois and Clark's son Jordan tries to get the heart back, Lex brutally stomps on it. The loss of a husband is quite devastating, but Superman and Lois doubles in the most tragic way.
After he is shot for confronting Lex, Sam decides to inject himself with Clark's bloodthat had been saved for a potential heart donor. He is also killed by Doomsday. Her sacrifice is noble, no doubt, but now, even if Clark returns, Lois has lost her father. Plus, she has to live with the knowledge that Sam died to save her husband. It's truly heartbreaking, and for that reason, Lois may actually be Lex's biggest victim.
Lois Lane needs a happy ending to her Superman and Lois story
DC, let Lois be happy
Superman and Lois There are a few episodes to resolve loose ends and probably bring back the Man of Steel. I really hope that happens, not even because I care about Clark. Yes, but I also want Lois Lane to be happy for the first time in literal years. Based on what little we know about how Superman and Lois will end, the series will undoubtedly have a climactic - and hopefully cathartic - resolution.
Tulloch herself discussed the last bit of the episodes, explaining that the ending is "a very moving episode." She then added that "there will be closure, and everyone will cry in the final episode of the series."
DC, I beg you: please let this closure include Lois Lane's happiness. Superman and Lois airs Mondays at 8pm EST on The CW, and its finale will air on December 2nd.
Superman and Loisthe Arrowverse's seventh spinoff series, will take the titular characters from Metropolis to Smallville. The CW series is set after the “Crisis on Infinite Earths” crossover, which saw the collapse of the multiverse and the merging of worlds into what is now Earth Prime. Superman and Lois sees Lois Lane (Elizabeth Tulloch) and Clark Kent (Tyler Hoechlin) dealing with all the pressures of their jobs, as well as being parents to two teenage children. Lois and Clark are no strangers to the Arrowverse, with Hoechlin's Superman having been introduced way back when. Supergirl season 2. Meanwhile, Tulloch's Lois made her debut in 2018's “Elseworlds” crossover. The pair are joined by a growing cast of characters that includes a new iteration of Lana Lang.
- Release date
February 23, 2021
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