20 years ago, Justice League Unlimited proved why Wonder Woman Invisible Jet is one of her greatest assets in DC lore, despite her ability to fly alone. The Invisible Jet has been an important part Wabout Wonder Woman's comic book history since her debut in 1941, but viewers and readers can easily misunderstand her purpose, especially with many iterations of Wonder Woman having flying abilities comparable to Superman. Justice League Unlimited brought the iconic Jet to the DC Animated Universe, casually demonstrating why he's so invaluable to Wonder Woman in the process.
Wonder Woman's Invisible Jet has had a wide variety of origins in DC's conventional continuities, as well as many more features than her signature invisibility. Initially, the Invisible Jet was a necessity for Wonder Woman due to her inability to fly alone. This was the case with Lynda Carter and Gal Gadot's iterations of Wonder Woman in the 1970s. Wonder Woman TV Series and Release in the DCEU Timeline Wonder Woman 1984 (although Wonder Woman acquired her flying abilities at the end of the film). In the DCAU, however, Wonder Woman is presented with the power of flight.
The invisible jet is more than just a plane in Justice League Unlimited
After two seasons as one of the seven main protagonists of Justice LeagueSusan Eisenberg's Wonder Woman returns in Justice League Unlimitedwhose second episode introduces the Invisible Jet to the DCAU. Wonder Woman flies the Jet – with Batman as a passenger – to the Fortress of Solitude, bringing it seamlessly into the waters of the Arctic Circle. In a brief moment, Justice League Unlimited shows that The Invisible Jet enhances Wonder Woman's natural traversal powers, allowing her to easily transport teammates and more vulnerable cargo long distances in the air or underwater, as well as making her travels discreet.
Justice League Unlimited shows the full potential of Wonder Woman's invisible jet
Throughout the DCAU, the Justice League uses Javelin spacecraft – highly advanced ships designed by Batman – yet once Unlimited introduces the Invisible Jet, Wonder Woman begins using the vehicle even more than Batman's advanced ship. Just like the Javelins, Wonder Woman's Invisible Jet can travel through air and underwater, and if the DC comics source material is any indication, the Invisible Jet can also travel through space. Jet's signature invisibility is also handled perfectly in the DCAU.
Often in the comics and their adaptations, Wonder Woman's Invisible Jet is portrayed as transparent at best, and Wonder Woman - along with all the passengers - is visible. This, of course, was merely a visual aid for the benefit of readers and viewers. In-universe, the Invisible Jet and anyone within it are completely invisible and some properties – such as Wonder Woman 1984 – also make it silent and invisible to radar. Justice League Unlimited portrays the full potential of the Invisible Jet, portraying both the effectiveness of its invisibility and its versatility, even when Wonder Woman can fly alone.
Justice League Unlimited is the culmination of the DC Animated Universe, bringing together characters introduced in previous shows such as Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, and introducing new members of the JLA such as Green Arrow, Black Canary and Booster Gold. The series' three seasons aired from 2004 to 2006.
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