Warning: Spoilers for Batman and Robin #16DC Comics is creating a whole new future for robinand it sees him becoming something even better than a superhero. Batman and Robin continue their investigation into the mysterious Memento murders. However, a conversation between Bruce and Damian Wayne reveals that the latter may be taking a new direction for his future, embracing a life of medicine rather than vigilantism.
While Batman and Robin are training in Batman and Robin #16 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Miguel Mendonça, Carmine Di Giandomenico, Marcelo Maiolo and Steve Wands, Bruce quickly notices that Damian has become distracted during patrols and training, with Damian even missing school. Damian reveals to Bruce that he is skipping school to volunteer at the hospitalinspired by reading Thomas Wayne's diaries.
It's an entirely new development for the character, and one that highlights how Damian's future could involve following in his grandfather's footsteps rather than his father's - including the grandfather he never knew.
Robin is finally embracing a new future – and it could lead him to medicine
Damian Wayne is being allowed to meet
An important aspect of Damian's more recent stories has been his attempt to find himself and his own identity beyond being Batman's son. Joshua Williamson robin and subsequent Batman and Robin series focused on this issue, with Damian striking out on his own and making connections with other kids his age. As a new writer, Johnson's arc continues this trend by wondering who Damian could be without vigilantism. As Damian grows, these questions become essential to the character as he matures and updates himself.
The question of legacy has always loomed large over Damian's shoulders, and the path of medicine may be the answer he seeks.
Notably, this development sees Damian following in the footsteps of his two grandparents. Thomas Wayne himself was a doctor before his untimely death in Crime Alley, with his devotion to medicine being the main reason why Bruce takes his vow against killing so seriously. This development also sees Damian following in Ra's al Ghul's footsteps in an unexpected way, as Ra's was a doctor long before he was the Demon's Head. The question of legacy has always loomed large over Damian's shoulders, and the path of medicine may be the answer he seeks.
Robin's New Dream Honors His Family, Including Alfred Pennyworth
Damian Wayne follows in his grandfathers' footsteps
But most important of all, this also gives Damian the chance to incorporate a characteristic of Alfred into medicine. After Alfredo's death in Batman #77 by Tom King, Tony S. Daniel, Mikel Janín, Norm Rapmund, Tomeu Morey, Jordie Bellaire and Clayton Cowles, the Bat Family has lost a vital pillar in their lives and their resident combat medic. Damian taking this path could fill the void left by Alfred's passing, while also allowing Damian to honor the memory of someone who was deeply influential to him in life.
Overall, Damian's pursuit of medicine creates a bold new future for him where he can become better than a superhero. While it's unlikely that Damian Wayne will stop being Robin, this new path for his future could be the one that allows him to have his own destiny in life, not tied to his mother or father's expectations. Above all, this journey will allow robin keep helping people, even without superheroes.
Batman and Robin #16 is now available from DC Comics.