Dathomiri origin, Sith learning and revenge on Darth Sidious

Dathomiri origin, Sith learning and revenge on Darth Sidious

Former apprentice of Darth Sidious, Darth Maulled a turbulent life in Star Wars franchise. Despite his apparently premature death in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom MenaceMaul had a huge impact on Star Wars Storytelling from the Skywalker saga era, influencing not only the life of Anakin Skywalker, but the lives of several prominent Jedi - including Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, Ezra Bridger, and Kanan Jarrus - as well as the Jedi Order as a whole and all of Mandalore. He was never far from the action, hiding in the shadows.

Maul has always been driven by his anger; helped him survive and facilitate his dastardly plans, making him a formidable adversary not only to the Jedi, but also to Darth Sidious. Maul's jealousy, anger, and desire for revenge affected everyone. If it weren't for Darth Maul, the galaxy could have been very different.

Darth Maul's Dathomiri origin explained

The Nightsisters of Dathomir are led by Mother Talzin

Darth Maul is a Zabrak man from the planet Dathomir. Dathomir is a planet rich in the Force, inhabited by the Zabrak and the Nightsisters, a group of Force-sensitive witches. Maul's mother was Mother Talzinthe leader and most powerful of the Dathomirian Nightsisters. At some point, Sidious took Maul as his young apprentice, betraying Talzin in the process. Maul left two brothers behind. One was named Feral and the other was Savage Oppress, who played a significant role in Maul's Clone Wars-era history.

While not much is known about Maul's childhood on Dathomir in canon, James Luceno's story Star Wars Legends romance Darth Plagueis revealed that Maul was essentially given to Palpatine by his mother – not Talzin – when he was a small child, as his power with the Force and the dark side was clear from a young age. In Legends, Palpatine sends Maul to Mustafar to fully plunge him into the dark side.

Darth Maul's apprenticeship with Sidious

Very little has been revealed about Maul's early years of apprenticeship with Darth Sidious in canon, but he was raised to hate the Jedi and eagerly awaited the destruction of the Jedi Order at the hands of his Master. When the time finally came to reveal the presence of the Sith, as depicted in The phantom menaceSidious sent Maul to assassinate Queen Amidala of Naboo, following Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi as they protected her. Although Maul was unable to defeat Qui-Gon in the deserts of Tatooine, he would later succeed during the invasion of Naboo.

In what is probably one of the most famous lightsaber duels in history, Star Wars story, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Darth Maul fought each other valiantly, until Maul finally killed Qui-Gon Jinn. Obi-Wan, fueled by his grief, managed to cut Maul in half in return. and push him to the center of the planet, never to be seen again - or so the Jedi thought.

How Darth Maul came back from the dead

The Clone Wars were a dangerous time for the Jedi, made even more dangerous by the resurgence of Maul (formerly Darth). The Nightsisters, including Asajj Ventress and Mother Talzin, were determined to take revenge on Count Dooku, Sidious' new apprentice. Talzin commanded Maul's brother Savage to locate Maul, which he eventually did, finding him buried under a pile of trash on the trash planet Lotho Minor.

Maul has survived all this time, fueled only by his rage against Obi-Wan Kenobi and a diet of garbage and maggots.. During his isolation, Maul apparently lost his mind, having constructed spider legs for himself from the surrounding trash. When Savage brought Maul back to Dathomir, Talzin gave him new legs and restored his mind, and Maul swore revenge on Kenobi, Sidious, and the rest of the galaxy, taking Savage on as his own Sith apprentice.

Career in the Clone Wars and Dark Times of Darth Maul

As a duo, Maul and Savage were prolific, targeting and allying with Separatist-affiliated groups and criminal organizations such as Mandalore's Death Watch, Black Sun, and the Pyke Syndicate, creating a new criminal network called Shadow Collective. With the support of the Shadow Collective, they took over Mandalore; Maul's departure with Death Watch leader Pre Vizsla resulted in complete control of the warrior planet. As Maul steadily built his power, he encountered and fought Obi-Wan Kenobi several times, though he was never able to truly gain the upper hand.

In a fit of rage, Maul killed the love of Obi-Wan's life, the Mandalorian Duchess Satine Kryze. In light of everything he's done, this was probably Maul's cruelest act yet.

This frustrated Maul to no end and in a fit of rage Maul killed the love of Obi-Wan's life, the Mandalorian Duchess Satine Kryze. In light of everything he's done, this was probably Maul's cruelest act yet. Little did Maul know, however, that killing Satine would alert Sidious to the presence of his former apprentice. The Sith Lord arrived on Mandalore, faced Maul and Savage in a duel and mercilessly killed Savage and tortured Maul, eventually taking him captive.

Although it is unclear how Maul escaped Palpatine's clutches, he eventually returned to Mandalore, beginning the siege of Mandalore with the hopes of drawing out Obi-Wan and Anakin Skywalker.. By this time, Maul somehow knew what Palpatine's plans were for Anakin, and Maul hoped to deprive the Sith Lord of his new apprentice, still fueled by his anger and rejection at Palpatine's hands. Unfortunately for Maul, however, neither Obi-Wan nor Anakin showed up – instead, Satine's sister, Bo-Katan Kryze, was helped during the siege by Anakin's former Padawan, Ahsoka Tano.

Maul was still looking for a new apprentice after the loss of his brother, and offered to join forces with Ahsoka, pleading with her as a former apprentice discarded by those who were supposed to teach them. Ahsoka refused, of course, and after an incredibly tense (and beautiful) duel, Ahsoka captured Maul for the Republic. The galaxy was about to change, however. Palpatine enacted Order 66 soon after.

The latest comic book series featuring Darth Maul is Star Wars: Darth Maul - black, white and red (2024).

Ahsoka released Maul as a distraction, allowing Maul and her to escape. Although, as a Force user, Maul was also at risk of being hunted by Vader's Inquisitors and clone troopers, he managed to survive during the early days of the Empire's reign, and eventually rebuilt his criminal empire, renaming it Crimson Dawn. As revealed in Solo: A Star Wars StoryMaul operated his crime syndicate on Dathomir, ordering his enforcer Dryden Vos to do his dirty work. After Vos' death, Maul continued to command Crimson Dawn with Vos' right-hand woman, Qi'ra, as his new enforcer.

Darth Maul's Star Wars Rebels Plan

Among the events of Solo: A Star Wars Story and Star Wars RebelsMaul fled to the planet Malachor. Although he was trapped there for years, he was eventually “rescued” by the young Jedi Padawan Ezra Bridger, whom Maul wanted to take on as his apprentice. Ezra was accompanied by Ahsoka Tano and Kanan Jarrus – who were surprised to see the former Sith, to say the least – and although Maul temporarily allied with them to fight the Inquisitors, he soon turned against them to reveal his true self. flat.

Malachor was an ancient Sith planet and hid an ancient and incredibly powerful battle station, which Maul wanted to use to kill his enemies once and for all.. He was thwarted by the newly blind Kanan, Ezra, and Ahsoka when Ezra took the Sith Holocron needed to activate the weapon. Maul fled when Darth Vader arrived on Malachor, stealing an Inquisitor's ship. However, that wasn't the end of Maul and Ezra's manipulative dynamic. Far from it.

Soon after, Maul located Ezra and the rest of the Ghost Crew. He took them hostage and forced Ezra to combine the Sith Holocron with a Jedi Holocron. This ritual was intended to provide them with answers, and they each caught a glimpse of a planet with twin suns. Later, Maul took Ezra to Dathomir to understand their shared vision, and what they discovered sent Maul into a tailspin. Obi-Wan Kenobi was still alive, safe and well on Tatooine, and he could finally get his revenge.

After days of fruitless searching, Maul used his psychic connection with Ezra to lure him to Tatooine, hoping to draw Kenobi out of hiding. It worked, as Ezra believed Obi-Wan was meant to destroy the Sith, and he was desperate to find him. Kenobi saved Ezra's life and told him to return to his friends, leaving him alone with a weakened but no less angry Maul.

Darth Maul's death shows he never moved beyond his past

Darth Maul dying in Obi-Wan Kenobi's arms.

Maul and Obi-Wan's final duel on Tatooine is perhaps one of the most significant and symbolic duels of all time. Star Wars. Short and powerful, Maul even tried to use the same move he used to kill Qui-Gon against Obi-Wan, but by this point, Obi-Wan knew Maul better than anyone. He anticipated the movement and delivered a single killing blow to Maul, holding him in his arms as his former rival slowly escaped.

Maul and Obi-Wan's final duel on Tatooine is perhaps one of the most significant and symbolic duels of all time. Star Wars.

In his final moments, Maul asked if the person Kenobi was protecting on Tatooine was the Chosen One, and if he would end the Sith. Obi-Wan assured him so, giving Maul one last moment of peace before he passed away. He hated Obi-Wan, but he hated Palpatine more, and knowing that his former Sith Master would one day be destroyed was enough. However, Darth Maulof Star Wars The story is one of violence, rejection, hatred and tragedy, but it makes him an even more attractive character.