Warning: This article contains SPOILERS for The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 2 Finale.The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon season two ended strongly for most of the series' central characters, but Laurent and Ash's happy ending has a problem that could prevent them from reaching the Commonwealth. After 12 episodes of conflict and drama in France, Daryl Dixon The Season 2 finale ended on a positive note, with Daryl and Carol heading to England, Fallou finding new purpose in France, and Laurent and Ash flying to America. Although Codron's fate remains a mystery and Anna was killed, the finale's upbeat ending hinted at a positive future for the spinoff's cast.
However, while Laurent and Ash undoubtedly had the best ending of Daryl Dixonmain group ofthere is an overlooked issue that could jeopardize your trip to the Commonwealth. Having initially refused to travel to France, Ash was eventually persuaded after Carol lied about Sophia's death. He was left heartbroken after Carol revealed her true reasons for wanting to travel to Europe, but the pilot managed to overcome the betrayal to give Laurent a chance at a better life. Unfortunately, Ash's survival experience could be a big problem when it comes to escorting the child safely to his new home.
Ash's mistakes mean Laurent may not reach the Commonwealth safely after Daryl Dixon's second season
Ash's lack of survival skills suggests he will fight to protect Laurent alone
All over Daryl DixonLaurent was protected by Daryl along with several other characters, which is why he crossed over to France, but his journey to the Commonwealth will be completely different. Although Ash managed to survive most of the apocalypse alone, he spent a lot of time isolated in his safe zone and did not venture outside much, which caused him a severe lack of survival skills. His compound was easily overrun by walkers in the Season 2 premiere, and he's experienced several other dangers, making it a miracle that Ash hasn't already died in Daryl Dixon.
Ash's piloting skills make him an incredibly valuable ally, but he's clearly not the kind of survivor who can easily fight off zombies and protect a child, raising questions about whether he can take care of Laurent.
In the jungle, he fought hard, as he ended up injured in a car surrounded by zombies, surviving only because Daryl and Carol managed to locate and rescue him. Additionally, If it weren't for Daryl's quick thinking and instincts, Ash would have run into a walker at the end of Season 2.which could have been a huge disaster. His piloting skills make him an incredibly valuable ally, but he's clearly not the kind of survivor who can easily fight off zombies and protect a child, raising questions about whether he can care for Laurent.
Losing his son will no doubt make Ash even more motivated to keep Laurent safe and throw himself into danger.but that doesn't guarantee they'll make it without extra help. Ash also had to stop in Greenland to refuel his plane at the beginning of Daryl Dixon Season 2, but he had Carol to help protect him, and they still barely survived. Laurent would not be able to offer the same support, and even if the extra tank of fuel got them to America without stopping, the pair would still have to get from their landing site to the Commonwealth.
Although Daryl Dixon The season 2 finale made audiences think that Laurent and Ash would be fine, there are clearly still some huge obstacles they'll have to overcome, and without any experienced survivors to help them on their journey, their path to the Commonwealth will be far from straightforward. .
The Commonwealth may be attacked before Daryl and Carol get back there
Unresolved Assignment 2 storyline means Daryl and Carol could be heading into a war zone
With Daryl and Carol likely to return to the Commonwealth at some point in the future, there is a strong possibility that the community will be under attack before they arrive. The last time we saw the Commonwealth, it was in a good place. Ezekiel and Mercer seemed to lead the settlement, there was unity among the residents, and there was no ongoing conflict, indicating that the future would be peaceful. However, while Undead The season 11 finale managed to resolve the Commonwealth's internal problems, but it never addressed the mysterious Assignment 2, which could still become an issue.
During "Outpost 22", Connie was being delivered to a place called Assignment 2, with a Commonwealth soldier claiming that people who go there are never seen again. Lance Horsnby also mentioned working with people who would be very upset in the event of his death. Although Hornsby was killed and Connie rescued before being taken to this hidden community, there was no retaliation from the villains, but that could have since changed. Undead last showed the Commonwealth.
It is possible that some time after Carol left for France, Assignment 2 finally revealed itself with an ambush on the community.
It is possible that some time after Carol left for France, Assignment 2 finally revealed itself with an ambush on the community. Why they would wait so long to strike or what their goals are is still unclear, but with the franchise lacking an overarching villain, it could be a way to work towards a crossover. Therefore, If Assignment 2 started a war with the Commonwealth, Daryl and Carol could be walking into the middle of that battlecreating a tense arrival for the pair.
Daryl Dixon's Season 2 Finale Wants You to Assume Laurent and Ash Fly Home Safely
The upbeat ending could be a red herring about how difficult their journey will really be
Ash and Laurent leaving France felt like the most triumphant moment in the Season 2 finale, making it obvious that the writers want the audience to assume the pair returned home safely. However, it could all be a red herring to highlight that the flight was just the beginning of his journey. Managing to take off from an unorthodox runway while L'Union and Pouvoir were firing at them was a great achievement, indicating that they had overcome the worst of their problems, but this may not have been the case.
Along with the potentially dangerous journey to the Commonwealth, the plane could also have sustained damage, potentially requiring an emergency landing. So until the pair actually reach the safe zone, their struggles are far from over, which means they could have their own storyline in Season 3, trying to find the Commonwealth. Regardless of what happens to your narrative, Daryl Dixon finishing on a high is far from a guarantee that Ash and Laurent will have a smooth ride homebut I'm excited to see where their story goes in the future.