Daryl Dixon Season 3 synopsis shows how Rick Grimes can reunite with his brother

Daryl Dixon Season 3 synopsis shows how Rick Grimes can reunite with his brother

The Walking Dead: Daryl DixonThe change of setting provides the perfect opportunity to introduce Rick Grimes' brother, and the synopsis for season 3 shows exactly how the siblings can meet face-to-face. After two seasons in France, Norman Reedus' Daryl Dixon will continue his European tour by migrating to Spain. The whole walking dead The franchise may be based mostly in the United States, but Spain has a special significance in Robert Kirkman's zombie apocalypse, because that's where Rick Grimes' brother is located.

The alienA walking dead Spinoff comic released in 2016, starred Jeffrey Grimes, younger sibling of Rick, in a Barcelona-set short story. Jeffrey was traveling shortly before The Walking Deads zombie outbreak, and is desperately hoping to get back to his family in the US. it. Before the tragedy struck. Jeffrey never made an appearance in the main comic series, and AMC's TV adaptation didn't even mention the character, but with Daryl confirmed to explore Spain after Daryl Dixon Season 2, the opportunity to introduce another member of the Grimes family looks too good to ignore.

The synopsis of Daryl Dixon Season 3 allows Rick and his brother to reunite

Jeffrey needs Daryl & Carol to get back home

Daryl Dixon Season 3's synopsis confirms Daryl and Carol venture from France to Spain as part of their ongoing efforts to get back home. Previously, the reason for their trip was unclear - especially after Daryl chose to stay in France with Laurent and Isabella after Daryl Dixon Season 1's ending. Nevertheless, the synopsis of season 3 clearly states that the upcoming Spanish is just a temporary stop on Daryl's long and winding road to Alexandria, and this makes the potential introduction of Jeffrey Grimes even more intriguing.


If Daryl had been visiting Spain only to recruit allies against Genet's Pouvoir Du Vivant group and then planned to immediately return to France, for example, Jeffrey's potential role in the spinoff would have been very short-lived. Since The younger Grimes brother would try to reach the United StatesAnd Daryl would be committed to his new French family, Jeffrey would be heading in the exact opposite direction to the spinoff's main protagonist.

Because Daryl and Carol are confirmed to seek passage back to American shores in Daryl Dixon In Season 3, however, it would be perfectly natural for Jeffrey to join a ride with his sibling friends. when Daryl Dixon Finally bringing the action back to Alexandria, Rick and Jeffrey can then have their joyous reunion scene.

It doesn't matter that The Walking Dead never mentioned Rick's brother

Family has always been a tricky subject in The Walking Dead

Rick Grimes with a defiant look and a wound on his forehead in The Walking Dead: The Living.

The fact that Jeffrey Grimes' name was never once uttered in The Walking Dead Poses no obstacle to his potential appearance in Daryl Dixon Season 3. For one thing, there are plenty of plausible reasons why Rick might avoid mentioning Jeffrey in conversation with his post-apocalypse friends. Perhaps the brothers were estranged before the apocalypse, or maybe Rick, without any means of contacting Europe, simply assumed Jeffrey died thanks to his terrible survival skills.

It should be noted that The Walking DeadS letters rarely mention extended family as a general rule. Beyond important figures like on-screen relatives (Daryl's brother Merle, for example) and any children the characters may have had, few survivors make a habit of discussing parents, uncles and aunts, siblings and other family members from before the outbreak. . As such, it wouldn't be unusual for Rick Grimes to have a brother overseas that he never mentions, meaning Daryl Dixon Season 3 is free to include Jeffrey Grimes without carving out a glaring inconsistency.

The real problem with Daryl Dixon Season 3 debuting Jeffrey Grimes in live-action

Will viewers care about a reunion they never knew was possible?

Norman Reedus as Daryl Dixon Surrendering in The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 2 Trailer.

There are many advantages Daryl Dixon Bring Jeffrey Grimes into the franchise. Any connection back to Rick, the show's main character, is always a big deal, and the spinoff would be adapting a tantalizingly untouched chapter of Robert Kirkman's source material. Regardless, one major drawback could detract from the storyline entirely.

If, during its nine seasons on The Walking DeadRick often mentioned Jeffrey and expressed a desire to learn his brother's fate, the reunion would feel well-earned.

While Rick never mentions his brother in The Walking Dead Before isn't a problem as far as creating a plot hole, it leaves audiences with very little reason to care about their relationship. Rick's reunion with Michonne in Those who live was the culmination of a narrative of Andrew Lincoln's exit from The Walking Dead In season 9. When Rick and Daryl eventually see each other again, the scene will have a similarly seismic impact because the characters have developed a strong bond over the span of 14 years.

Daryl Dixon Telling viewers that Rick and Jeffrey haven't seen each other in over 14 years and are overjoyed to be reunited isn't really enough. In the end, it will just be Rick Grimes hugging a character that, until very recently, didn't exist, which does little in terms of pulling at the heart strings. If, during its nine seasons on The Walking DeadRick often mentioned Jeffrey and expressed a desire to learn his brother's fate, the reunion would feel well-earned. Without this connection, the joy in the universe Rick and Jeffrey feel when clapping eyes on each other will not translate to the audience.