Daryl Dixon Season 2 Trailer

Daryl Dixon Season 2 Trailer

A new trailer for The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon was released, showing Carol (Melissa McBride) fighting her way to Daryl (Norman Reedus) while teasing a barrage of action sequences. Daryl Dixon Season 1 ends teasing Carol's search for her friend, with trailers for season 2 confirming that she'll get to France by plane during her rescue mission. However, her attempt to bring him home will not be so easy, as he continues to fight these Pouvoir How he protects Isabelle (Clémence Poésy) and Laurent (Louis Puech Scigliuzzi).

The Walking Dead Released the latest trailer for Daryl Dixon season 2, Which shows Carol arriving in a town in FranceArmed with a sniper rifle as she searches for Daryl. The titular character is also seen in various action-packed scenes, including fighting a horde of zombies while atop a tank, and riding a horse through a tunnel. Other scenes show him seemingly hugging Isabelle as they talk. The trailer also teases Codron (Romain Levi) returning after being tortured by the Pouvoir.

Another short scene also confirms the death of one of Carol's companions During her travels, she was hit by a flare in the neck. Carol is also seen in a tunnel filled with green light, killing zombies with a knife on her own. Losang is also briefly seen training a few people in combat while Daryl looks on, confirming the Nest will make a strong appearance in season 2. Check out the new trailer below:

What the new Daryl Dixon Season 2 trailer means for the show's return

Many major events have been confirmed

The newest trailer offers the first real glimpse of Carol in a French city, following previous trailers showing her exploring large grassy plains upon her arrival. This confirms Daryl Dixon Season 2 will show the couple separated but slowly coming together through circumstance, since Daryl's main objective still seems to be fighting the Pouvoir. however, The trailer also teases how threatening zombies will continue to beEven without the variants were made by the antagonistic group. With a lot of exciting sequences to come, it seems that the trailers are only offering morals of the larger story at play.


Carol will be traveling with a new companion, Ash (Manish Dayval).But the latest trailer shows her in France alone, making it unclear what will happen to him and others she was seen to be gathered with. It's possible that they all end up dead on their way to find Daryl, especially with one of them confirmed to have been hit by a flare. With her potentially making enemies of the Pouvoir In mine, it is possible new letters in Daryl Dixon will be caught in the crossfire of her reunion mission.

Our take on the latest Daryl Dixon Season 2 trailer

The dangers in France are escalating

Melissa McBride as Carol riding a motorcycle next to Norman Reedus as Daryl holding a gun in The Walking Dead Daryl Dixon
Custom image by Kyle McLeod

Based on the action-packed new trailer for season 2, It seems that the dangers in France will start escalating at the same time Carol arrives in the country. This could possibly set the stage for those already confirmed Daryl Dixon Season 3, which will see the characters go to Spain after the events of the upcoming episodes. With many memorable scenes and character moments already teased, it looks like season 2 could be even bigger than season 1 for all its heroes.

Source: The Walking Dead/ YouTube