Daryl Dixon Season 2 Ending Points Towards Major Character's Return for Season 3

Daryl Dixon Season 2 Ending Points Towards Major Character's Return for Season 3

Warning: This article contains SPOILERS for The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 2 Finale.The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon The Season 2 finale wrapped up most of France's major storylines and took the protagonists to a new location, but the final moments also marked the return of a key Season 3 character. Undead The deaths in Season 2 suggested a grim fate for most of the series' supporting characters, the finale offered a more hopeful ending for others. Akila gave Fallou a reason to stay in France, giving the pair a warm and wholesome ending, while Ash and Laurent flew to America, giving them an equally upbeat conclusion.

Unfortunately, despite these characters having a strong send-off, Daryl Dixon the third season, which takes place in Spain, means that very few of them are likely to feature heavily in the next installment. The spinoff's change of scenery will likely come with an entirely new cast, which suggests that Daryl and Carol will be the only constants when the series returns. However, the end of season 2 indicated that another survivor could still join the protagonists on their next journeysince their story was somewhat unresolved, giving Daryl DixonThe most underrated character is a strong reason to appear in the third season.

Codron's disappearance marks his return in Daryl Dixon's third season

Daryl Dixon 3 will have to resolve Codron's unknown fate

Unlike the rest Daryl DixonCodron's central characters, Codron's story is left on a cliffhanger, suggesting he needs to return in some form in season three. Codron joined Daryl, Carol, Fiona and Angus on their trip to England, but the tunnel caused the group to begin hallucinating. in the middle of their journey, creating a chaotic crescendo to the season. While Daryl and Carol managed to overcome their visions, Fiona and Angus were killed, but Codron's fate remains a mystery, as the character was last seen chasing his brother while delirious.

The final scene of season 2 follows Daryl and Carol progressing through the tunnel with gas masks on, but Codron is nowhere to be found. Given that he has been an important part of the story since the first episode, it would be strange for his story to end here, indicating that Codron will return in Daryl Dixon season 3. Whether he ends up in Spain with the protagonists is another question, but the fact that the spinoff didn't kill him off suggests they still have plans for him, making his disappearance all the more intriguing.

While it's possible that he will be killed off-camera or that Daryl and Carol will find him dead at the start of Season 3, his survival skills and pivotal role in the story point to a future. Undead back, and he deserves another chance to shine.

Codron's story deserves to be continued in future seasons by Daryl Dixon

Codron quickly became one of the spinoff's best characters thanks to his redemption arc

After being a major antagonist in Season 1, Codron's redemption comes in Daryl Dixon the second season made him one of the best characters in the entire series, proving that his story should continue. His intimidating personality and alliance with Pouvoir already made Codron a formidable foe for Daryl and L'Union, but his motivations were still understandable as he believed Daryl was responsible for his brother's death. Despite having the protagonist killed, Codron spared Daryl and his allies at the end of Season 1, after Laurent told him: “God loves you", setting him on a compelling path to redemption.

Even after being tortured by Genet, Codron remained strong and helped Carol and Daryl reunite, before protecting Laurent in the season finale.

Even after being tortured by Genet, Codron remained strong and helped Carol and Daryl reunite, before protecting Laurent in the season finale. He also put his past with Daryl aside and worked with him to prevent the villains from capturing Laurent, seemingly ending this rivalry. When he finally discovers that Daryl didn't kill Michel, it only adds more guilt over his previous actions, making him more determined to do what's right, thus helping the protagonists on their journey to England.

Although Codron's hallucination caused him to turn against Daryl at the end of Season 2, he didn't appear to be heading back down a sinister path.and if he survives, he will remain a valuable ally. Therefore, the series should keep the former antagonist around and give him the opportunity to continue growing, as Codron's character Undead the redemption story could surpass Negan's. Assuming the writers do his arc justice, Codron could easily become a central character for years to come, making it crucial that the franchise doesn't waste its potential.

Codron's perfect ending would be joining the main group of The Walking Dead

The character deserves the chance to become part of something meaningful

With the possibility of Laurent and Ash getting together UndeadCodron's main group becoming part of the Commonwealth isn't out of the question - and it's his perfect ending. In addition to being filled with regret over his past, Codron lacks true purpose after losing his loved ones. As a result, finding a home with the franchise's main characters would show how far Codron has come since his villainous attack in Daryl Dixon season 1and being able to help his former rival return to his allies would be a full circle moment for him.

It would also allow his blossoming friendship with Daryl to continue and seeing him interact with some of the franchise's biggest characters would certainly be great entertainment. Codron would undoubtedly be a useful addition to the Commonwealth and allied communities, considering he is a talented survivor who possesses many leadership qualities. Plus, getting the chance to see Laurent again and help him grow would make all of Codron's sacrifices more meaningful, and I hope Daryl Dixon gives him the chance he deserves at a happy ending.