Novice The ending of the first season wrapped up long-standing mysteries, raised new ones, and left the shadow of Darth Vader and the dark side looming over the Age of the High Republic. After Novice The ending of Episode 7 responded exactly to what happened on Brandock, with eyes immediately drawn to the season finale. The show was meant to wrap up the fates of Osha and May, explain more about Kimir's motives and his connections to the larger Sith organization, wrap up Master Sol's tragic story, and explain Vernestra Rvo's connection to the whole ordeal.
As such, NoviceThe core cast of characters was the focus of the season one finale. Novice Episode eight saw all parties return to the fateful planet Brandock once and for all, leading to massive reveals, character changes and tantalizing hints at possible future seasons. Novice- although now they may never come true. Through various elements, Novice has taken one step away from The High Republic and into the prequel trilogy era, as ominous forebodings of Darth Vader's future linger on, aided by the shadow of the dark side.
Master Saul's Example Proves the Senator Was Right About the Jedi
The tragedy of Jedi Master Saul proves the shortcomings of the Jedi Order
In earlier episodes Novice, Vernestra Rvo was shown restraining a senator named Rayencourt. Rayencourt wanted to initiate an external review of the Jedi's activities in the Senate before finally appearing in the middle of the process. Novice episode 8. Vernestra Rvo speaks with Riencourt as the senator continues to call for said external review now that the two organizations are working more closely together. Rhiencourt tells Verne that he doesn't trust the Jedi and wants to see what or who they are fighting for, if not just themselves.
Vernestra insists that Ryencourt is wrong, but Novice The ending of Episode 8 featuring Master Sol proves otherwise. After Sol's untimely death at the hands of Osha, Vernestra blames him solely for the murders of Indara, Torbin, and Kelnakka, instead of bringing May to justice. Sol is being used as a scapegoat, justifying the wider Jedi Order for their involvement in the events Novice, The Senate was informed that these problems were caused by Saul's own selfish actions. Unfortunately, Saul's example proves that Senator Ryancourt may have been right that the Jedi sometimes do not know what is best for the galaxy.
Osha, a failed Jedi, becomes a Sith with Darth Vader's signature powers
Popular Acolyte Theory Comes True Thanks to Osha's Dark Twist
WITH Novice in episode 6, a common theory was that Osha and May would switch places; May will see the Jedi in a different light, and Osha will turn to the darkness and join Kimir. IN Novice This happened in the episode 8 finale. Osha and May confront each other on Brandock. This allows May to tell Osha that Saul killed Anisea, causing Osha to be filled with anger. Osha attacks May, and their battle reaches the courtyard, where Sol engages Kimir.
Osha squeezes harder until Sol dies, ending the life of one of Novicethe most compelling characters.
May manages to get Saul to confess to Anisea's murder within earshot of Osha. This causes the latter to completely abandon her previous training and embrace the anger, fear and guilt that caused her to fail as a Jedi. In my rage Osha begins to use the Force to strangle Sol.. The Force choke is a technique that has become synonymous with Darth Vader, deliberately linking iconic Star wars villain and Osha. Eventually, Osha's grip tightens until Sol dies, ending the life of one of the Novicethe most compelling characters.
Jedi lightsaber 'melted down' into Sith blade
The answer to a long-standing question about Star Wars
Regarding Star wars lightsabers, many wondered how exactly the Sith warriors managed to achieve their signature red color for their weapons. IN Star warslightsabers are powered by Cyber crystals. Young people are sent to mine kyber crystals on the planet Ilum, at least when the Order was at its most powerful. There, aspiring Jedi receive a crystal that usually turns blue, green, yellow, or one of the other Jedi lightsaber colors. Star wars once bonded to its owner.
However, One aspect of kyber crystals that has only been described in comics and novels is how they turn red for Sith warriors.. Kyber crystals that turn red are often described as "bleeding" when dark siders pour all their hatred, anger and malice into them so that they turn dark in color. IN Novicethis is the case. As Osha force-chokes Sol with one hand, she holds his lightsaber in the other. As Osha sinks deeper into her darkness, the kyber crystal begins to bleed, turning it red and changing the once significant blue of the Jedi to the dark red of the Sith.
The Stranger's unexpected connection with Vernestra Ro is revealed
What does Vernestra have to do with Kimir?
One of the other most common theories about Novice affected Vernestra and Kimir. Considering that Vernestra was outside NoviceIn the main story before the ending, many assumed that she was related to Kimir. This was supported by Vern's comments, which seemed to imply that she knew more about what was going on. IN Novice In episode 8, this theory was finally confirmed. As soon as Verne sets foot on Brandok, she senses Kmir through the Force, just as he senses her.
Vernestra then states "You! You're alive" before Kimir puts his cortosis helmet back onblocking the Force. This makes it clearer than ever that Vernestra somehow knows about Kimira, but exactly how they are related is not revealed. Novice Episode 8. Given that the events Novice and Vernestra's appearance in the High Republic books, their connection may be an original creation for the former.
The Jedi are hiding the truth about what happened to Master Sol
The Jedi hid Sol's death because of the Acolyte's mysteries and their own mistakes.
As mentioned, Sol's death is covered up by Vernestra Rho, presumably under the direction of the Jedi Council. Sol's death would mean that the Jedi would have to take responsibility for what happened on Brandoc, as well as the tragedies that befell Indara, Torbin, and Kelnakka. Likewise, accepting what happened would mean accepting the reality that the Sith had tipped the balance of the galaxy to the dark side. Vern knows this due to her unknown connection to Kimir, causing the Jedi to blame Sol and only Sol for what happened in Novice Season 1.
In the second season of "The Acolyte" Vernestra and May would probably see the hunt for Osha
The connections between Vern, Kimir, May, and Osha would likely be the driving force behind season two.
Novice The finale perfectly set up the second season of the series, but with Novice cancellation seems like it will never happen. Novice Episode 8 ended with some cliffhangers. Not only was Osha now with Kimir on the Unknown Planet, ready to embrace the dark side and train as his apprentice, but May was now under the tutelage of the Jedi.
The finale also included a shocking version of Darth Plagueis, marking the first live-action appearance of the powerful Sith Lord. Despite these exciting concepts, Seems Novice the screen story is truly over. Despite the fact that the public insisted on Novice will be renewed following news that the show will not be picked up for a second season, Lucasfilm doesn't appear to be changing its mind anytime soon.
It's a shame because Novice Season 2 will almost certainly see May and Vern looking for Osha and Kimir. This would reunite the sisters once again after May's memory was wiped, and it would lead to Kimir and Vernestra finally coming face to face. The latter would be especially exciting as it would likely involve a massive showdown involving Vern's incredible lightsaber and Kmir's lightsaber-dagger. Now these stories will remain in limbo.
Two large cameos of the Acolyte show both light and darkness
The Light and Dark Sides come into play in the Acolyte's Surprise expansion.
Undoubtedly the biggest topic of conversation Novice The finale of the first season will consist of two main Star wars cameos. Midway through the episode, as Kimir and Osha leave the mysterious planet to intercept May and Sol, a robed figure watches them. This figure is nothing more than Star wars Darth Plagueis, Emperor Palpatine's Sith Master. Plagueis' bony fingers, long face, and piercing yellow eyes are shown as Osha and Kimir leave, truly reflecting the shadow of the dark side in the series.
On the opposite side NoviceThe Spectrum of Good and Evil makes a cameo appearance in the final shot of the series: Master Yoda. After Vernestra Rvo tries to cover up the crimes of the Jedi Order, she enters the room and apologizes for disturbing Yoda, insisting that they need to talk. The camera pans down to reveal the back of Yoda's head, which looks more like a puppet Yoda than the CGI version of the prequels. This hints at Novice a much broader story of light and dark that ties into future stories of the Skywalker saga.
This hints at Novice a much broader story of light and dark that ties into future stories of the Skywalker saga.
The Acolyte's true connection to Darth Plagueis still remains a mystery.
What role will Darth Plagueis play in the future?
Since Plagueis is officially featured in Star wars canon for the first time in Novicethe question of how he relates to this story becomes more important than ever. Many assumed that Plagueis would be involved, given NoviceThis is the story of how the Sith infiltrated the Jedi and used the Force to create life, but the more pressing question was always how the mysterious Sith Lord would be used. After Novice episode 8, there are many possibilities. Perhaps Darth Plagueis was simply watching the whole time.
Plagueis was obsessed with creating life using midi-chlorians. Plagueis may have known that the witches of Brandoc could achieve this by silently watching from the shadows to study this power. Another possibility is that Plagueis is related to Kimir either as his Master or as a former Master. Conversely, Kimir may not even know of Plagueis' existence, and the latter wants the former dead since he is a Sith pretender. All this suggests that Plagueis' participation in Novice opens up many opportunities that most Star wars fans can't wait to see the benefits.
'The Acolyte' Cancellation Means The Show's Mysteries Won't Be Revealed Anytime Soon
Unfortunately, the future of all these mysteries hangs in the balance
There's no doubt that Novice was controversial for a variety of reasons, but it was nonetheless surprising how quickly rumors spread that the show wouldn't be renewed, especially because of how many story possibilities there were after the first season finale. However, in light of this cancellation lingering secrets from Novice remain unanswered, and it is unclear when, if at all, answers will come. Star wars confirmed that there will be some spin-off stories for the series, but they are unlikely to answer the remaining questions.
There are a number of connections to Novice coming to Star wars franchise. These spin-offs include Star Wars: The Acolyte - Kelnakka #1a canon one-shot comic focusing on the titular Jedi Master Kelnakka, and Star Wars: Acolyte: Travelernovel about Vernestre Ro, set earlier Novice. There is also one without a name Star wars youth novel in works, which will feature Novice Jord Fandar and Jackie Lohn.
Notably, each of these upcoming tie-ins is set in advance. Novice. Although it's interesting to know that these characters' stories will continue even after Novice withdrawal, these side effects suggest that the answers regarding Novice a lot of mysteries. Of course, it's possible that additional books will be announced that could follow. Novicebut so far nothing has been revealed. What remains disappointing is that Novice Looks like he has no screen future Star warsalthough many hope that one day the situation will change.