Darth Maul Creator Reveals His Favorite Star Wars Disney Story and Looks to the Future with Hope

Darth Maul Creator Reveals His Favorite Star Wars Disney Story and Looks to the Future with Hope

Darth Maul creator Iain McCaig revealed his favorite Star Wars story, a recent addition to the Disney era that has the concept and storyboard artist feeling great hope for the future of the franchise. McCaig has been a part of the franchise for a long time thanks to his work on Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace and the incredible contribution that today is the fantastic character Darth Maul. Despite this, he stated that he had not connected with the galaxy and its stories until recently, with a particular Star Wars history.

Talking to StarWars. withMcCaig described what it was like watching the TV show Andor for the first time, and how this story made him truly understand and become part of the galaxy itself. "It was Andor who finally won my heart and soul,” McCaig revealed. “The superheroes are gone and for the first time I felt how fragile and terrible it was to live in the time of the Empire, and how some people persevere despite everything, whatever the cost. It connected Star Wars to the real world for me and I fell in love with it."

McCaig, inspired by Andorboots-on-the-ground approach, then talked about how he sees this story affecting Star Wars from now on. "Now,"he began,"I see endless untouched possibilities for this saga and would love to be part of its creation."Although McCaig was proud of the work he did in The phantom menace and to create something as long-term impactful as the character of Darth Maul, it took a story like AndorIt's for him to truly connect with the universe that George Lucas created almost fifty years ago.

Andor brought new life to Star Wars

It's completely different from anything else

McCaig is certainly not the only one who feels this way about Andor. It's very different from any other Star Wars story, in a way that certainly could have been controversial if it hadn't been executed so perfectly. From Tony Gilroy's excellent writing to Andor the breathtaking yet so human performances of the cast, Andor truly allows its audience to step into their world and understand exactly what it's like to be affected by the crushing and terrifying weight of tyranny, but still hold out hope for making a change. No wonder McCaig had the same experience.

It can be easy to look at a superhero like a Jedi and understand how they can overthrow a system as tyrannical as the Galactic Empire. To see ordinary people doing this in Andorhowever, it really ignites a very real spark of hope and inspiration. Teaches the lesson that no person is too small to create change that can have a true impact against injustice.

Our take on Iain McCaig's hopes for the future

The opportunities are endless if Star Wars seizes them

Prison Break in Andor Season 1 Episode 10

There is certainly much merit in McCaig's optimistic hopes of Star Wars future. Although many may be discouraged along the way Star Wars has seemed like lately, mainly due to the way his own fandom has received new content as of late, Andor stands out as something different, an example of what is still possible. With Andor 2nd season on the way, Star Wars We hope the public is reminded of this and assumes the same optimism as McCaig. There's so much space in Star Wars for exploration, should the franchise simply allow itself to be discovered.

Source: StarWars. with