Darkseid's killer new costume debuts ahead of his massive Justice League battle

Darkseid's killer new costume debuts ahead of his massive Justice League battle

Darkseid Is. Not only that, but he's back like never before. As DC rolls out its Absolute Universe, it seems like Darkseid will have more impact than just a Justice League Space villain. In a fresh glimpse of what's to come, Darkseid took on a new form that cemented him as the greatest enemy in DC history.

As part of DC's All In initiative, fans will get to see two different versions of the Justice League with parallel stories all their own. But there's only one Darkseid - and it seems he's given himself a new edge to win this time. Darkseid debuts a new costume in unlettered preview pages by Daniel Sampere and Alejandro Sánchez for DC All In Special #1 by Joshua Williamson, Scott Snyder, Sampere, Sánches, Wes Craig and Mike Spicer.

DC All In Special 1 preview page: Darkseid emerges with a new ax arm, preparing to battle the Justice League.

With his classic Omega mark as the symbol for his anti-life and his glowing red eyes that shoot Omega beams, Darkseid has also added a new flair. He comes as the Grim Reaper With a hood and a hood, but instead of a tailor's shirt, He traded his entire arm for a giant axe.

Darkseid is the Reaper of the Justice League

The Justice League fights against a new version of Darkseid

Comic book panels: Darkseid blasts eye beams upwards.

Created by the legendary writer/artist Jack Kirby, Darkseid really hasn't had too many makeovers. In a world of shifting timelines, Darkseid has basically remained the same, even in parallel universes. With crackling gray skin and glowing red eyes, He is like a zombified dictator of death - and this new costume and weapon only increase his ripper look.

Darkseid is becoming the weapon of death he always intended to be.

Darkseid is set to break the entire DC Universe this time. He has tried to destroy the world many times before, almost succeeding in Crisis II Final crisis And even as a "minin" in Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths - but it seems that he has had enough of failure. He's donning a new costume that's the perfect culmination of his foreboding presence, and his ax arm is one of the coolest changes to his character, especially considering He cut off his own arm himself, As revealed in further unlettered preview pages by Wes Craig and Mike Spicer.

Darkseid finalizes his anti-life evolution

Darkseid cuts off his own arm in panels by Wes Craig and Mike Spicer

Comic Page: Darkseid chops off his arm.

Darkseid already seems to be feeling the tide turn. He probably knows that His death is imminent. His new appearance isn't just the next step in the evolution of Darkseid's quest for anti-life, it's showing Darkseid's future. Even the Reaper must die, as DC has now teased that they will kill off Darkseid in the next big event before the debut of the new Justice League title, Justice League Unlimited By Mark Waid and Dan Mora. Anti-life has never had more symbolism than now, as Darkseid chops off his arm to lose a little of himself before he loses all of himself.


Darkseid is becoming the weapon of death he was always intended to be. But he'll leave behind an abysmal vacuum when he dies, and who his replacement is slated to be hasn't been confirmed by DC yet. For now, fans can enjoy Darkseid In its biggest and baddest ever, as the Grim Reaper comes to slash away the Justice League of history.

DC All In Special #1 Is available October 2nd from DC Comics!


DC All In Special 1 Main Cover: The Justice League appears on one side, and the Absolute Trinity appears on the other.

  • Writers: Scott Snyder, Joshua Williamson

  • Artist: Wes Craig, Daniel Sampere

  • Colorist: Mike Spicer, Alejandro Sánches

  • Cover artist: Daniel Sampere, Alejandro Sánchez