Daniel Craig James Bond the films shouldn't have waited so long to introduce Q - and Bond 26 should avoid making the same mistake by rebooting the franchise. The Craig era of the Bond series had most of the usual 007 supporting cast from the start. Royal Casino it had Judi Dench as M and Jeffrey Wright as Felix Leiter. But one key player was missing: MI6 quartermaster Q. Q ended up being introduced in Craig's third film, Fall from the skyplayed by Ben Whishaw. But it was strange that it took three films to bring it.
Bond 26 will be a real fresh start. Bond has been rebooted before, pretty much every time a new actor has taken on the role, but this time is different. Bond 26 will be the first Bond film since 007's first official on-screen death in There's no time to dieand will be the first Bond film since Amazon acquired the franchise. When Bond 26 reboots the property, it should bring Q right away, rather than waiting a few films like Craig's films did. Q is a staple of the Bond mythos and he deserves to be there from the beginning.
Casino Royale and Quantum Of Solace Cut Q To Underline Grounded Daniel Craig-Era Approach
There wasn't much room for gadgets in the gritty reboot
In typical Bond film formula, Bond pays a visit to Branch Q before heading out on a mission. Q will show him a handful of new devices he's created, like a pen grenade or a remote-controlled car, and later in the film, these devices will provide Bond with the perfect get-out-of-jail-free card when he's in danger. of life. It's always been a fun element of the Bond mythos. But since Eon decided to give Royal Casino the grounded and gritty realism of Bourne franchise, they decided to do without Q and their elaborate spy devices.
Gritty realism appeared in Craig's second Bond film, Quantum of Solacewhich is more of a generic action thriller than a true Bond adventure. Bond goes after an oil tycoon and, once again, Q's stupid devices disappear. Q's absence helped underscore the grounded, semi-realistic approach of Craig's films, but it also meant that a key piece of the franchise's mythology was missing. Q was finally introduced as a new recruit in Fall from the skywhich highlighted how much he was missed in the previous two films.
Bond 26 needs Q from the start - just look at Daniel Craig and Ben Whishaw's incredible partnership
Craig & Whishaw's chemistry was endlessly captivating
Bond 26 shouldn't delay the introduction of Q – he needs to be there from the beginning. Q is a hilarious foil to Bond; It's always a joy to contrast the smooth, brutal killer with the stuffy intellectual. Q may be smarter than Bond, but Bond may be cooler than Q. Craig's captivating on-screen chemistry with Whishaw is irrefutable evidence of what a fun pair of characters they are. Craig's Bond often had an ironic and insulting line for Whishaw's Q, and Whishaw's Q always had the perfect rebuttal. AND behind all the fighting, they actually started to care about each other.
And it's not just the character dynamics that make Q's inclusion a must for Bond 26; it also facilitates a great plant and reward. It's a classic joke to plant a Q gadget at the beginning of the film that would only apply to a very specific situation, and then compensate by placing Bond in exactly that situation later in the film. After the gritty realism of the Craig era, Bond 26 should go the other way with a wacky, tongue-in-cheek approach more in line with the films of Roger Moore and Pierce Brosnan.
How Bond 26 Can Update Q for a New Era of 007
Gadgets don't have to be so fancy
Bond 26 could update the classic Q character for a new era of the franchise. Many of Q's gadgets from the older films ended up being invented in the real world, so a new version of Q would have to stay one step ahead of reality. The Bond films are pure escapism, and part of that escapism is seeing futuristic gadgets that audiences can only imagine in the real world. With real-life technological advancements, a new take on Q could keep up with modern technology or go beyond it to create even more advanced equipment.
With real-life technological advancements, a new take on Q could keep up with modern technology or go beyond it to create even more advanced equipment.
Fall from the sky proved that Q's gadgets don't need to be too fancy. In that film, he gives Bond a gun coded specifically for his fingerprints, which saves him when someone takes his gun and tries to shoot him. That's not too far out of the realm of possibility, but it's still an enigmatic spy device. James BondIt's an augmented reality.