The Marvel 2099 version of Cyclops is set to meet WolverineIn his role as the cosmic hero Nova, put an entirely new spin on the classic X- Franchise dynamic between the two heroes. The 2099 The characters' incarnations are both very different from their familiar main-continuity versions, meaning it's totally open to speculation how the pair will work together as the Conquest Miniseries progresses.
In a preview released by AIPT for Conquest 2099 #1 - Written by Steven Orlando, with art by Ibraim Roberson and José Luis Soares Pinto - Cyclops 2099 is depicted coming to the aid of Spider-Man 2099 as he fights a villain. In the last page of the preview, Nova-Wolverine walks through a portal, teasing fans with the highly-anticipated meeting of the two characters.
How well the far-flung future heroes manage to cooperate will determine the fate of the 2099 Timeline, vi Conquest Find it threatened by an interstellar horde of raging vampires, led by Dracula.
Marvel 2099's reimagined Wolverine will come face-to-face with Scott Summers' successor as Cyclops
Conquest 2099 #1 - Written by Steven Orlando; Art by Ibraim Roberson & José Luis Soares Pinto; Available October 9
Conquest Continues the revitalization of Marvel Comics 2099 Timeline, after the success of the Destruction 2099 Miniseries. 2099 Originating in the 1990s, it depicts a cyberpunk future version of the Marvel Universe. Many of the analogues of the timeline to classic characters have already been established, including the future version of Cyclops from the continuity - still far Annihilation The biggest surprise was the discovery that Wolverine had taken the identity of the intergalactic hero Nova in the future. now, Conquest 2099 #1 will introduce Cyclops 2099, offering readers an exciting moment when the two meet For seemingly the first time.
The entrance of Cyclops into the Conquest The story offers an opportunity for Wolverine to deal with his X-Men Inheritance directly.
Recasting Wolverine as Nova was an exciting creative choice, one that subverted reader expectations and immediately gave Wolverine a position of prominence in the timeline's cosmic landscape. Rather than hiding in some dark, deserted bar, rejecting his call to action - like so many X-Men Stories Find Logan First - The "novarine" incarnation of the character has fully embraced his destiny as one of the greatest protectors of the Marvel Universe. Now, the entrance of Cyclops in the Conquest The story offers an opportunity for Wolverine to deal with his X-Men Inheritance directly.
"Conquest" gives Cyclops 2099 the chance to make a name for himself
First appearance: Spider-Man 2099: Exodus #5 - Created by Steve Orlando and Kim Jacinto
Although Cyclops 2099 appeared before, it was only briefly; Conquest 2099 will be the character's chance to truly prove himself a worthy successor to the name, and to become a more substantial player in the 2099 Universe. Cyclops 2099 was created by Conquest Author Steven Orlando for a previous Spider-Man 2099 arc, in which the future X-Men played a minor, albeit pivotal, role. In a way, the character embodies the spirit of the 2099 project by offering a true twist on the beloved concept of X-Men Cyclops.
Nova-Wolverine and Cyclops 2099 may develop a radically different interpersonal dynamic than readers are prepared for; Alternatively, they may slide quickly into a pattern that reflects the tradition of stretching the letters.
that is, Cyclops 2099 has the potential to become a breakout character, depending on his role in Conquest, And may open the door to the next generation of Wonder X-Men of 2099 Stories. His interactions with Wolverine will help define this possibility, and the possibilities have readers eager to discover what happens next. It's equally possible that Nova-Wolverine and Cyclops 2099 could develop a radically different interpersonal dynamic than readers are prepared for; Alternatively, they may slide quickly into a pattern that reflects the tradition of stretching the letters.
"Conquest 2099" will define the future of the Marvel Universe - in more ways than one
Conquest 2099 Five-issue miniseries running from October to December
The Conquest Miniseries will shape the trajectory of Marvel's next era of 2099 stories, but in a way, his success has even more far-reaching consequences than that. The original 1990s iteration of the 2099 Universe is ambitiously designed to imagine what the Marvel Universe would look like 100-years into the future; In the process, it proved to be a testing ground for how much Marvel could remix and reimagine the company's beloved characters, and still be fans, respectively. In a way, this is another one of the unknown virtues of the timeline.
Marvel 2099 is, if nothing else, a testing ground for exciting new ideas that don't currently "fit" into Marvel canon. The publisher has often found success when it embraces canon alternatives, such as with its famous What if? series, and to a certain degree, 2099. The introduction of Cyclops 2099, and his impending first contact with Wolverinewill be an exciting moment for readers, but it will also Provide the creative team of Conquest A chance to see the character dynamic in an entirely new way, which could have lingering effects For the original versions.
Source: AIPT
Conquest 2099 #1 Will be available October 9, 2024 from Marvel Comics.