Cyclops and Rogue's huge new rivalry just started, as Cyclops becomes the New Magneto

Cyclops and Rogue's huge new rivalry just started, as Cyclops becomes the New Magneto

Warning: Spoilers for X-Men #3!The two new versions of X-Men Led by Cyclops And Rogue are bound to collide. When the franchise relaunches after the conclusion of the Krakoa era, the new era establishes two X-Men teams operating in different parts of the world: one roster led by Cyclops in Alaska, and one New Orleans-based unit led by Rogue.

Despite being on two different sides of North America, the respective teams of Rogue and Cyclops have been set up for a confrontation, as foreshadowed in X-Men #3 by Jed MacKay, Ryan Stegman, JP Mayer, Livesay, Marte Gracia and VC's Clayton Cowles. One bad phone call could be the first step in instigating an all-out X-Men vs. X-Men war.

Rogue hangs up on Cyclops on the phone in X-Men #3

It may be even deeper than that, as Cyclops' X-Men may quietly be the more antagonistic of the two, more akin to the Brotherhood of Mutants than the X-Men, with Scott Summers taking on the role of​​​​ Magneto.

Marvel teases X-Men vs. X-Men

And a Magneto-esque Cyclops

While Cyclops' team is making a deliberate attempt on behalf of Scott Summers to relaunch the X-Men from the ashes of Krakoa, Rogue's X-Men all unintentionally fall into each other's laps. The more invisible of the two X-Men squads is made up of Rogue, Gambit, Jubilee and Wolverine, all former X-Men who want nothing to do with the team anymore, as they are all trying to recover from the trauma suffered in the Krakoa. Era's conclusion. The accidental death of a small boy who touches Rogue is enough to bring them all together in search of a real goal.


X-Men #3 begins with Cyclops on the phone with Rogue - the other half of the conversation can be seen in November. Invisible X-Men #2 - Discuss your plans with the latter and then hang up. A furious Scott rants at Beast, referring to the uncomfortable ones as "Possibly four of the most pigheaded mutants to ever exist." It takes a lot to get Scott this fired up, and some of that anger carries over into a later conversation with Agent Lundqvist where Scott implies that his rage might encourage him to lead the X-Men more than Magneto led the brotherhood.

Rogue has a deep connection to the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants

Is this a coincidence, or history repeating itself?

Rogue in the Brotherhood facing Captain America

Speaking of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, it's easy to forget that When Rogue first debuted in the comics, she was a villainous member of Magneto's infamous crew. (which was led by Mystic at the time). She would have a change of heart once Professor X and company were there for her as she struggled with the abilities and empathy she acquired from absorbing Captain Marvel's powers. Still, her original roots were against the X-Men long before she even considered officially becoming an X-Men. That's why it feels all the more pronounced when Cyclops says, "You want them to be my X-Men, not my brotherhood."

Considering his outburst against Agent Lundqvist comes mere pages after ranting about Rogue, It can't be a coincidence for Cyclops to mention the brotherhood by name. It has to be a deliberate choice on behalf of the creative team, perhaps to plant the seeds for something bigger developing for Rogue's story. Maybe this X-Men vs. X-Men tease is bigger than just what the marquee name would suggest. Instead, it might be a bigger part of Rogue to get déjà vu in staring down a well-intentioned leader with diabolical plans up his sleeves. And this time, Cyclops is becoming the leader.

Is Cyclops the villain of Rogue's Story?

Will it be X-Men vs X-Men, or X-Men vs the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants?

Cyclops warns Agent Lundquist about his X-Men being related to Magneto and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants

In every hero vs. hero encounter, even those developed over miscommunications or misunderstandings, there is usually a de facto protagonist and a de facto antagonist. There is not necessarily a villain in the story, as both sides are still heroes, but the story may be inclined to lean in one side's favor, or at least one person is more in the wrong than the other. This is what could make them an antagonist, and the new developments could make Cyclops the antagonist of the meeting. True, Cyclops actually could be foreshadowed to be a real supervillain, like Magneto.

In case, Cyclops was practically the de facto antagonist of 2012's Avengers vs. X-Men event when he had a different attitude about how to deal with Hope Summers' siege with the Phoenix Force. Because Scott's mind is different from that of the Avengers, he fired the first shot that started a war. The same case can happen here. Cyclops is notoriously passionate about his cause, especially when he is sure he is right, which has gotten him into deep trouble in the past. He says it clearly Rogues X-Men are wrong in their pursuits, and if Cyclops Leaving his wrath on them, he could redeem his proverbial brotherhood.

X-Men #3 is now on sale from Marvel Comics.