Crunchyroll’s most generic anime of the season may be more original than the title suggests

Crunchyroll’s most generic anime of the season may be more original than the title suggests

Warning: Spoilers for The healer who was banned from his party is actually the strongest episode 4Critics and even fans of anime genres where weak healers turn out to be strong or where protagonists are unfairly kicked out of their group are understandably accosted. Crunchy Rollof The healer who was banned from his party is actually the strongest with skepticism. However, the first few episodes of this ostensibly generic anime began to hint at the fact that It was probably much more than just another facsimile of not one, but two subgenresand the fourth episode appears to have cemented its status as an original series.

Much like isekai, even the most innovative anime of the “weak healer” or “kicked out of the party” subgenres still rely heavily on certain tropes, and The healer who was banned from his party is actually the strongest is definitely no exception. However, there are more than a handful of series that don’t even try to deviate at least a little from the formulas derived from their genre. Happily, The healer who was banned from his party is actually the strongest is, in fact, making several strides to stand out.

Weak power isn’t really what makes the hero strong

Adapted from the Light Novel by writer Kagekinoko and illustrator Kakao Lanthanum

Without fail, every hero who is kicked out of their respective party is banished because their power is useless, but once they are alone, the protagonist realizes that they have been greatly misunderstood to the point where they are actually godly. . More recent examples of this include Beast Tamer and even The strongest tank’s labyrinth raids – A tank with a rare endurance skill of 9999 was kicked out of the hero’s partythe latter of which focused solely on the rejection of other partisan tropes.

And although the protagonist of this new anime, Laust, is the strongest, it’s for a completely different reason. In episode 4, Laust is knocked out before being engulfed in some supernatural aura and completely destroying his enemy while still unconscious. Incredibly, there are no direct correlation of this new awakening with your weak healing abilityas always happens. In fact, an energy horn that appears on his forehead creates the impression that these powers are demonic.

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While it’s an unexpected development and the most shocking overall, it’s worth noting that the anime’s first three episodes had already made strides in deviating from the underrated power trope in a completely different way. It was strongly implied that Laust’s healing powers were really weak and that he had just strived to reinforce his other skills to make it more complete and useful. It’s for this reason that viewers were probably scratching their heads at the end of each episode, wondering if the anime should have been called The healer who was banned from your party is actually quite useful.

A special relationship that is enough to differentiate this “generic” anime

Anime produced by Studio Elle

Narusena as a child and adult with Laust in The healer who was banished from his party is actually the strongest

Other fun innovations abound in this series, like choosing an anime about a hero who gets kicked out of his party and starring the stereotypical protagonist who is ridiculed for his healing magic. Generally, they are separate, as in The wrong way to use healing magic. However, The healer who was banned from his party is actually the strongest it also introduced another fun dynamic that made a familiar formula more direct and consequential. A common story in this subgenre involves the protagonist being inspired to become an adventurer after saving him. However, in this anime, the secondary character was inspired by the protagonist, Laust, and joined his group without him realizing that she was the one he rescued.

This created a fun, layered dynamic to the proceedings. Sometimes he feels motivated to help her these days because he doesn’t want to disappoint that little girl he saved so long ago, while also failing to realize that she is the same person. In essence, this causes her to inspire you on multiple levels without your knowledge. It is for these reasons that The healer who was banned from his party is actually the strongest is proving to be much more than a generic isekai with a formulaic premise and long title.

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