Crimson Jack's fate in Star Wars Legends was much better than Greedo's

Crimson Jack's fate in Star Wars Legends was much better than Greedo's

Crimson Jack has apparently been brought into the live-action realm Star Wars in Star Wars: Skeleton Crew and the story of his original incarnation ended in a battle that may be somewhat reminiscent of Han Solo's standoff with Greedo. The modern Star Wars Canon already introduced its iteration of pirate captain Crimson Jack in a recent comic series, but Skeleton Crew revealed that Jude Law's Jod Na Nawood used “Crimson Jack” as a pseudonym. This could make him the same character seen in the modern canon. Star Wars comics.

In its original incarnation in Star Wars Continuity of the legend, Crimson Jack was a ruthlessly efficient pirate leader and rival to Han Solo. In the Marvel classic Star Wars comics, Crimson Jack stole Han Solo and Chewbacca soon after A New Hopepreventing them from repaying their debt to Jabba the Hutt. Crimson Jack would soon become the main villain of a five-issue story arc that ended with a climactic duel with Han Solo.

Crimson Jack's final duel with Han Solo was one of the most creative in Star Wars history

Crimson Jack Star Wars Marvel Comics.

Han Solo and Crimson Jack's final duel took place in deep space - a rarity in Star Wars franchise, with most space battles taking place aboard starships or space stations. Crimson Jack's Star Destroyer projected an energy field that connected it to the Millennium Falcon and allowed Solo and Jack to meet in space without the need for any protective equipment other than oxygen supplies.. What was supposed to be an exchange, however, became a duel between the two bandits.

This time, Han shot first

Han shot first in Star Wars

Although Crimson Jack's energy field protected them both from the many dangers of deep space (in addition to the lack of oxygen), they remained vulnerable to blaster fire, and the first blasts exchanged between Crimson Jack and Han Solo were simultaneous. While Crimson Jack was distracted by a larger space battle around him, however, Han Solo took advantage of the opening and attacked him.. This will undoubtedly remind Star Wars viewers of Han Solo's somewhat controversial encounter with the bounty hunter Greedo in A New Hope.

At the time of this issue's publication, there has only been one iteration of the standoff between Han Solo and Greedo, with Han Solo preemptively attacking the bounty hunter who was all too eager to kill him. The scene was – infamously – changed many times, with the 1997 Star Wars Special edition with Greedo shooting Han first and each successive re-release of A New Hope bringing the exchange of blaster fire closer to being simultaneous. Han Solo and Crimson Jack's duel in Star Wars Legends, although it starts with simultaneous blaster fire, ends with Han Solo definitely shooting first.

Skeleton Crew Release date schedule



Release date

Episode 3

David Lowery

December 10th

Episode 4

The Daniels

December 17th

Episode 5

Jake Schreier

December 24th

Episode 6

Bryce Dallas Howard

December 31st

Episode 7

Lee Isaac Chung

January 7th

Episode 8

Jon Watts

January 14th