Spoilers for your honor Season 1 ahead.your honor Season 2, Episode 1, "Part Eleven" picks up right where Season 1 left off, requiring no recap to cover the big points of the Season 1 finale. Adapted from the Israeli series Quodo, your honor Season 1 premiered in December 2020 on Showtime, billed as a miniseries. The show earned average reviews with a 49% on Rotten tomatoesBut this is one of Bryan Cranston's best performances. He plays the main and titular "honor", Michael Deciato, a respected New Orleans judge who subverts the law to save his son, Adam (Hunter Doohan).
The end of your honor In Season 1, Adam was shot dead, despite everything Michael tried to do to protect him. It is a tragedy in every sense, as Michael compromises his morals to protect Adam, but his son still winds up dead from an accidental accident and Michael ends up in prison. Despite the finality of season 1, Interest in the show convinced Showtime to renew the series for season 2which premiered in 2023. Now, your honor Season 3 even seems to be on the table, as popular as the show has remained.
Michael DeCiato wastes away in prison until his help is required
Olivia Delmont wants Michael to help take down the Baxters
your honor Season 2, Episode 1 takes place shortly after Adam was killed the previous season. Michael is now in prison, sporting a craggy beard, and coming to terms with his actions. He is so filled with grief that he refuses to eat, resulting in a painful scene of a feeding tube going down his throat. Later in the episode, Michael takes part in a game of poker, situated in a bullring where cheering fans bet on which player will be the last one left in his seat, a shocking real-life event that occurs in Angola prison (via Angola Museum).
When the bull approaches Michael, he closes his eyes and waits, as if longing for death. But, a newcomer to the cast of your honor arrives, Rosie Perez as Olivia Delmont, the assistant U.S. it. Attorney for the Eastern District of Louisiana.
Olivia reveals how Michael ended up in prison, and mentions recordings the court found of Michael conspiring with Jimmy (Michael Stuhlbarg) to rig Carlo's (Jimmy Stanton) trial. She has an offer for Michael. Olivia wants to take down the Baxters' criminal empire and thinks Michael would be the perfect person to help. Michael turns her down, however She returns and tells him that she will release him from prison if he cooperates.
If he can't help Olivia, his only friend could be run out of office and possibly sent to prison himself.
When this fails to convince Michael, she plays him a recording of his meeting with Jimmy, which immediately implicates Charlie Figaro (Isiah Whitlock Jr.) in the conspiracy. If he can't help Olivia, his only friend could be run out of office and possibly sent to prison himself. Without much recourse, Michael exits his jail cell as a happy Olivia congratulates him on his decision.
Gina Baxter urges retribution
Jimmy Baxter pushes for non-violence with desire
While Michael is languishing in prison, the Baxters are trying to get revenge on Eugene Jones (Benjamin Flores Jr.) for trying to kill Carlo in the season 1 finale. It was Eugene's poorly aimed bullet that killed AdamBut Carlo does not take the attempt on his life lightly. He searches for Eugene, who has escaped and, unknown to the Baxters, finds refuge with Desiree, a criminal gang in the Lower Ninth Ward. Desiree's leader, Big Mo (Andrene Ward-Hammond), captures Carlo as he invades her territory.
Jimmy preaches patience, but Gina wants revenge, no matter the cost.
She turns him on to Jimmy, in an attempt to calm the rising tension between the criminal gangs, and Jimmy seems nice enough, or at least he wants to avoid an all-out war for the time being. His wife, however, Gina (Hope Davis), one of the most dangerously intelligent characters in your honorBerates her husband for not doing more in revenge and is the one who sent Carlo after Eugene in the first place. Jimmy preaches patience, but Gina wants revenge, no matter the cost.
Big Mo helps Charlie's reelection chances
Little Mo releases Eugene
After shooting Adam, Eugene flees to the only people he knows, Desiree. Big Mo agrees to hide him but is angry with the young man for bringing his problems to her doorstep. Although he was saved from the Baxters, now Eugene is basically held captive by Desire, and Big Mo is getting more agitated by the day, especially after Carlo invaded her territory looking for Eugene. Although she and Jimmy come to a truce, there is an uneasy and There is no telling how quickly the violence could ramp up.
At the same time, Mayor Charlie is taking a lot of political heat in the run-up to the election because of all the recent violence, and he needs a win, fast. His answer comes after Little Mo (Keith Machekanyanga) releases Eugene, and sends him on a bus with some money, telling him to never come back. This throws a bit of a wrench into the plans of Big Mo, who was hoping to give Eugene to Charlie to earn some political cash with the mayor in exchange for a chapter on the violence happening around town.
Making something out of nothing, Big Mo encourages Charlie to pin Eugene's crimes on someone else, and she'll make sure Eugene stays away from New Orleans forever. Charlie has some cops pay off a coroner for a body and has them claim it's Eugene's. Mayor Charlie can go on TV and tell the community that he caught Eugene and Big Mo now has something over the mayor of New OrleansA useful card to play for a major crime lord.
Sophia Baxter has a surprise for Michael
Michael wants to read Fia's letter
Back in prison, Michael received frequent letters from Sophia "Fia" Baxter (Lily Kay) asking how he was doing and trying to connect with him about Adam, her boyfriend and his son. Michael ignored her letter, however, prompting Fia to visit him in prison. She asks Michael if Adam really loves her, and Michael tearfully replies that Adam was a terrible liar, so If he told Pia that he loves her, that is the truth.
Michael asks that Fia never visit him again, her presence is a painful reminder of his son and his past. Fia writes another letter to Michael at the end of your honor Season 2, Episode 1, and the camera pans to show her holding a newborn baby. Although it's not said, there's likely only one person who could be the father: Adam, and it's only a matter of time before Michael finds out that he and the Baxters share a grandchild.
Your Honor is a legal drama series starring Bryan Cranston as a respected judge whose son is involved in a hit-and-run accident. The incident sets off a dangerous chain of events that forces the judge to confront his own principles and navigate the moral complexities of the law. The series explores themes of justice, loyalty and ethics, and offers a compelling story of a father's desperate attempts to protect his son.
- Release date
December 6, 2020
- Seasons
- creator(s)
Peter Moffat