Cody Brown is too selfish to have a successful relationship (he plays the victim after his divorces)

Cody Brown is too selfish to have a successful relationship (he plays the victim after his divorces)

sister wife
Star Cody Brown is spiraling into negativity as he blames his ex-wife for the disintegration of their marriage. Cody was happily married to Meri Brown, Janelle Brown and Christine Brown when sister wife Premiere in 2010. After the fourth wife Robin Brown joined the family, there was a noticeable change in Cody's attitude. Although Cody favored Robin, the plural family still worked hard to function as a cohesive unit. Together they celebrated marriage, birth and new beginnings.

In recent years, the dream of the family has been crushed. Cody began spending almost all of his time with Robin, and he stopped putting effort into his other marriage. He fought with his children and did not seem to care about repairing their relationship. Cody believed he could continue to think only of himself without consequence, but he faced a rude awakening. Christine, Janelle and Meri all left Cody at 13 months. Now, Cody still refuses to take any responsibility, blaming his ex-wife for breaking up his family.

Cody wanted a patriarchal family structure

His attitude shifted over the years

Early seasons of sister wife Placed a focus on the role of Cody's wife. Although Cody was at the center of the family, the show emphasized the independence plural marriage allowed Meri, Janelle, Christine and Robyn. Each woman was the head of her household, while a frazzled Cody tried to keep up.


As the series progressed, Cody's view of his family shifted. He demands respect, despite not always earning it. He became bitter after he felt he had lost control. Cody began talking about his intention to build his family on a patriarchal foundation. This was uncomfortable for his wives, who insisted they never agreed to live in patriarchy.

Cody sure loved his family, but he also let his need for attention get to his head.

Cody viewed polygamy as a means of gaining power. The more wives and children he had, the more people will adore him. Cody sure loved his family, but he also let his need for attention get to his head. When Cody wasn't the center of attention, he didn't care what was going on. This attitude is what pushes his wives away.

Cody expressed his anger after Christine's divorce announcement

He made it all about his own pain

Although Cody's marriage to Christine was troubled, he was shocked when she announced her plan to leave. Cody seemed to believe that no matter how badly he treated his wives, they would always put up with him. Christine's divorce announcement was a moment of realization for Cody, and he reacted with a theatrical display of anger.

He called Christine's decision to divorce "A knife in the kidney" and lamented the "Victims"He arranged for their marriage. This put all the blame on Christine. Acting like he did Christine a favor by marrying her, Cody interpreted her departure as a personal insult instead of looking at his contribution to the split. Christine patiently allowed Cody to finish his rant, a restraint that made him even more furious.

Cody refused to consider the needs of his wife

Cody only focuses on himself

In his anger at Christine, Cody never tried to make things right with her. Instead, he immediately wrote her off. Christine had a lot of good reasons for leaving Cody after years of mistreatment. But Cody isn't interested in finding out how he can fix their relationship.

When Janelle decides to leave Cody, he has hopes of winning her back. Unfortunately, he is not ready to put in the work. Janelle was disgusted by Cody's treatment of their children, but he remained stubborn and refused to make amends. He wasn't ready to give up his time with Robin, even though it was coming between his other marriages. Cody may have said he wanted to save his marriage to Janelle, but he never made an effort.

Cody drove Mary away by essentially ignoring her. Mary was very devoted to Cody, and she stayed in the marriage as long as she could. Now, Cody is accusing Janelle of freezing him out, which is exactly what he did to Meri. Although he now knows how it feels, Cody is no longer sympathetic to Mary. He still only thinks about himself and his pain.

Cody is playing the victim after his breakups

He blames his ex-wife for the failure of their marriage

Cody has a very sad attitude sister wife Season 19 as he reflects on the end of his marriages. Despite three of his wives being so unhappy they had no choice but to leave, Cody insists he still doesn't know what he did wrong. He blames his ex-wife for turning on him and pitting everyone else, and their children, against him. Cody is playing the victim and looking for sympathy.

Cody's victim act in sister wife Proves that despite the backlash he faced over his treatment of his wives, he learned nothing. He only thinks of himself in his relationships, even if it means losing everything he worked so hard for. This is a bad sign for Cody's future. If he can't learn to consider someone else's feelings, there is no hope for Cody to have a healthy relationship.