Thanks to Cobra Kai Season 6, Part 2, the consequences of Terry Silver's fall have finally been revealed. Cobra Kai the season 5 finale raised all kinds of questions about the fate of The Karate Kid Part III villain when he saw his master plan fall apart. As a result, Silver disappeared from the main storyline, but considering he's one of the franchise's biggest antagonists, there was good reason to suspect that the Netflix series wasn't done with the character just yet. This idea became reality when Terry Silver appeared once again at the height of the Sekai Taikai tournament.
After a seven-episode absence, Terry Silver returned to the scene, making a big impact in his fight. With Silver in hand, both sides had an additional threat to worry about. Although Daniel was previously convinced that Silver's days of being a problem are over, Silver is still a force to be reckoned with in the Cobra Kaisince even now he has a dojo to fight his battles for him. Apparently, his humiliating defeat at the hands of Daniel did not put an end to his decades-long dream of a Sekai Taikai Championship.
Why Terry Silver Didn't Go to Prison
Terry Silver successfully avoided any arrests
Cobra Kai Season 5 ended with Terry Silver being shoved into a police car, with the assumption that he would face criminal charges for assaulting Stingray. But as the series has since confirmed, Stingray's admission didn't land Silver behind bars. The case went to trial, but it appears that Stingray did not present a convincing argument. It's understandable that originally placing the blame on Kreese and trying to shift it to Silver would prevent Stingray from feeling believable. Making matters worse were his efforts to get one of his teenage friends from Daniel and Johnny's Miyagi-Do dojo, Bert, to defend him in court.
In Cobra Kai Flashback sequence from Season 6, Episode 9, Silver's lawyer called Stingray "least credible witness ever."This perception of Stingray (the biggest threat to Silver's freedom) helped the villain's legal team get the judge to dismiss the case. But by the time he heard this news, Silver was already out of the country and residing in Thailand, where he was planning to his revenge against Daniel and Johnny.
Terry Silver bought a team for Sekai Taikai
Terry Silver became the benefactor of the Iron Dragon Dojo
Being reported for cheating in Season 4's All-Valley Tournament cost Terry Silver his dojo, but he managed to find another ticket to the tournament. Presumably through his connections, Terry Silver tracked Sensei Wolf, a renowned martial artist, to Thailand. What interested him about Lewis Tan's Wolf was its association with the Iron Dragons dojo. As the reigning Sekai Taikai champions, they had an automatic spot to become one of the 16 Sekai Taikai karate teams. But because Wolf gambled his money, he apparently ruined his career and lost his dojo.
Silver knew this and realized that, through Wolf's financial difficulties, he had a way to participate in Sekai Taikai without Cobra Kai. By promising to pay off Wolf's debts and return the Iron Dragons dojo to Wolf, Silver effectively purchased his own Sekai Taikai team. Since he didn't personally train them like he did Kenny and his other Cobra Kai students, winning with the Iron Dragons wouldn't have been an achievement on the same level as it would have been if he had held the Cobra Kai dojo and won. the title. Regardless, a victory would still be revenge as it would disrupt Daniel, Johnny and Chozen's plans.
Terry Silver reunited with one of his original Karate Kid III minions
Terry Silver rehired Dennis De Guzman
The Iron Dragons weren't the only tool with which Terry Silver intended to get revenge on Daniel. Another pawn in his schemes was Dennis De Guzman, the long-haired, tattooed wrestler that Daniel fought in episode 8. Although not immediately recognized by Daniel, Dennis was one of three subordinates who helped Silver in his scheme against Daniel and Mr. Silver. The Karate Kid Part III. Along with Snake and Mike Barnes, Dennis helped intimidate Daniel, but ended up being beaten.
Apparently, Silver reached out to Dennis, correctly guessing that he would be open to a rematch with Daniel in Barcelona.
Exactly what happened to them afterwards is unclear, but it is implied that Silver kept in touch with or followed Snake and Dennis' activities. According to Silver's lawyer in Cobra KaiSnake died at some point The Karate Kid timeline. Dennis' willingness to work as Silver's henchman again indicates that his life has not worked out either. Apparently, Silver reached out to Dennis, correctly guessing that he would be open to a rematch with Daniel in Barcelona.