Clint Eastwood's lowest-scoring movie on Rotten Tomatoes is a horror he's not even credited for

Clint Eastwood's lowest-scoring movie on Rotten Tomatoes is a horror he's not even credited for

Clint Eastwood Is best known for his western films but also dabbled in other genres, including lesser known horrors. Eastwood often appeared in Westerns, helping to define his career and persona and helping him transition to directing films later in his career. He appeared in over 60 films in his seven-decade careerAlthough some of Eastwood's films remain underrated or relatively unknown. It took many years for Eastwood to define his signature persona and role in the genre.

Prior to his western heroics, Eastwood played many bit parts and minor, uncredited roles for years. Although he became an acclaimed actor and director, Eastwood had bad movies, although many are forgotten. Fortunately for him, his lowest-scoring film is an uncredited role of Eastwood, helping to distance himself from the dad. however, The film still significantly contributes to the early horror genre and Eastwood's career. Although not a highlight, this early project is the beginning of his journey in Hollywood.

Revenge of the Creature is Clint Eastwood's lowest-scoring movie on Rotten Tomatoes, but he's not credited

Eastwood played Jennings, the lab technician

In Eastwood's first ever acting role, he played Jennings, a lab technician, in the 1955 horror sci-fi film, Revenge of the creature. Jennings has a minor role, most notable for his gagging of a test cat eating one of his lab rats. The gag character is far from the iconic heroes that Eastwood would come to typically play. He would continue acting in other minor or uncredited roles for the next few years until his career expanded with westerns over the next decade. This early experience in a light role contrasts with the intense character he would later play.

Revenge of the creature Not currently available to stream, but can be rented online.

Revenge of the creature is a sequel to the 1954 Universal monster horror, Creature from the Black Lagoon. It didn't receive much critical acclaim, especially compared to the original film and even other Universal Monster sequels. The film keeps only 13% on Rotten Tomatoes. In contrast, Eastwood's top-rated film, A fistful of dollarsHas a 98% rating. Despite the failure of Revenge of the creatureIt holds a place in the history of classic monster films, as well as an important milestone in Eastwood's career.

Clint Eastwood only made one other horror movie in his career (and didn't get credit for it)

Tarantula was better received but also did not have a lasting impact

A large tarantula crossing an empty landscape in the 1955 film The Tarantula

Later that same year, Eastwood appeared in TarantulaA horror film about a giant spider. Although he was again uncredited for the role, it was bigger than his technician role in Revenge of the creature. Eastwood is referred to as the jet squadron leader. Tarantula is better received than Revenge of the creature But had no lasting legacy in the genre and not a significant impact on Eastwood's career. After his first two horror films were ill-fated, it's no surprise Clint Eastwood The rest of his career, even as a director, was removed from the genre.

Revenge of the Creature, directed by Jack Arnold, follows the capture of a half-man, half-fish monster from an Amazon tributary. The creature is transported to a Florida national park for scientific observation, where it becomes the subject of intense study by researchers.