Civil war is a haunting speculative war film, splitting the United States into four distinct factions. The film does not dive too deeply into the origins or specifics of the conflict that eventually overtook the country, instead keeping the focus grounded on four reporters who make their way through what remains of the United States. This means the setting is not fully explored, allowing different opposing forces to rally against one another. Much of the film takes place in the loyalist states that remained in the union. There is no major visit to the other three main factions and their territories.
This allows Civil war Writer/director Alex Garland to focus on the moments of humanity and inhumanity on both sides of the conflict, underscoring Civil wars themes of war and human nature beyond the modern political divide in the United States. However, it is worth looking at the breakdown of the conflict and how it has expanded across North America. Beyond the remaining loyalist states, several independent republics have found common ground to form Civil wars most important alliances. This highlights the severity of the situation, with some unexpected partnerships in light of the president's increasing brutality in Civil war.
California and Texas are the western forces
The biggest states have a large presence in Civil war
Two of the largest states in the union, California and Texas, are depicted in Civil war Like the Western forces. In the universe of Civil warThe two states seceded from the union to form their own individual republics, the Second Republic of Texas and the Republic of California respectively. Despite their wildly different politics in real life, the two have Become firm allies in Civil war Due to their shared enemy. As explained by the writer/director after a screening of the film, Garland's Civil war United California and Texas specifically to avoid any topics of specific political strife.
Instead, the two radically different governments united in the goal of bringing down the loyalist United States because of the expanded powers of the president of Nick Offerman, who is portrayed as a fascist leader in the film. This fits well with the western forces as depicted in the film. They are portrayed as willing to work alongside the independent press, helping them to keep alive. The Alliance also proves to be the ultimate victor of the filmWin the title war. Civil warThe third act takes place during the successful advance of the Western forces in Washington DC and features the execution of the President.
Most northern states are part of the New People's Army Alliance
The New People's Army Alliance has a massive amount of land
Hinted throughout the film, the New People's Army Alliance has a relatively minor role in Civil war. It was established that many northern states, such as Idaho, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington and Wyoming followed Texas and California in succession. While the population of these states cannot match California and Texas, combined The army quietly controls a large part of the North American continent. With much of A24's Civil war On the East Coast as Lee, Joel, Jesse and Sammy head to Washington DC, there is no time spent elsewhere on the continent.
The New People's Army Alliance is suggested to be among the forces closing in on DC by the end of the film. This plays in the underlying hints to the nature of Civil wars main conflict. The intention of the film was to showcase how even when the country is tearing itself apart, Much of the United States would remain united in the face of a fascist regime Take over the government. Despite the many political differences that are likely between them, the New People's Army Alliance seems more than willing to join the Western forces in bringing down the loyalist states.
The Florida Alliance has most southern states included
The proximity of the Florida Alliance to the Loyalist states makes it quietly important
Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Tennessee are among the confirmed southern states that are counted among the Florida Alliance. They are depicted as having seceded from the United States and It seems that we are entering the loyalist territoryGiven their direct proximity to the borders of the remaining loyalist states. Lee and Joel initially intend to go to Washington DC on their own, but agree to take Sammy and Jesse along and drop them off in an upcoming offensive in South Carolina. This suggests the Florida Alliance eventually allied with the Western forces to fight the Loyalists.
Civil war Capital letters |
Figure |
Li |
Kirsten Dunst |
Joel |
Wagner Moura |
Jesse |
Kylie Spaeni |
Sammy |
Steven McKinley Henderson |
Tony |
Nelson Lee |
The President |
Nick Offerman |
The Florida Alliance is likely to be a more consistent threat to the Loyalist states in Civil warGiven how close their territory is to the rest of the United States. The Western forces by contrast were forced to march through multiple states to reach Washington DC This makes the Florida Alliance a quiet vital element of Civil wars worldEven as the setting itself is not seen much. There are some who still think that the Florida alliance is 'real America', such as the murderous soldier that the four reporters meet on their journey, he feels Joel when he says that he is from Florida.
Every other state is a loyalist to the government (including Alaska and Hawaii)
Things are not great for the United States in Civil war
Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Road Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia and Wisconsin Stay in Civil wars United States. The government was taken over by a three-term president, who dismantled departments like the FBI and used drones on American citizens. The Loyalist army is especially dangerous around the press Compared to the Western forces. Lee and Joel's journey to Washington DC is labeled a suicide mission due to loyalist soldiers' tendency to kill reporters.
however, This is not going well for the rest of the United States. Currency fell in value to the point where $ 300 will buy a single lunch, forcing the journalists to rely on Canadian money to pay their way out of situations. There is a water shortage in New York City, while citizens take personal justice into their own hands. At the end of Civil warMost loyalist states forces either surrendered or died. It is also mentioned that Alaska is now "neutral territory," suggesting it defected from the Loyalist states while Western forces overran the White House in Civil wars harrowing finale.
Why California, Texas, and Florida were allies in the Civil War
Three unlikely allies are pitted against the President of the United States
Despite very different politics and cultures in the real world, California, Texas and Florida have become dedicated allies In the world of Civil war. The tensions that exist between people have only become more pronounced in the United States of Civil warAnd yet these very different states united, apparently out of desperation to fight the President of the United States. The film repeatedly draws attention to his tyrannical rule of the nation, suggesting his attempts to cement his power are the primary motivation uniting the various states against him.
This is not to say that the Western Forces and the Florida Alliance especially like one anotherR. Various scenes in Civil war Underline the tensions that exist in the environment by subverting expectations of united forces in uniform. instead, Civil wars soldiers are snarky, bitter and exhausted. The tension suggests a grim future for the United States of America Civil war Where-in the various pockets of the country remain opposed to unification, especially after the titular conflict.
What happens to the loyalist states after winning the western forces?
The United States of Civil war My heart is eternal
It is unclear what fate awaits the loyalist states Following the conclusion of Civil warBut it is unlikely to be a positive. The loyalist states stood by the president even as he waged war on their homeland, leading to countless deaths over the course of the film. At best, the loyalist states could be saddled with the reconstruction efforts, which leads to the speed of their entire remaining monetary reserves. The fact that the US it. Dollar is now worthless makes the possibility even more difficult after the conflict.
Given the brutality of the conflict and the harsh tactics used by both sides against one another, it is entirely possible that the Loyalist states could be in for a much rougher time than this. Leaders in those states will likely be removed and arrestedIf not outright killed for their actions. The loyalist states could even be broken and distributed to the other alliances, cementing the end of the United States and the beginning of something new. Although Civil warThe ending leaves the elements of the future ambiguous, means that they do not look good for the states that have aligned with the President.