Christopher Nolan's Next Movie Is Doing What Tom Holland's $1.1 Billion Marvel Sequel Couldn't

Christopher Nolan's Next Movie Is Doing What Tom Holland's .1 Billion Marvel Sequel Couldn't

It was recently reported that Tom Holland is joining the cast of Christopher Nolan's next film, meaning audiences will be in for a casting fight that Marvel almost pulled off in 2019. After their huge success with Oppenheimer in 2023, expectations are incredibly high for Nolan's newest project. It's clear that standards have always been high for Christopher Nolan's career, especially after The Dark Knight and Start. However, recent casting news surrounding Nolan's 2026 film is already setting the stage for yet another exciting project.

Variety reported in early October that Holland was in talks to join Nolan's next project, which has now been confirmed. At this point, the film is top secret, with no title, synopsis, or even genre, although some speculate that it will delve into the spy genre. All that has been confirmed is the involvement of the Netherlandsand also the casting of Nolan's longtime collaborator Matt Damon. Furthermore, the film is scheduled to be released on July 17, 2026.

Tom Holland and Matt Damon almost starred together in Spider-Man: Far From Home

How Far From Home Would Have Been Different With Damon

An interesting connection to make with Holland and Damon's casting is the fact that these two actors almost worked together just a few years ago. In 2018, insider Jeff Sneider reported that Damon played the villain in Spider-Man: Homecomingsequence (through Far from homeMysterio's villain was finally played by Jake Gyllenhaal. It's exciting that Holland and Damon are working together, especially since it could have happened in 2019. Both actors are known for their heartfelt performances, so it seems likely that they'll bounce off each other in an interesting way.

It might even be for the best that Holland and Damon missed the opportunity to work together during Far from home. Arguably, Damon's Mysterio would have looked quite different from Gyllenhaal's, assuming he was offered the same villain. Although Damon is known for playing villainous characters, he mostly portrays heroes. On the other hand, Gyllenhaal has always played immoral and unpredictable characters like Mysterio. In this way, Far from home likely benefited from casting Gyllenhaal over Damonand Nolan's film may be a project better suited for Holland and Damon's collaboration.

Tom Holland and Matt Damon's partnership is very exciting for Christopher Nolan's film

Nolan rarely gets it wrong when it comes to castingRobert Downey Jr. as Lewis Strauss in court at Oppenheimer

The casting of Holland and Damon is an optimistic start to Nolan's next film. Both Holland and Damon are beloved actors with impressive work. It will be great to see how they play off each other, especially since they come from such different generations of acting. Additionally, Damon's experience working with Nolan will allow Holland to feel comfortable in this new work environment, as Nolan's process often differs from that of other directors.

All Christopher Nolan films

Release year







Batman begins


The prestige


The Dark Knight




The Dark Knight Rises










The casting of Holland and Damon is also exciting because it comes after the impressive cast of Oppenheimerwhich was one of the film's biggest selling points. After Oppenheimer, audiences almost expect a Nolan film to have an incredible ensemble for everything he does. Based on Holland and Damon, Christopher NolanThe upcoming film appears to be living up to those expectations.
