Chris Evans was perfectly cast as Casey Jones in the 17-year-old TMNT movie that never got a sequel

Chris Evans was perfectly cast as Casey Jones in the 17-year-old TMNT movie that never got a sequel

Although TMNT is one of the more forgotten Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Adaptations, it features a perfectly cast Chris Evans as Casey Jones, making it worth a watch. Released in 2007, TMNT Follows the Turtles shortly after the Shredder's defeatThe main antagonist to the Turtles in the franchise. In the animated movie, Chris Evans voices Casey Jones, April's boyfriend and an ally to the turtles.

Even though TMNT Never got the sequel it deservedIt is a great standalone movie that features aspects of the previous one TMNT adaptations. Evans' Casey Jones, in particular, was heavily inspired by the Casey voiced by Marc Thompson in the 2003 animated series and Pat Fraley in the 1987 TMNT Movie. Chris Evans' history in the superhero genre especially adds to the significance of his casting in the 2007 version.

Chris Evans as Casey Jones was one of many great things about TMNT (2007)

Casey was one of Chris Evans' many comic book rolesTMNT characters 2007

While TMNT Not well received by critics, it has an excellent story and cast. The movie featured big names like Patrick Stewart, Sarah Michelle Prinze and Chris Evans. The history of TMNT was also more mature Like previous adaptations of the comics. A major aspect of the plot focused on reuniting the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles after they drifted apart following the Shredder's defeat in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III. TMNT is a great stand-alone movie about the franchise, but it also works as a sequel to the final part of the trilogy from the 1990s.

Evans' role as Casey is significant as he and April help the Turtles as they learn to work together again and defeat the ancient evil villains who threaten the world in TMNT. Evans does a great job playing a supporting role. at times, He acts like an older brother to the turtles In a heartfelt gesture. Given when the film was released, and Evans' penchant for superhero movies, he would also have been a great casting choice for a live-action version of Casey Jones.

TMNT's scrapped sequels would have been absurd (including evil Michelangelo)

The sequels would have referenced the original comics

According to Animated views, TMNTS director Kevin Munroe had originally planned to make TMNT A trilogy. The possibility of a sequel was hinted at in the movie when Splinter looks at his wall of mementos that include references to infamous TMNT Villains, including the Shredder, Mousers and Triceratons. The memories also confirmed this TMNT (2007) is determined in general TMNT Universe and exists along the first three live-actions Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movies.

The movie would also include the Technodrome in an intense adaptation of the TMNT Comics that have not been seen before.

Monroe had big plans for the future TMNT Sequels. One idea included basing TMNT 2 on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Comic "City at War".Where Michelangelo joins the Foot Clan and risks becoming evil. The third installment of TMNT would have featured the return of the Triceratons. The movie would also include the Technodrome in an intense adaptation of the TMNT Comics that have not been seen before. Unfortunately, plans for TMNT Sequels fell through.

Even though TMNT Never receiving its deserved sequels, it was a welcome addition to the franchise. TMNT still featured incredible scenes and succeeded in establishing continuity with its predecessors, which is a great feat for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe. While TMNT (2007) never got a sequel, the Turtles went on to return to the big screen seven years later, this time in live-action.

9 years after the voice role of Chris Evans, Stephen Amell played Casey Jones in live action

These roles have significant differences

Stephen Amell as Casey Jones holds his hockey stick in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows

Years after Evans voiced Casey, Stephen Amell took on the role in the live action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows In 2016. The movie was a sequel to the Michael Bay-produced teenage mutant ninja turtles, which was released in 2014 as the first live-action TMNT Movie to feature motion-capture technology. While Amel plays the same role, His version of Casey is a little different from Evans.

The TMNT The franchise isn't known for its efforts at continuity, so the discrepancies between the movies aren't surprising.

in TMNTCasey and April are in a relationship from the beginning of the movie, although they meet for the first time in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows. In the latter, Casey also acts as an officer-turned-vigilante. In contrast, in TMNTCasey's profession is not a major focus in the movie. Amell's version of the character remains the last theatrical appearance of Casey Jones since he did not appear in Mutant Mayhem.

Source: Animated views