Chickie Just Explained Exactly How a Tulsa King Spinoff Show Could Work

Chickie Just Explained Exactly How a Tulsa King Spinoff Show Could Work

Notice! This article contains SPOILERS for Tulsa King, season 2, episode 10.Chickie Invernizzi (Domenick Lombardozzi) perfectly explained how King of Tulsa could explain future spinoff shows and how Dwight Manfredi's (Sylvester Stallone) criminal empire could expand far beyond Oklahoma. King of Tulsa and Dwight's criminal empire has already grown significantly since he came to Oklahoma. The cast of King of Tulsa expanded to include new allies and enemies, and Dwight's business grew from simple extortion to an interstate marijuana industry. Now, how King of Tulsa season three approaches, the show is likely looking for another way to expand.

Fortunately, Chickie gave King of Tulsa the perfect way to keep getting bigger and better, and it's not with a simple continuation of Dwight's story. Like several other Taylor Sheridan TV shows, King of Tulsa could start creating spinoffs. The only problem with this plan is that King of Tulsa relied largely on Sylvester Stallone's star power, and it wasn't immediately clear how the series could have an entire spinoff without him. Chickie, however, justified it at the end of King of Tulsa Season 2, and there's a chance the show's creators will use its setup.

Chickie explained that Dwight's gang could "franchise" other cities

Chickie's latest plan was to establish new mobs across the United States

Chickie Invernizzi (Domenick Lombardozzi) has a gun pointed at her head in Tulsa King Season 2, Episode 10

Just before Bill Bevilaqua killed Chickie at the end of King of Tulsa In season two, the New York gangster mentioned a plan for Dwight to expand his criminal empire. As Chickie explained, Dwight and Bill could “franchise” other cities and essentially have their gang members do what Dwight did in Tulsa: build a mob from scratch.. Bill was, presumably, the only classic gangster operating west of the coast and only seemed concerned about Kansas City. Large swaths of America are ready for Dwight to take control, and he may already have a city in mind.

Chickie's Plan Could Work Perfectly for a Tulsa King New Orleans Spinoff

Terrence Winter, the main writer of King of Tulsaconfirmed that a King of Tulsa spinoff set in New Orleans is in the "discussion stages" of development. Chickie's franchise idea would be the perfect way to explain why Dwight expanded to Louisiana, especially now that his Tulsa business is legitimate. Even though she was on a downward spiral, Chickie's plan made a lot of sense. Dwight can maintain his legitimate business in Tulsa, but he can still use his criminal experience to transform his gang from a one-town show into a multi-state empire.

Using Chickie's Franchises to Expand King of Tulsa to new states and cities would be the perfect justification for the spinoff show. There are several members of Dwight's gang who would be able to establish a new crowd with his guidance, such as Tyson (Jay Will) or Goodie (Chris Caldovino).. Having Dwight's people run a new gang would also be the perfect way to keep Sylvester Stallone attached to the spinoff, as they'll likely need Dwight's expertise for some of the problems they encounter. Even Frank Grillo's Bill Bevilaqua could appear in the New Orleans spinoff in a similar role to Dwight.

Chickie may have even turned Tulsa King into Taylor Sheridan's replacement in Yellowstone

Tulsa King's Dwight Manfredi (Sylvester Stallone) alongside Yellowstone's John Dutton (Kevin Costner) in front of Tulsa King's opening sequence
Custom image by Yeider Chacon

Chickie's plan to franchise the mob could not only expand Dwight's operation, but also expand King of Tulsa. Taylor Sheridan, the creator of King of TulsaAre you looking for a replacement for yellow stoneits biggest franchise. There have been several yellow stone spin-off shows that turned the Dutton family story into a sprawling saga, but now that the show is ending, Sheridan may be looking for another one of his shows to elevate to franchise status. If Dwight manages to spread his criminal empire across America, King of Tulsa It might just be this franchise.

Sheridan may be looking for another of its shows to elevate to franchise status. If Dwight manages to spread his criminal empire across America, King of Tulsa It might just be this franchise.

King of Tulsa currently has his sights set on New Orleans, but Chickie's franchise plan would allow Dwight to move to any city he wants except New York. If the first spinoff is a success, King of Tulsa could easily introduce an entire network of interconnected gangs spread across the United States. Each city would also have more than enough variety to justify a spinoff show, as they would be run by different characters and face different pre-existing challenges. The only limit to Chickie's franchise plan is viewer interest. Based on Season 2's 100% score in Rotten tomatoes, King of Tulsa never had difficulty generating interest.

The only problem with using Chickie's plan to franchise the mob is that the future King of Tulsa spinoffs can start to feel a little formulaic. While each city has its own police, rival gangs, and other interesting problems to deal with, there's only so much variety possible in a gangster show. Dwight can probably expand to several different cities in the US, but King of Tulsa It may get to a point where it's no longer worth it. This seems like a distant possibility, although, for now, the future of King of Tulsa looks very shiny.