Check out the trailer for The Matrix 25th Anniversary theatrical shows this weekend

Check out the trailer for The Matrix 25th Anniversary theatrical shows this weekend

The matrix Was in the theater last week, and Screen Rant is excited to share a new trailer celebrating the event. The iconic science fiction film broke boundaries and box office records alike when it debuted in 1999, launching Keanu Reeves into superstardom and making its directors Lily and Lana Wachowski household names. The movie's groundbreaking special effects would influence action films for decades to come, and its high-concept story introduced ideas from simulation theory to millions of moviegoers.

Screen Rant Is pleased to showcase a trailer tied to The matrixs return to movies. Although there are many movies and shorts in The matrix franchise, it is widely accepted that the first film is impossible to beat. In this film, the Wachowskis struck an almost perfect balance between action and philosophizing that even later films in the franchise did not always replicate. Take a look at the trailer above, then head to theaters this week for a special presentation of the hit film that started it all.

More about the return of The Matrix to theaters

Fathom Events brings The matrix To theaters for just two days, so be sure to keep September 19 or 22 free for another dose of ​​Morpheus' now-iconic red pill. Tickets are available for shows all over the country and can be purchased from the Fathom Events website Here. It is a perfect opportunity for fans who have never seen The matrix In theaters to have their first experience with the movie as it was made to be enjoyed.

That's not all that's in store for viewers who check out The matrixs 25th anniversary screening. The Matrix Resurrection Star Jessica Henwick (also known for Iron fist, Glass Bulb: A Mystery of News OutAnd Love and monsters) is featured in a brand new featurette called "Down the Rabbit Hole: Reflections on the Matrix" that celebrates the movie's massive influence. Henwick will share her own personal relationship with the movie and the franchise in which she would play an important role.

The matrix Also returns to theaters at an interesting time for the franchise. The matrix 5 is in development, set to be directed by Drew Goddard, whose directorial work includes The cabin in the woods. The movie marks the first time that the Wachowskis will not be directing one of their iconic franchise films, although Lana Wachowski is said to be the executive producer. For better or for worse, The matrix Franchise is about to take yet another step away from its origins (even The Matrix Resurrection happened without Lily Wachowski), which makes it a perfect time to celebrate the origins of the series.