The Charles family is the main focus of The piano lessonand the focus on the group's history proves that Charles' family tree goes far beyond Boy Willie and Berniece. All over The piano lesson, The titular piano story reveals that the Charles family is absolutely hugewith Doaker Charles constantly telling stories about the several generations of Charles' relatives. So here is a complete breakdown of every named member of Charles' family tree mentioned in The piano lesson and how they relate to each other.
2024 brought with it the latest adaptation of one of August Wilson's acclaimed plays, this time in the form of director Malcolm Washington The piano lesson. The film follows a rival family who can't decide what to do with a piano inherited from their slave ancestors, with the cast of The piano lesson consisting mainly of characters from the Charles family. Although the rivalry is mainly between two brothers, Boy Willie and Berniece, several other family members become involved, making the conflict even greater.
Boy Willie Charles (John David Washington)
Berniece's brother, Doaker's nephew, Maretha's uncle
One of the protagonists The piano lesson is Boy Willie Charles, played by John David Washington. Boy Willie Charles is the brother of Berniece Charles, with his father Boy Charles having died before the events of The piano lesson start. Boy Charles died after stealing slave owner Sutter's titular piano, with Boy Willie last seeing him when he was very young. Boy Willie is not married and has spent most of his life getting into trouble with his friend and business partner, Lymon.
Boy Willie is the nephew of Doaker Charles, who lives with Berniece, as well as Doaker's older brother Wining Boy. Boy Willie is also Berniece's daughter's uncleMareta. Boy Willie has been gone a lot longer than the rest of the Charles family, and he's not as ingrained in the family as his sister.
Berniece Charles (Danielle Deadwyler)
Sister of boy Willie, mother of Maretha, niece of Doaker
Berniece Charles, played by Danielle Deadwyler, is the other protagonist of The piano lessonwith her not wanting to sell the titular piano. Berniece is Boy Willie's older brother, and she often speaks ill of him and believes he had a role in the death of her late husband, Crawley. Berniece lives with her daughter Maretha, 11 years oldas did his uncle Doaker, with Boy Willie staying at his house upon arriving in town. Berniece is also the daughter of Boy Charles and the niece of Wining Boy.
Doaker Charles (Samuel L. Jackson)
Uncle of the boy Willie and Berniece, brother of the winning boy
When it comes to Charles' family tree, Samuel L. Jackson's Doaker Charles is the family member who knows the most about the subject. Samuel L. Jackson's age and family connections allow him to constantly tell stories about the history of the piano and how it got to where it is today. Doaker is Boy Willie and Berniece's uncle, as well as Maretha's great-uncle, although he acts as a father figure to her due to Crawley's death. Doaker also has an older brother named Wining Boy Charles, with Wining Boy coming to visit him during the events of The piano lesson.
Maretha Charles (Skylar Aleece Smith)
Daughter of Berniece, niece of boy Willie
Maretha Charles, played by Skylar Aleece Smith, is the youngest member of the Charles family. Maretha is the daughter of Berniece Charles, and although Berniece gives the family piano lessons, she intentionally keeps the history of the piano a secret from her. Maretha Charles is also the daughter of the late Crawley, who died during an event with her uncle Boy Willie. Maretha is also the great-niece of Doaker Charles, although he acts more as a father figure to her, as well as the great-niece of Wining Boy Charles.
Boy Charles (Stephan James)
Father of the boy Willie and Berniece
Boy Charles, played by Stephan James, is one of the most important characters in The piano lessonalthough he is not very involved in it. Boy Charles is the father of Boy Willie and Berniece, although he was killed after stealing Sutter's piano when the children were very young. Boy Charles' death is one of the events that tore the family apart, with Berniece believing that Boy Willie's grief led him to kill Sutter. However, Boy Willie blames the Yellow Dog Ghosts, something that becomes more likely after Sutter's ghost starts appearing.
Crawley (Matrell Smith)
Berniece's husband, Maretha's father
Crawley, played by Matrell Smith, is the late husband of Berniece Charles and father of Maretha Charleswith him having tragically died before the event of The piano lesson. Crawley helped Boy Willie and Lymon with a scheme to steal wood, although things went wrong when they were captured and Crawley was killed. Berniece blames Boy Willie for Crawley's death, saying she dragged him into her scheme, while Boy Willie claims Crawley knew what he was getting into. Anyway, Crawley only appears in flashbacks in The piano lesson.
The Winning Boy Charles (Michael Potts)
Doaker's brother, Cleotha's husband
Another important member of Charles' family tree is Wining Boy Charles, played by Michael Potts. Wining Boy is the older brother of Doaker Charles, with him appearing for the first time in a long time during the events of The piano lesson. Wining Boy tries to appear as a professional musician and successful gamer, with him and Lymon becoming close throughout the film. Wining Boy is also Boy Willie and Berniece's uncle and Maretha's great-unclealthough the family's distance means they are not that close.
Cleotha Carlos
Winner boy's wife
The last member of Charles' family tree is not seen in The piano lessonthis being Cleotha Charles. Cleotha is Wining Boy's late wife, having died some time before the events of the film. Although she is not seen and does not play a role in the story, Wining Boy mentions her a few times, although her manner and time of death are never made clear. Cleotha is related to the rest of the Charles family due to her marriage to Wining Boy, with its closure The piano lessonof Carlos family tree.