Chaos' Biggest twist reveals the key to the gods' immortality and powers, raising questions about Zeus' mysterious origin story. Netflix's show tells the story of three mortals - Reedy, Ari and Caineus - who are destined to bring down the gods. When it comes to the US Chaos Main characters, one of the funniest and most entertaining to watch is Zeus. As the king of the gods, he has the emotional regulation skills of a child with all the power to take it out on others.
One of the most prominent examples of this is his reaction to losing his watch Chaos. He takes it out on others by killing the ball boys and planning to hit the earth with natural disasters. He has a similarly overblown reaction to Hera cheating on him, threatening her rather than confronting her in a mature way. however, His pompous demeanor may be a front for his insecuritiesConsidering he might not be as untouchable as he thinks.
Zeus was born as a mortal man
The god started as an ordinary man
In Netflix ChaosZeus was not born an immortal god but a man, just like everyone he rules over at the beginning of the series. While he was a mortal, he received the prophecy of fate Chaos That he would obsess over even when he is an all-powerful god who cannot die.
Since he grew up as a mortal, His experiences as a man may have contributed to his panic about the prophecy coming true. However, this is simply speculation without more information on how his life looked before. It would be interesting to see pieces of his human life in flashbacks Chaos Season 2 to provide further context.
Which caused Zeus to become immortal in Chaos
Zeus gained power from stealing souls
Zeus' path to immortality in the Chaos The world began with his father. He killed him and consumed his soul, which gave him superhuman strength. When they realized the effect, Zeus and his siblings began absorbing more and more souls, requiring them to kill their victims first. Eventually, they all reached immortality and gained divine powers. However, the gods grew tired of killing people, so they created nothingness in order to industrialize the process.
The gods' dependence on the meandering water adds an exciting vulnerability to the seemingly invincible gods.
In the new system of the underworld, dead souls pass through the frame, sending their bodies into the warehouse-looking area of the afterlife. Their souls were removed from the body and infused into meandering water ChaosWhat the gods drink to maintain their immortality. The gods' dependence on the meandering water adds an exciting vulnerability to the seemingly invincible gods. If they stop drinking the water, their regenerative abilities, inability to die, and powers will disappear. Zeus knows this, rationing the Meander water at the end of Chaos Season 1 to punish the other gods for their actions against him.
Interestingly, Zeus' method of becoming immortal in Chaos Could also be his downfall. The meandering water stops flowing when Prometheus takes the throne, and Caineus revives souls. The former King of the Gods will need to find another way to consume souls if he hopes to stay in power, possibly returning to murder.
How Kaos' version of Zeus compares to Greek mythology
Netflix's Kaos represents Zeus accurately
The Greek mythology in Chaos Captures the spirit of the original stories while taking some artistic liberties. When it comes to Zeus, the show's portrayal is remarkably accurate. The character was never a mortal, but his personality aligns in both versions. The god of thunder is a terrible person in the myths. He cheats on Hera constantly, impregnating mortals and gods alike on a regular basis. (Though the show paints it as consensual, he rapes people in most of the myths.) He punishes people who threaten or anger him, such as Prometheus, who matches his mythological persona.
In both versions, Zeus is selfish, arrogant, deceitful, cruel and prone to hissy fits. He mentions wiping out half the population in ChaosWhich matches his actions in mythology. According to the writings of Ovid and Apollodorus, he wiped out every person by a flood except the couple, Deucalion and Pyrrha. The accuracy in the image of the god of thunder adds a sense of authenticity to the show.
however, Chaos Removes some of Zeus's most terrible acts, like raping people, making Atlas stop the world, cursing Sisyphus to push a boulder up a mountain, or eating his pregnant first wife. Of all the changes, the best was the choice to present Zeus' sexual interactions as consensual. Even though he is a villain, the show needs viewers to at least tolerate him. Zeus would have been unbearable to watch Chaos If he has sexually violated others. The other omissions don't necessarily take away from the show's obnoxious and vengeful persona.