Chainsaw Man introduces his own version of ​​the field expansion in his latest twist

Chainsaw Man introduces his own version of ​​the field expansion in his latest twist

Warning: Contains spoilers for Chainsaw Man chapter #180Chainsaw Man Continues to be weird and unpredictable as part two stretches on, and author Tatsuki Fujimoto seemingly insists on making his story as weird as it can be. Although, amidst the chaos of chapter #180, titled "Aging's World", fans may notice a striking development that is similar to another recently completed Shonen Jump series of great popularity, Jujutsu Kaisen.

Although it is typical to assume that a story that spans over five years of publication will have established the abilities of certain characters, Chainsaw Man Is never satisfied to meet the expectations of its readers. Instead, the final chapter introduces a new power courtesy of the aging devil, which banishes Asa and Denji to an alternate reality, separate from the battlefield the two have been fighting on.

Similar to field expansion, and Yuji's special, Aging sends the dual protagonists to its own worldIn which its inhabitants do not age and there is little to escape. As Denji remains cold on the ground, however, it may be Asa's turn to step into the spotlight, as the titular chainsaw man has enjoyed the lion's share of attention in the recent arc. With new abilities still being introduced, the possibilities for where Chainsaw Man May venture further are endless.

The powers of the aging devil introduce a new concept to the chainsaw man

Aging Devil sends Asa and Denji to another world

Asa stands alone in the world of younger devils.

Primal devils such as aging have long been established as highly powerful and fearsome entities. Representing the deepest fears of humansThey boast heightened strength and unique abilities that other devils and hybrids do not possess. Darkness was able to manifest itself and coat its surroundings in part one, cutting the limbs of the main cast without ever touching them physically. Earlier in part two, the Falling Devil was able to manipulate gravity, causing people to fall through the doors to Hell.

Aging Devil is the First to have the power to send others to some sort of pocket dimensionIn which there is a world of his creation. Eternity Devil can do something similar, as seen during the story's hotel and aquarium sections, though this ability strands others in an endless loop from wherever they already were, rather than sending them off somewhere else. The world of age is a much more devastating display of power, as another one of its inhabitants declares that only one person has escaped in 82 years.

A man explains to Asa that he has been trapped in the world of aging for 82 years.

Just as Asa and Denji arrive in the world, Yoru takes control of her boss and immediately tries to use the "Bang" attack on the still unconscious Denji. Regardless of the implication that she was lying to Asa about planning not to kill him, the attack doesn't work, Meaning that devil abilities are useless in the dimension. Asa will have to find a way to escape without leaning on Yoru's power, while it is unknown if Denji will even be able to transform if he wakes up. It may be an unfortunate position to be in, but it's certainly an opportunity for more Asa and Denji companionship.

Asa and Yoru are trapped in the chainsaw man's version of ​​​​​​​​a field expansion

Yuji's long-awaited field expansion also created a pocket dimension

In recent years, very few anime and manga terms have penetrated mainstream culture like they have Jujutsu Kaisens field expansion. And though Chainsaw Man And Jujutsu Kaisen share a few similarities apart from the publication they reside in, The former seems to have taken inspiration From the recently completed Battle Series in his newly introduced 'Aging World'.

In particular, Aging's new ability shares commonalities with Yuji's as-yet-unnamed domain expansion. As Yuji is able to transform his surroundings into hometown settings he is familiar with, Aging is able to send enemies to a world entirely of his own making. The inner workings of Ageing's world have yet to be established, outside of it exists as some contained dimension in a separate space of reality, much like JJKs domains.

Now that Chainsaw Man has ventured into unknown territory for the series, Predicting what will come in future chapters becomes even more of a Herculean task. Although the new power of Aging will not have as much significance as Jujutsu KaisenIts domain expansion, incorporating some of its effects can only add to the chaos that Fujimoto is so inclined to incorporate into his series. Nevertheless, future chapters of Chainsaw Man They are guaranteed to not only be exciting, but also keep fans on their toes.