The merry gentlemen is a feel-good new romantic comedy about an all-male Christmas revue. It's one of several Christmas movies coming to Netflix this holiday season, offering something of a festive approach in some ways. Magic Mike. The stars of the film Hill of a treeChad Michael Murray and Under the domeBritt Robertson as romantic lead, alongside Most complete houseMarla Sokoloff and Beth Broderick from Sabrina, the Teenage Witch.
Robertson plays Ashley, who has just lost her job as a dancer with the New York dance ensemble The Jingle Belles. For the first time in over a decade, she returns to her hometown for the holidays, only to discover that her parents' bar, The Rhythm Room, is under threat of being sold. In an effort to save the establishment, Ashley decides to organize a hot, all-male, Christmas-themed show with the help of handyman Luke (Murray). As the two work together on the show, they grow closer, opening the recently divorced Luke to the prospect of love again.
TelaRant interviewed Chad Michael Murray and Britt Robertson to discuss Ashley and Luke's flirty banter in the Christmas romantic comedy and possible sequel ideas.
Britt Robertson already has an idea for a Merry Gentlemen sequel
What's next for Luke and Ashley after the events of the film
Screen Rant: Chad, from your perspective, what do you think makes Luke say yes to Ashley's idea in the first place, considering they just met and he has sort of a bitter recent history with girls around town?
Chad Michael Murray: That's a great question, and it was a question that I was dealing with just as an artist trying to find a real reason why he wanted to get in. 90-something minutes, so you need to tighten it up.
At the end of the day, I think seeing your passion and your love for The Rhythm Room, seeing and working for your parents and knowing the hard work that they put into this place, honestly, at the end of the day, you just want to do the right thing and take care of the people you care about. And maybe, by chance, you have a crush on a girl, and that can usually lead you to do things you're not used to.
Britt Robertson: You come in.
Chad Michael Murray: You go ahead.
I know at the end of the movie Ashley says she doesn't know what's next, but I'm curious, Britt, from your point of view, do you think that after having so much fun doing this show, she would want to maybe keep working on this? production side?
Britt Robertson: Yeah, I think we see that a little bit with the character where Ashley says, "Wait a second, I've always been so focused on being the dancer in front of the audience, but maybe I'm just as excited to be behind the production and behind the curtain", if you prefer. So we see some of that with my character.
But I'm actually releasing a Merry Gentlemen 2. I'd like the women to dance a little. But I also think we should get married and then I should be pregnant, because I would like to have a sexy belly job. I think it would be cool.
Chad Michael Murray: Rihanna did it.
Britt Robertson: Exactly, yes. That's what I'm looking for. So if your question was, "What's the future?" I think it will be something like this.
Chad Michael Murray: More cheerful, more gentlemanly and a baby.
Britt Robertson: Maybe put the baby in there, cute!
Chad Michael Murray: The baby doesn't come out during the show.
Britt Robertson: I don't know, I'm just now spitting it out. Everything is fine. [Laughs]
Ashley and Luke play a game of cat and mouse in The Merry Gentlemen
How the duo's Push & Pull glamor makes them work together
And in your opinion, what makes Ashley and Luke work together and what was it like forming that dynamic?
Britt Robertson: Well, I think the reason they work together is that I kind of play with my husband a little bit, where it's like there's almost, it's what you said, the push, the push and the pull. There's something seductive and fun about it.
And the more they participate together, the more enjoyable the whole process is, and so other people get kind of excited about the show and what it's doing for the bar and so on. But if it weren't for that kind of initial interest or intrigue in each other, I don't know if anything else really makes sense, so it's the setup that's crucial.
Chad Michael Murray: Yeah, there's a little cat and mouse game early on, but after that, it's set aside for the greater good of The Rhythm Room, and ultimately everything that happens from there is just sauce - or cranberry sauce.
Britt Robertson: Or cranberry sauce. Or stuffing.
Chad Michael Murray: Or pumpkin pie.
Britt Robertson: You know what they say in the South? The filling is called sauce.
Chad Michael Murray: Dressing up, yes.
Britt Robertson: Damn!
Chad Michael Murray: Yes, it's dressing up.
Britt Robertson: I just discovered that. What is happening?
Chad Michael Murray: I know, I know. I lived in the South for a while.
Britt Robertson: Sorry, Deven. What were you saying? [Laughs]
Chad Michael Murray: "Hey, would you like some sauce?" And I thought, “Dress up for what?”
Britt Robertson: Exactly. Condiments.
Chad Michael Murray: Like, ranch?
Britt Robertson: Yes, exactly. That's what I'm thinking. I'm thinking there will be a sauce. I don't even like sauce.
More about The Merry Gentlemen (2024)
To save her parents' small-town performance venue, a former big-city dancer decides to host an all-male Christmas-themed revue.
Source: Screen Rant Plus
- Director
Peter Sullivan
- Release date
November 20, 2024
- Writers
marla sokoloff
- Cast
Britt Robertson, Chad Michael Murray, Marla Sokoloff, Beth Broderick, Michael Gross, Maxwell Caulfield, Hector David Jr., Colt Prattes, Marc Anthony Samuel