Apple TV+ struck gold with its heartfelt comedy, Shrinking, and the uproarious psychiatrist dramedy has already been renewed for a third season. Created for the small screen by Bill Lawrence, Jason Segel and Brett Goldstein, Shrinking concerns a psychiatrist named Jimmy (Segel), who begins practicing unorthodox methods on his clients while trying to deal with his own pain. Capturing all the irreverence and wit needed to poke fun at the profession of psychiatry, Shrinking it also doesn't skimp on the compelling personal drama that surrounds the characters' lives. Although the series is funny, it is also moving.
Naturally, the debut season of Shrinking received a number of award nominations, including Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series at the Emmys. This necessitated a Season 2 renewal, which allowed the writers to flesh out Jimmy's story after Season 1's shocking ending. Returning to a somewhat normal balance on the sophomore outing, Shrinking delved even deeper into Jimmy's grieving process and it's clear he still has a long way to go. That's why Apple TV+ wasted no time in renewing Shrinking for season 3.
Shrinking Season 3 Latest News
Bill Lawrence Wants Cobie Smulders to Return in Season 3
Hot on the heels of the show's Season 2 finale, breaking news confirms that Bill Lawrence wants Cobie Smulders back to Shrinking season 3. Although his return has not yet been confirmed, Lawrence was adamant that he is "I will do everything I can to coerce her into returning to the show." Smulders' appearance as Sofi was not only well-regarded in its own right, but it was also a reunion between former How I met you mom co-stars. Since the series has such an incredible attraction with established actors, there is little chance that Smulders will not return.
Read Lawrence's comments here:
I would kill to have Cobie back on the show. We always make Easter eggs for what the next season will be like in the previous season. And so, Cobie's character is kind of an embodiment, a visual representation of what it's like moving forward for Jason's character. If I'm not lucky enough to get her back, we'll have to go back to the drawing board. I was a fan of How I Met Your Mother and I didn't even think about it when I was watching the scene, which is a good thing because a bad version of that could be like, “Oh, that's cool. It’s just two old friends from a beloved show doing a scene together,” but it felt authentic and very romantic. I thought they were both so good at this that I will do everything I can to coerce her into returning to the show.
The reduction of the third season is confirmed
It only took one day for the third season to be renewed
Unlike other streaming exclusive shows that languish in limbo between seasons to be renewed, Shrinking season 3 received a lightning-fast renewal order from Apple TV+. Just one day after season 2 premiered, the streamer picked up the series for more episodes. While details are still scarce because Season 2 isn't over yet, there's at least comfort in knowing that Season 2 won't be the end of the story for now. Jason Segel made the announcement at the 2024 New York Comic Con, confirming that he will be back as Jimmy.
Narrowing Down Season 3 Cast Details
Expect Paul and Jimmy to return
While the brilliant writing is the core of the show, the incredible cast of Shrinking has been the brightest aspect of the original Apple TV+ success. Continuing his trajectory as a dramatic actor with comedic talent, and Jason Segel will return to play grief therapist Jimmy Lairdespecially since he is closely tied to the creation of the show. Joining him will certainly be Harrison Ford's gruff veteran psychiatrist, Dr. Paul Rhoadeswho has his own Parkinson's diagnosis to deal with.
The supporting cast of Shrinking It also shouldn't be ignored, and Jessica Williams' Gaby should be available to continue her work with Jimmy and his clients. Meanwhile, Michael Urie will return as Jimmy's best friend Brian, while Lukita Maxwell will once again be on hand to play Jimmy's daughter Alice. Season 2 introduced a number of high-profile guest stars, and it's assumed that Season 3 could continue that trendalthough it is unclear who that would be until more information becomes available.
The supposed cast of Shrinking season 3 includes:
Actor |
Shrinking role |
Jason Segel |
Jimmy Laird |
Harrison Ford |
Paulo Rhodes |
Jessica Williams |
Gabby |
Michael Urie |
Brian |
Lukita Maxwell |
Alice |
Christa Miller |
Liz |
Ted McGinley |
Derek |
Narrowing Down Season 3 Story Details
More "Jimmying" is available
This also allowed for healing in his relationship with Alice, who eventually forgave her father for his bad behavior since Tia's death.
The end of Shrinking the second season almost resulted in disaster, but Jimmy's “Jimmying” finally came to fruition, albeit at the last moment. Having forgiven Louis (and eventually saved his life), Jimmy is able to repair his pain manifested through Louis and his horrible mistake. This also allowed for healing in his relationship with Alice, who eventually forgave her father for his bad behavior since Tia's death. Meanwhile, Paul has finally admitted that he will need help in the future with his worsening Parkinson's disease, something that hasn't been easy for the lone wolf psychiatrist.
Elsewhere, Liz finally found a new purpose after her romantic troubles in the first two seasonsand agreed to help Brian and Charlie raise their new baby. Proving herself to be a skilled caretaker thus far, Liz may finally be able to turn the corner by focusing on the needs of others. It all adds up to a more compelling comedy-drama in Season 3, and while an exact conflict isn't apparent, Jimmy's quest for closure and his unorthodox methods are sure to get him into trouble when Shrinking returns.