Warning: this article contains spoilers The Wheel of Time book series and may contain spoilers for season 3 of The Wheel of Time.Season 3 on Amazon The Wheel of Time has finished filming, but there is still very little information available about what audiences can expect from the next arc. The Wheel of Time has made big changes to the books, and while some major characters are expected to make their first appearances in the upcoming season, that's not guaranteed.
However, very little casting information has been confirmed in terms of these characters, with only a few rumors about who will play important figures, such as the rest of Elayne Trakand's royal family or Perrin's new love interest. There are also some major characters that haven't even been rumored as to who has been cast. With these gaps in mind, Here are some of those important figures from The Wheel of Time and who could bring these roles to life.
Wheel of Time unconfirmed season 3 casting rumors |
Character |
Cast |
Elaida from Avriny a'Roihan |
Shohreh Aghdashloo |
Queen Morgase Trakand |
Olivia Williams |
Galad Trakand |
Callum Kerr |
Jaichim Carridin |
Jordan Doreck |
Bashere Failure |
Isabella Buceri |
Gawyn Trakand - Christopher Briney
Aaron Samuels from Mean Girls
Gawyn, the idealistic eldest son of Queen Morgase Trakand of Andoris a great influence on the events of The Wheel of Timeboth in her own right and as Egwene al'Vere's love interest. As Elayne's older brother, Egwene's friend, and fellow White Tower newcomer, Gawyn has been groomed for leadership his entire life, and the conflict surrounding his house forces him into that role much sooner than he expected.
While Christopher Briney is still making a name for himself as an actor, his turn as heartthrob Aaron in Mean Girls: The Musical shows that he knows how to play a dreamboat and his appearance in 2022 Dalílândia Salvador Dalí's biopic demonstrates his ability to play more serious roles. However, Playing Gawyn Trakand would be an excellent opportunity for this young actor.
Gareth Bryne - Ian McShane
Wednesday in American Gods
Ian McShane is a phenomenal actor with years of experienceand Gareth Bryne, former First Prince of Queen Morgase's Sword, is a character who requires the same weighty presence. McShane's time as the mysterious Wednesday in American Gods and Al Swearengen in Dead wood and Deadwood: the movie show that he can really command the screen.
Notably in the novels, Bryne eventually serves as a love interest for Siuan Sanche, the Amyrlin Throne. Since The Wheel of Time series has elevated Siuan's relationship with Moiraine into something overtly romantic, this could mean Bryne won't have a romantic arc with her - or it could turn into a point of conflict between them. Either way, McShane's grizzled countenance suits the old swordmaster perfectly.
Jaret Bynar - Austin Butler
Wil Ohmsford, from the Shannara Chronicles
Most recently acclaimed for his portrayal of Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen in Dune: Part Two, Austin Butler is no stranger to fantasy TVhaving starred in the criminally underrated The Shannara Chronicles as half-elf hero Wil Ohmsford. Jareth Bynar as a character is much closer to the former than the latter; A dark and devout Son of Light, Bynar served under the command of Geofram Bornhald, who was killed by Perrin Aybara in The Wheel of Timeend of the second season.
Bynar is divided in his loyaltieson the one hand, he remains a dutiful White Cloak, but on the other, he is indebted to the Shadow, whether genuinely or under some sort of compulsion from the Forsaken Graendal. Bynar spends the books doggedly pursuing Perrin, whom he blames for much of the world's ills. His dark nature is an excellent counterpart to Butler's youthful face.
Rhuarc-Oded Fehr
Star Trek: Discovery Fleet Admiral Charles Vance
Rhuarc is the chief of the Tardaad Aiel, the clan that shelters Rand and his friends as they travel to the Aiel Waste in search of an answer to the next part of the Dragon Prophecy. Serving as Rand's advisor, tutor, and even father figure, Rhuarc is one of the Dragon Reborn's most loyal allies as the war with the Shadow approaches the Last Battle.
Oded Fehr's role as Fleet Admiral Vance, a leader forced to make difficult decisions to save those under his protection, shows that he can easily mix the weight of leadership with the dark humor so common in Aiel.
Fehr is also no stranger to playing the charismatic, sternly good-natured leader of a band of desert nomads. In 1999 The mummyhe played Ardeth Bay, chief of the Medjai warriors tasked with protecting the hidden city of Hamunaptra. He also reprized the role in 2001 The mummy returnshighlighting your fantasy experience.
Sammael - Ben Barnes
Shadow And Bone is the Darkling
One of the Renegades we know only in name so far, Sammael is one of the Shadow's greatest generalsa brilliant strategist who served on the side of the Light during the Age of Legends until he turned traitor out of jealousy that Lews Therin Telamon had been elevated above him in rank. Notably, Sammael is also known to be insecure about being only average height, wishing that the One Power could be used to make him taller.
Ben Barnes' role as Darkling on Netflix Shadow and Bone showcases his acting talent for this type of role, both as a military commander and as a servant of malevolent powers. In fact, the only thing that works against Barnes for playing Sammael is the fact that he is 6'1" (through IMDB), but this is easily solved with some camera tricks.
Graendal - Nicola Coughlin
Penelope Bridgerton from Bridgerton
Another of the Forsaken's still-unseen members, Graendal is described as "plump and beautiful," but such a description does a disservice to not only her beauty but also her cruelty. While Graendal was not one of the strongest Forsaken in terms of raw channeling power, She was a psychologist and a master manipulatorhappy to let enemies underestimate her love of decadence so she could take advantage of the unwary.
Although Nicola Coughlin has yet to play someone particularly villainous, her beauty is absolutely undeniable. As Penelope Bridgerton, she fit right in among the ostentatious trappings of the Regency era. Like Graenal, she would shine equallybut it also has the chance to bring out the venom she rarely spat when she was in Derry Girls.
Mazrim Taim - Lucas Pasquilano
D'Artagnan in The Musketeers
Luke Pasquilano's career took him from the working-class streets of London to Skinsto the hangar deck Battlestar Galacticato the Paris courts in The Musketeers. Mazrim Taim, then, would be a very different role for this dashing Englishman, but one he could play with aplomb.
Mazrim Taim was a fake dragon, but he had the ability to channeland led his followers causing chaos and destruction until he faltered and was captured after having a vision of Rand defeating Ishamael at Falme.
Taim eventually swore loyalty to Rand, even offering to help lead and train other male channelers in the Dragon's service, but this would turn out to be a mistake, as he had also sworn loyalty to the Dark One. Taim was even elevated to one of the Forsaken in time for the Last Battle – a complex arc that Paquilano could imbue with genuine empathy.
Rahvin-Oscar Isaac
Duke Leto Atreides of Dune
Although Rahvin is one of the Forsaken whose appearance in the series has yet to be confirmed, his central role in events, heavily linked to Queen Morgase and the throne of Andor, means his appearance is likely inevitable.
Often Described as the most beautiful of the Forsakena male equivalent in beauty to Lanfear, Rahvin is a proud and cruel man. Disguised under the name Gaebril, he places Morgase under his control and mental compulsion, guiding her decisions to achieve his own goals.
Oscar Isaac, then, is a phenomenal actor for the role of Rahvin. As Duke Leto Atreides in Dunehe played the role of a doomed nobleman with grace and self-confidence. In Moon Knighthe planned with himself three times. It is clear, There's no denying that Isaac is one of the most handsome men in cinema today, making him perfect to play this handsome traitor.
Asmodean - Pedro Pascal
Oberyn Martell from Game of Thrones
While the Forsaken known as Asmodean has also not been directly confirmed as appearing in Season 3one of the Forsaken figurines shown in Season 1 is clearly holding a musical instrument, and Asmodean was the only one of the Forsaken with any talent in that area.
Once freed, Asmodean disguised himself as a minstrel and traveled with Lanfear to the Aiel Waste, where he ingratiated himself with Rand al'Thor and, in a strange turn of events, became the Dragon Reborn's first true tutor on how to channel with security the One. Power. The role of this clever teller of stories and lies is best played by someone who is equally seductive and insufferable., and few actors fit this profile as well as Pedro Pascal.
While this is certainly a shot in the dark, as Pascal's agenda for the near future is still complicated for him playing Din Djarin in The MandalorianThere's no doubt that this Chilean-born actor would feel as comfortable exchanging jokes with Mat Cauthon as he did with Tyrion Lannister when he played the ill-fated Oberyn Martell in Game of Thrones.
Moridin-Hale Appleman
Eliot Waugh in The Magicians
In one of the biggest changes to the books so far, the leader of the Forsaken, Ishamael, was killed at the end of Season 2 rather than survive the duel with Rand, only to die at his hands later. This premature death means that Ishamael's eventual resurrection and rebirth under the name Moridin, which does not happen until the seventh book, A Court of Shadowsit can also happen sooner.
Although Ishamael's malice was a tired and personal thing after his millennia of scheming after the Breaking of the World, his reborn self is a more intense and sadistic man. Although seemingly calm to a supernatural degree, Moridin had a much greater madness than in his previous lifeand portraying this dichotomy requires an actor who knows how to chew scenery and hearts.
IMDB's highest-rated episodes The Wheel of Time |
Episode number |
Title |
IMDB Score |
T2.E8 |
What should be |
8.9 |
T2.E6 |
Merciless eyes |
8.7 |
S1.E4 |
The Dragon Reborn |
8.5 |
As disaster scholar Eliot Waugh said in The magiciansHale Appleman showed a tremendous breadth of talent. While The Wheel of Time While it's unlikely to involve a cover of a song by The Pretenders, it will require a Moridin who can go from jovial to murderous in the blink of an eye. At the end of The magiciansIn the third season, Eliot was possessed by an amoral monster known as the Nameless, who embodied the same murderous flights of fancy as Moridin, and shows Appleman knows how to portray genuine evil with a smile – an important feature for this key THE Wheel of Time character.
Sources: IMDB