Warning: Major spoilers for Prime Video's Cruel Intentions TV show.
THE Cruel intentions The franchise expanded to streaming with a TV show based on the 1999 film, but despite borrowing its premise, the show has a very different ending. THE Cruel intentions The TV show follows Caroline Merteuil (Sarah Catherine Hook) and Lucien Belmont (Zac Burgess), wealthy half-siblings who attend college in Washington DC. Caroline is the president of Delta Phi sorority, while Lucien is the treasurer of Alpha Gamma. When both fraternities face a student movement that aims to end all fraternities, Caroline sets her sights on Annie Grover (Savannah Lee Smith), the vice president's daughter.
As Lucien is seducing fellow students and sleeping with them (and filming their encounters), Caroline proposes a bet to him involving Annie. Meanwhile, on Alpha Gamma, the fraternity's social president, Blaise (John Harlan Kim), is carrying out his own plan to save himself by manipulating the fraternity president. At the end of Cruel intentions, Caroline unleashes her revenge on everyone, but her reign may not last long Afterwards, Annie and Caroline's best friend and right-hand woman, CeCe (Sara Silva), begins to see through their lies.
Caroline's plan and bet with Lucien explained
Caroline had her own plans beyond the bet
As mentioned above, there is a student movement on campus that wants to break up all fraternities, and the main target is Delta Phi. Of course, Caroline isn't about to let that happen, but she knows the vice president's daughter is about to enroll. Carolina knows this, If Annie Grover joins Delta Phi, the sorority will be protected from any potential threatsbecause they would not end the fraternity of which the vice president's daughter is a member. However, Caroline also knows that getting Annie Grover isn't easy.
Knowing how persuasive and discreetly manipulative Lucien can be, Caroline proposes a bet: seduce Annie and sleep with her, convincing her to join Delta Phi. If Lucien achieves this, Caroline will finally sleep with him. Parallel to Lucien's efforts to get closer to Annie are those of Caroline, who befriends Annie and gains her trust. Caroline constantly lies to Annie to get her more involved in the sororitylike when, during an event where they share secrets, Caroline takes advantage of CeCe's absence and tells her secret as if it were hers.
For Caroline, Lucien doesn't keep his end of the bet and she releases all of his sex tapes.
However, when Lucien develops feelings for Annie, he rebels against Caroline and decides to follow her rules, something that Caroline doesn't like. Lucien sleeps with Annie and films their date, but does not share this with Caroline. For Caroline, Lucien doesn't do his part in the bet, so she releases all of his sex tapes as he uploads them to a shared archive with Caroline. Annie joins Delta Phi, but during the new members celebration, she realizes Caroline's lies..
When talking to CeCe, she mentions the tennis instructor her mother paid to have sex with her, which is the story Caroline told as her own. Annie realizes that Caroline lied to her to gain her trust, and many other things since they met were certainly lies as well. As she is now part of Delta Phi, Annie has a greater chance of tearing down the sorority from within.So she meets with Beatrice Worth (Brooke Lena Johnson), the leader of the anti-fraternity movement, to share her suspicions about Caroline and come up with a plan.
What Blaise Really Wanted From Scott Explained
Blaise manipulated Scott into making him president
While Caroline struggles to save Delta Phi and catch Annie Grover, things at Alpha Gamma aren't exactly perfect. After a scandal in which Scott Russell (Khobe Clarke) was injured, Scott returns and Blaise takes him under his wing. The two become lovers, which Blaise uses to manipulate Scott however he wants. When the fraternity's vice president, Blandsman (Zeke Goodman), threatens to become president of Alpha Gamma, Blaise uses CeCe to obtain compromising photos of Blandsman to blackmail him into seeking the presidency as he wants Scott to be president. .
What Blaise does is get Scott to sign checks under the guise of it being money and necessary purchases for the fraternity, but Lucien, as treasurer of Alpha Gamma, knows that Blaise is embezzling funds from the fraternity.
Blaise succeeds and Scott becomes president of the fraternity, but Scott isn't exactly the brightest crayon in the box, which makes him very easy to manipulate. What Blaise does is get Scott to sign checks under the guise of it being money and necessary purchases for the fraternity, but Lucien, as treasurer of Alpha Gamma, knows that Blaise is embezzling funds from the fraternity. It is later revealed that Blaise is having financial problems and his family owes the college money, so he is accepting fraternity money using Scott.
Scott eventually finds out what Blaise is doing, but because his father, a congressman, promised Blaise a job after they graduate, he fears he will lose him if he finds out what happened. Blaise goes to Scott's house to talk to his father and tries to blackmail them by saying that Scott is gay, but to his surprise, Scott is also there and had already talked to his father about money and his sexual preferences. Not only have Blaise's plans been discovered, but he is now also a liar and manipulator in the eyes of Scott's father.
Why Beatrice Wanted to Break Up All Fraternities
Beatrice has a clear mission
The biggest obstacle in the way for Delta Phi and Alpha Gamma is Beatrice Worth and her group. After having sex with Lucien in a bathroom outside Delta Phi and Alpha Gamma's spring dance, Beatrice was denied entry, which angered her even more. Some time later, Beatrice writes an article in the college newspaper about misogyny, racism, discrimination and fraternity crimesand leads a movement to end them. However, it was later revealed that Beatrice tried and failed to join Delta Phi three times, so her whole move was a little too personal.
Even so, and despite several obstacles, Beatrice continues her fight to bring down the fraternities and befriends Annie, who initially joins her movement. Beatrice is disillusioned when Annie formally joins Delta Phi, but when Annie finds her to tell her that she believes Caroline is behind the Professor Chadwick (Sean Patrick Thomas) scandal, Beatrice's hope is restored.
Why Caroline cheated on CeCe
Caroline will stab anyone in the back, including her most loyal friend
CeCe is Caroline's best and most loyal friend, but that doesn't mean Caroline is also loyal to her and a good friend. CeCe is chronically stressed because she's always doing things for Caroline and the sorority, but on top of that, she gets a position as Professor Chadwick's assistant. This new role takes up more of her time and starts to interfere a little with her activities at Delta Phi, which Caroline doesn't take lightly, even going so far as to expel her from her favorite fraternity event. CeCe later confides in Caroline about her feelings for Professor Chadwick and Caroline convinces her to take action.
Caroline then makes an anonymous complaint about sexual misconduct against Professor Chadwick so that CeCe can no longer be around him.
However, CeCe's involvement with Professor Chadwick is seen as disloyalty by Carolineand tired of it, she betrays her best friend. Posing as a member of another group's Delta Phi, Caroline seduces Professor Chadwick and has sex with him, with Lucien finding them together. Caroline then makes an anonymous complaint about sexual misconduct against Professor Chadwick so that CeCe can no longer be around him.
Caroline's betrayal works when CeCe pledges her undying loyalty to Caroline and the sorority, but after learning that Caroline used her secret as her own, CeCe begins to suspect that her best friend is manipulating and lying to her. all this time, and so CeCe may go through some necessary changes in a second season.
Lucien's Cruel Intentions Shared File Ending Explained
Lucien had another surprise move for Caroline
As mentioned above, Caroline releases Lucien's sex tapes after he withdraws from the bet. Of course, this creates a scandal in the community, as Lucien has seduced many students (and Chadwick's ex-wife), but Lucien takes a final step against Caroline. Lucien visits his stepmother, with whom Caroline does not have a good relationshipas her mother is never satisfied with anything Caroline does. During their last conversation after meeting her with Chadwick, Lucien tells Caroline that he now understands why his mother never loved her, and that's where his next move aims.
Cruel intentions established early on that Caroline's mother had a crush on Lucien, and he capitalizes on this after Caroline releases her tapes. Lucien's mother and Caroline have sex and, as is tradition for him, he records the encounter. Cruel intentions ends with Caroline receiving a notification that a new video is being uploaded to the shared archive and she calls Lucien while he is driving.
Lucien's sex tape with Caroline's mother is a crossed line that not even Caroline could have predicted.
Lucien ignores Caroline and Annie's calls, simply smiling and continuing to drive. Lucien's sex tape with Caroline's mother is a crossed line that not even Caroline could have predicted, and it's yet another jab at Caroline as it's further proof of how much her mother doesn't care about her, just Lucien.
How the Finale Sets Up Cruel Intentions Season 2
Cruel Intentions leaves the door open for a second season
THE Cruel intentions The TV show changed the film's ending, paving the way for a second season. At Alpha Gamma Blaise is expelled from the fraternity and without him on his way Blandsman can now serve as fraternity president once again – however, Scott is now much more awake and aware, and may not easily give up the Presidency. At Delta Phi, Caroline got what she wanted, but Annie and CeCe now know that she has been lying to them, and Annie suspects that she was the one who filed the complaint against Chadwick.
Annie can start working closely with Beatrice now that she knows the truth about Caroline and that she has full access to Delta Phi, thus being able to destroy the fraternity from within. Meanwhile, CeCe is also becoming aware of Caroline's lies and, after signing Beatrice's petition, she too may join her movement, even more so if she finds out that the Chadwick scandal was Caroline's fault. Cruel intentions season two may see Caroline's downfall, but she certainly won't go down without a fight.
Two ambitious half-brothers from a prestigious Washington, D.C. college will stop at nothing to maintain their social standing. After a scandal threatens their control, they resort to extreme tactics, including seducing the vice president's daughter, to safeguard their reputation and influence.
- Cast
Sarah Catherine Hook, Zac Burgess, Sara Silva, Khobe Clarke, John Harlan Kim, Brooke Lena Johnson, Sean Patrick Thomas, Savannah Lee Smith
- Release date
November 21, 2024
- Network
Main video