Captain Pike turns a Star Trek suicide maneuver into Strange New Worlds Rescue

Captain Pike turns a Star Trek suicide maneuver into Strange New Worlds Rescue

in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 3, Captain Christopher Pike (Anson Berg) attempts a USS Enterprise maneuver that usually means suicide. Strange New Worlds Season 2 ended with a cliffhanger as the Enterprise faced off against multiple Gorn ships, including a destroyer. As Captain Pike considers his next move, Admiral Robert April (Adrian Holmes) orders the Enterprise to withdraw, even if it means some crew members are trapped on the ship. Pike stops, unwilling to leave his men behind, but unsure how to proceed, just before the words "to be continued" appear on the screen.

With the life of Captain Marie Battle (Melanie Scrofano) hanging in the balance, Captain Pike faces his very own version of the Kobayashi Maru, but he's not facing it alone. At New York Comic-Con 2024, Paramount + debuted a new clip from Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 3 Revealing how Pike and his starship Enterprise crew find a way to rescue their abducted crewmates, the clip not only highlights Pike's skills as a leader but also shows the bridge crew coming together to find a solution to their predicament.

Captain Pike's Suicide Maneuver Will Save Enterprise's Crew in Strange New Worlds Season 3

Captain Pike and his crew come up with a daring plan to save their friends

Like any good starship captain, Pike refuses to leave his men behind, so he immediately turns to his starship Enterprise crew for suggestions on their next move. As everyone rattles off ideas, Pike forms a plan to escape the terrifying Gorn fleet while ensuring the Enterprise has a way to track it. Pike orders the Enterprise to ram the Gorn Destroyer, Not to destroy it, but to destroy the ship's powerful shields. This will allow the Enterprise to fire a dummy torpedo at the Gorn ship that will act as a homing beacon, so Pike and his crew can track the ship and rescue their friends.


Traditionally, a starship captain would only ram into another ship as a last-ditch effort when no other solutions were available. One starship ramming into another at high speeds is meant to destroy or severely disable both ships, and is usually a suicide mission for the ship doing the ramming. Pike's plan not only avoids this unfortunate result but Will also rescue his captured crew members. The clever solution was a collaborative effort by the bridge crew and proves how strong Pike's crew is as a whole.

Why Star Trek ramming speed usually means starship suicide

Ramming is usually reserved for a desperate last move

throughout Star Trek timeline, several different starship captains have ordered their ships to ram into another, usually as a way to prevent further destruction. in Star Trek: First Contact, For example, Lut. Commander Worf (Michael Dorn) commands the USS. Defiant to ram into the Borg cube threatening Earth. At this moment in the battle, The Defiant had already lost shields and weapons, and Warf had no other options. Thankfully, Captain Picard arrived with the USS Enterprise-E in time to save the crew of the Defiant TNG Crew followed the Borg cube back in time.

Star Trek Ships usually use ramming speed when all other options have been exhausted, meaning the ship has already suffered significant damage. A Starfleet captain would only order a suicide run if the stakes were incredibly high, such as to prevent an enemy from attacking Earth. Starships are obviously not built to engage, And this desperate maneuver is usually only used after the ship's shields have failed. Because of this, ramming into another ship often means suicide. Captain Pike and his crew found a way around this Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 3, using the Enterprise and its shields in a very strategic ramming move.

Release date

May 5, 2022




Henry Alonso Myers, Akiba Goldman