Marvel has launched its latest Avengers Team-up book, with Captain America leading a star-studded squad - including two characters who get their first shot at proving they're among Earth's mightiest heroes. Avengers Assemble Features the debut of Night Thrasher and Lightspeed, along with a roster that also includes Shang-Chi, Hercules, She-Hulk and more coming together for a new Avengers tenure.
Avengers Assemble #1 - written by Steve Orlando, with art by Cory Smith - offers a two-pronged introduction to Captain America's new team, as those who arrive at Avengers headquarters early on find themselves thrown into an action-heavy mission. Those who showed up a little late, on the other hand, have the opportunity to get to know each other back at the base.
While the heroes catch up, new recruit Night Thrasher immediately makes an impact on the team by introducing new tactical gear for future missions.
Captain America assembles his new squad as the Avengers continue to expand
Avengers Assemble #1 - Written by Steven Orlando; Art by Cory Smith; Ink by Elisabetta D'Amico & Oren Junior; Color by Sonia Oback; Lettering by Corey Petit
The past few years have been interesting for Marvel's AvengersAs the surge in the team's popularity thanks to the MCU has resulted in multiple contenders Avengers Titles run at once, because there are simply too many characters for a single team book to spotlight. Jed MacKay's Avengers Ongoing features a team led by Captain Marvel, including the Sam Wilson version of Captain America. Classic Cap Steve Rogers, meanwhile, has led several alternative Avengers squads over the past few years - but his newest has perhaps the most dynamic roster yet.
Avengers Assemble #1 starts with the team doing just that. Shang-Chi, Wasp, and Photon quickly accompany Captain America on their first mission, while the rest of the team gathers at the Avengers headquarters in New York City. This is an effective story because it allows for a lot of action, while also Give the lesser known members of the roster - including Night Thrasher and Lightspeed - time to acclimate to each other and to the readers of the book. It also builds further anticipation for the moment when the entire team aligns for battle for the very first time.
First appearance: 1989s Thor #411 - Created by Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz
Although new member Night Thrasher has yet to show what he can do on the battlefield, he contributes to the team in a concrete way from the moment he steps through the door of the Avengers' mansion. He does this by giving the team new gear; As Lightspeed—the team's other brand new recruit—notes in Avengers Assemble #1, Night Thrasher is known for his specialty as an armorer, immediately establishing him in a position of prominence on the roster.
Avengers Assemble Night Thrasher finally gets the chance to take a leading role in a major superhero series.
First appearing in Marvel Comics 35 years ago, it took more than enough time for Night Tracer's potential as an Avenger to be recognized. Although the character had a memorable role in Marvel's original Civil war Crossover, he's made only select appearances since, and hasn't had the chance to really elevate himself to a position among Earth's mightiest heroes. Avengers Assemble Night Thrasher finally gets the chance to take a leading role in a major superhero series.
Lightspeed adds an energetic dimension to the Avengers roster
First appearance: 1984s Power pack #1 - Created by Louise Simonson and June Brigman
Similar to Night Thrasher, Lightspeed may be a new Avenger, but she has a long history in the Marvel Universe. With forty years of comic book history to her credit, Lightspeed is even more poised to have her most epic storyline ever Avengers Assemble. Although she previously had a role in Marvel's Avengers Academy series, the series finds you finally graduating to the main roster. In addition to being a powerful mutant, Lightspeed is a dynamic, fun character that readers should be excited to see interact with teammates like She-Hulk and Hawkeye.
Avengers Assemble #1 sets an upbeat tone for the book, suggesting that it will have the kind of vIt may be that fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe would gravitate towards.
The latest incarnation of Marvel's Avengers is scintillatingly curated, with the roster including a diverse set of powers and a unique blend of characters. Avengers Assemble #1 sets an upbeat tone for the book, suggesting that it will have the kind of vibe that fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe would gravitate towards. For those viewers who can't get enough of their favorite Marvel heroes and want to foray into Marvel Comics, the new Avengers Series is an ideal jumping on point.
Avengers Assemble #1 is available now from Marvel Comics.