Captain America's death just shattered one of Marvel's longest-running friendships forever

Captain America's death just shattered one of Marvel's longest-running friendships forever

Warning! Potential spoilers ahead for Wolverine: Revenge #2Wolverine And Deadpool Could have become best friends on film, but the death of Captain America is enough to drive a wedge between their newfound bromance in the world of Marvel Comics. The preview for Wolverine: Revenge #2 shows how Marvel's dynamic X-duo could fall apart in an alternate continuity where Earth is plunged into a post-apocalyptic wasteland…

Coming from the creative team of Jonathan Hickman, Greg Capullo, Tim Townsend, FCO Plascencia and Cory Petit, Wolverine: Revenge #2 continues the story of a world where Magneto crashes asteroid M above North America, killing millions and plunging most of the world into darkness. Nick Fury assembles a strike team including Wolverine, Captain America and the Winter Solider to infiltrate Russia, one of the last countries in the world to maintain a power grid after Asteroid M's detonation. Cap and Bucky are killed by a coterie of X-villains led by none other than Colossus, sending Wolverine on his titular quest for revenge.

Wolverine: Revenge brings together a superstar creative team

Jonathan Hickman & Greg Capullo both bring their A-game

Wolverine Revenge #1, Wolverine jumps into battle with a T-Rex.

The preview for the second issue highlights what is at stake for the characters in the world. As Nick Fury notes, all that is left of the American experiment are "fewer than twenty nuclear subs." Fury predicts that it won't be long before the subs become "Warlords and pirates" Making this perhaps the bleakest alternate future continuity the Marvel Universe has yet seen. At this point in the story, Wolverine isn't fighting for anything other than a dish served cold of revenge - a twisted mission in a world that doesn't look like he'll be around for too much longer.

On Wolverine's "death list five" are Sabredy Out, Omega Red and Deadpool, the latter of which is Directly responsible for killing Captain America and the Winter Soldier after planting bombs in their chests. Wolverine received the same treatment, but his healing factor meant that Logan survived the blast. As such, Wolverine's friendship with Deadpool is truly and ultimately over in this continuity, although Wade admits that there is nothing personal in his actions; He is simply working for the highest bidder. Perhaps even more stinging for Logan is the betrayal of Colossus, who has chosen to side with his native land now that the world is plunged into darkness.

Who's first on Wolverine's kill list?

Wolverine: Revenge sees Logan hunting down Captain America's killers

Wolverine Revenge #1 Deadpool, Sabretooth and Omega Red Ambush Wolverine

Exactly how Wolverine gets his revenge remains to be seen, but he has a few more issues to go before the five issue run of Wolverine: Revenge reached its bloody conclusion. Given its out-of-continuity nature, the story could go in any direction. As evidenced by all the deaths in the first issue, no character is safe in the world of Wolverine: Revenge. After the death of Captain America, Deadpool Will have to keep his wits about him, like Wolverine is on a war path of revenge.

Wolverine: Revenge #2 On sale 9/25 from Marvel Comics.