Can you get maximum reputation with each syndicate?

Can you get maximum reputation with each syndicate?

Reputation is one of the core components of Kay Vess's story Star Wars OutlawsAs the young scandal finds its way through the Outer Rim's criminal underworld by dealing with four of its main syndicates: the Pike Syndicate, Hutt Cartel, Crimson Dawn, and Ashiga Clan. Each group controls different districts across the planets that Kay can visitAnd while siding with one syndicate consistently can provide great rewards, if another is angered enough, entire territories will be much harder to access without resorting to stealth, and death squads can be sent after Kay, making the open world a much more hostile place and Restricting movement significantly.

Despite the conflict between clans, many will probably wonder if there is a way to please all of them and achieve a "good," "Excellent,"or even"MaximumEach syndicate has a niche in the underworld that determines the kind of stock its merchants sell and the kind of jobs and contracts Kay can get from them, and each positive reputation level gives Kay more rewards, from Blaster Cosmetics. , to crest with specific perks, to gear for both Kay and Nix that can provide further perks, especially when wearing a full outfit rather than mixing together a combination of​​​​​​others.


What rewards does each syndicate offer for maximum reputation?

And what perks do they provide?

Building a positive reputation is certainly worth it, as a "Good"Reputation means that Kay is welcomed in more territories, is offered more jobs, gets better deals at merchantsand is given after "Welcome to Gift"Cosmetics."Excellent"Take it further, how instead of being seen stealing things when they pick them up in the territory, Kay can help herself free. She also gets offered the best jobs possible, gets a huge discount and access to exclusive stock at vendors, and gets a Unique comb and gear number to reach the top.


However, Max Shem's pace is certainly worth pushing beyond excellent, like Kay can get complete outfits with unique perks per item, and even more perks when worn together. As an added bonus, once unlocked, Kay can keep all of these rewards, regardless of her status with the Syndicates, although some perks are only available if she maintains a "Good" or higher level.

Each maximum reputation reward is as follows:

Fake Syndicate

hat cartel

Crimson Dawn

Ashiga clan

  • Imperial disguise jacket

    • Greatly increases Kay's adrenaline gain when you use her blaster.

    • Increases power module damage.

  • Imperial disguise belt

    • Restores health for each enemy defeated with Kay's Adrenaline Rush ability.

    • Increases power module heat capacity.

  • Imperial disguise pants

    • Increases accuracy from the hip or on the run.

    • Supercools Kay's blaster after adrenaline rush.

  • Imperial Chestbox Cosmetic for Nyx.

Wearing all Imperial Disguise gear at once offers the following perks:

  • Increases the ability to avoid detection by Imperials.

  • Lose the wanted levels significantly faster if Kay's reputation is still "Good" or higher with the pikes.

  • Boonta Brawler Jacket

    • Increases the ammo capacity of the ammo.

    • Reduces damage taken from blaster and projectile weapons.

  • Boonta Brawler Belt

    • Increases grenade carrying capacity.

    • Increases the explosion radius of grenades.

  • Boonta Brawler Pants

    • Reduces damage taken when sprinting.

    • Reduces damage taken from explosions.

  • Boonta Brawler Splash Cosmetic for Nicks

Wearing all Boonta Brawler gear at once offers the following perks:

  • Greatly increases adrenaline gained when defeating enemies with grenades.

  • Get one grenade for each defeated enemy when using Adrenaline Rush, as long as Kay's reputation with the Hutt Cartel is "Good"Or better.

  • Crimson rule tunic

    • Get a great amount of adrenaline when performing stealth takedowns.

    • Increases the ability to avoid detection.

  • Crimson Rule Belt

    • Stealth takedowns restore health,

    • Increases grenade carrying capacity.

  • Crimson rule pants

    • Increases crouch movement speed and reduces noise significantly.

    • Increases adrenaline from sneaking near hostile enemy patrols.

  • Crimson rain satchel cosmetic for nix

Wearing all crimson rain gear at once offers the following perks:

  • Catching enemies in a smoke bomb recharges Kay's stun shot on her blaster.

  • Hitting an enemy with a stun shot resets the smoke bomb's cooldown, as long as Kay's reputation with Crimson Dawn is "Good"Or better.

  • Kijimi Explorer Jacket

    • Reduces damage taken from blaster and projectile weapons.

    • Increases the amount of adrenaline gained when you take damage.

  • Kijimi Explorer Belt

    • Increases the carrying capacity of Bacta Vial.

    • Fully restores health upon taking lethal damage.

  • Game Kijimi Explorer Pants

    • Greatly reduces damage taken from explosions when crouching, rolling or sliding.

    • Health begins to regenerate sooner after taking damage.

  • Kijimi Explorer Scarf Cosmetic for Nikes

Wearing all Kijimi Explorer gear at once offers the following perks:

  • Very reduces damage taken at low health.

  • Defeat enemies by using Kay's blaster while at low health triggers super cooldown, as long as Kay's reputation with the Ashiga clan is "Good"Or better.

Is it possible to get maximum reputation with each syndicate?

While some actions may lose favor with other syndicates, others only build it

While most of the main syndicate quests in Star Wars Outlaws will result in Kay having to make a choice between two opposing syndicates, often resulting in lowering reputation with one while building with another, There is a way to push Kay's reputation to max levels across all factions. This can be done by taking contracts that only build the reputation of brokers, playing Sabacc in each syndicate's territory, and also by selling data collected in the open world to specific syndicate vendors, because they have no negative impact on other syndicates. By doing the latter, it is extremely easy to climb the ranks and pick a "Good"or"Excellent" Reputation with each syndicate simultaneously.

Considering the rewards available and how much of an impact it can make on open-world exploration, it's certainly worth trying to build Kai's reputation as much as possible in Star Wars Outlaws. Although the main campaign does not make it clear that this is an option initially, it can be rewarding for those who are willing to explore the open world and take on as many jobs or connect with as many different characters as possible.