Can you continue playing Star Wars Outlaws after beating the game?

Can you continue playing Star Wars Outlaws after beating the game?

in Star Wars OutlawsThere is a lot of side content to do and not a lot of story content to do in between. As an open-world game with large, populated maps, Star Wars Outlaws is full of optional missions and unique encounters. Players have the choice of completing it all as it's unlocked, saving it for later, or simply skipping it as they blitz through the story.

The result is that many players will have a lot of side content left unfinished when they approach the final boss of Star Wars OutlawsAnd may ask if they will have a chance to return to it after the credits roll. While Star Wars Outlaws It has a pretty strong postgame, there are some common RPG mechanics it's sorely lacking. Here's everything to know about playing Star Wars: Outlaws After beating the final boss.


Yes, you can continue playing Star Wars: Outlaws after beating it

Star Wars Outlaws Postgame Explained

luckily, It is completely possible to continue playing Star Wars Outlaws After beating the final boss. Immediately after finishing the last mission and watching the final scenes, players can continue to search and complete side content much like before.

No content is locked by finishing the final mission - Players can continue to complete anything they left unfinished before. This goes for story-focused, planet-specific, syndicate, merchant, and expert quests, as well as one-and-done tasks like contracts and mini-games. It's quite similar to other open-world games in that way - the closest comparison would likely be Ubisoft's own Assassin's Creed series, most of whose titles similarly allow almost unlimited free roaming after finishing their final quests.

Does Star Wars Outlaws have a new game plus mode?

What to do in Star Wars Outlaws' Postgame

Star Wars Outlaws - Kay and BD-5 with Jabba and other Syndicate leaders behind her

unfortunately, Star Wars Outlaws Didn't have a New Game Plus feature at launch. If players want to start another run, they'll have to go back to the beginning, leaving behind all the items, abilities and credits they acquired during the course of their first campaign. They are free to continue with their current save files if they just want to complete unfinished side content, but if they want to return to any point in the story, they will have to start from scratch.


however, There is the possibility for an NG+ mechanic to be added in future updates or DLC. At least two story-focused expansions are expected to be released for Star Wars OutlawsAccording to item listings for his season pass, players will eventually have the opportunity to take on more postgame missions with Kay and Nicks in the future. If this is the case, an NG+ feature could be added via one of the associated updates to give the game a significant boost in replay value.

So, although it still lacks an NG+ mode, it is perfectly possible to delete content after beating Star Wars Outlaws. Once they've finished their final mission, players are free to explore the galaxy with Kay Vess. This and its radiant missions give Star Wars Outlaws An almost infinite runtime.