If you want to become a supervillain called Aetherella in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies mode, now you can. That's it one of the fun Easter eggs players can discover as they check the Zombie maps. To get this particular one, you Gotta be in Liberty Falls and you will have to do a lot of work to do this.
There are many possible secrets to discover in Zombies mode, including the Easter Egg Song itself in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6. You will have to search the two current maps in the game to find each of them, and it's possible there are some out there that players haven't even encountered yet. While waiting for more secrets to be known or trying to reveal them yourself, you can use the time to become the supervillain known as Aetherella.
Craft the jet pistol in Black Ops 6
Obtain this prerequisite before encountering Aetherella
This is possibly the the most difficult of goals to achieve as you try to become Aetherella. You might get lucky and find the Jet Gun through loot, or you might craft it Wonder Weapon in Black Ops 6 to ensure you have it on hand.
We recommend that you take extra time to create itas it is much more efficient in the long run and you will waste much less resources to obtain it. It will be useful not only for completing this quest, but also as a weapon against the horde. Once you have it, you can move on to step 2 to become Aetherella, which will involve finding all of the Aetherella statues.
All Aetherella statue locations in Black Ops 6
Finding all 9 statues in Liberty Falls
Once you have the Jet Gun in hand, you can start searching the map for all 9 statues you need to find. Once you find them, you will have to suck them up using the Jet Gun.
The statues are small, but you can see what they look like Olly comicswhich has a large version of the statue inside. This is also the biggest clue that players should find the smaller statues.
To find the first set of Aetherella statues, you'll want to head to Olly's Comics store, where there are four statues waiting can be found in the following locations:
- On the windowsill near the front door
- On one of the cubed shelves along the same wall
- At the back door, sitting in one of the closets
- On a small shelf near the Aetherella statue
After that, the rest of the statues are in other places. Go back out of the store and head towards the motel. The locations of the statues here are quite close together, so keep that in mind when going from one place to another. The locations described below are listed as if you are moving from one to another, but this is not necessarily necessary.
At the motel, look at the red base holding the “Motel” sign. There is a statue resting on that red base.
Go to the building in front of the flower shop and climb onto the roof. If you look across the street there is a statue hiding on one of the window sills.
From there, take the zipline across the rooftops. You'll end up on the other side of a roof with some marked debris. Destroy it to land on the lower roof. The statue will be on the next rooftop from where you are, hidden between two air conditioning units.
Go to the bowling alley and find the bus. Get on the bus and look towards the bowling alley. Below the “A” in “LANE” It should be the next statue on a ledge.
Go to the church and face it. If you look up and to the right, you should see a small statue in the windows of the building.
This last set of instructions can be harder to follow in text than visually for some people. If you are one of these, you can follow this YouTuber video To slip. Once you have the last figure, you will automatically become Aetherellano more effort involved.
However, you won't have much time to enjoy the feeling of being a floating, invincible, laser beam-wielding supervillain, as the game will only let you use it to 1 minute and 30 seconds. So the next challenge will be knowing when to get the last statue and when it's best for you to become Aetherella in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 but you should enjoy it while it lasts.
Source: Swipe/YouTube