In Call of Duty: Black Ops 6Zombies mode features lots of fun easter eggs and ways to strengthen yourself, including a Mega Stuffy Pet that players can unlock. That's it how to have a teammate after doing thisas it can fly, attack enemies and even revive you if you are knocked down. It's a very useful friend to have, especially when you are just starting out without any updates.
There are many different types of updates in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6and even more so if you include Zombies mode. Of Perk-A-Colas for Raises In addition to the things you can find in the mode itself, there's something for every game component and every play style. If you are interested in getting a game boost that will help defend you from zombies, you should find and assemble the Mega Stuffy Pet.
All ride locations in Terminus
Finding all 6
Six plush toys required to get the Mega Stuffy Pet, and players will have to search Terminus Island in Zombies mode to find them. There are two main ways to obtain them: shooting them with a gun or using the interact button if you get close enough. If you do the latter, you will also receive more items.
Stuffed Animal 1: Control Center
The first one you look for is a stuffed rabbit that players can find in the Control Center. There is a Stamin-Up machine, to the left of which is a locker near the armory. Inside the closet is the stuffed rabbit.
Stuffed Animal 2: Sea Tower
Next, you'll want to head to the Sea Tower and then turn around to head towards the Engineering Room. When you do this, there will be a metal fence between the two areasand if you look a little to the right near the door you will find the stuffed monkey.
Stuffed Animal 3: Mining Tunnel
Next, there is a Mining Tunnel that you can enter, and you will find the stuffed elephant inside next to a wooden palette and next to left of a GobbleGum machine. It took players a while to find the Mining Tunnel, so if you need help with that, you can watch the YouTuber's video ConCon.
Stuffed Animal 4: Bio Lab
After that go to the Bio Lab and look for the craft bench. In between that bank and the Armor Wall-BuyYou can see a teddy bear sitting on the floor if you turn around and face the center of the lab.
THE last two stuffed animals are located on other islands. You will need to find a boat to get there.
Stuffed Animal 5: Shipwreck Island
On Shipwreck Island, which is west of the main Terminus Islandyou will find the shipwreck that gave the island its name. Climb aboard and look at the right to find a bunch of rubbishwhere a poor stuffed duck waits for you to find it.
Stuffed Animal 6: Crab Island
Lastly, when south of the main islandyou will find Crab Island. You won't be looking for a stuffed crab, but rather a stuffed giraffe that is hiding behind a lamp. The lamp will be on land in between the weapon purchase on the wall and the crafting bench. Make sure to pick up a new weapon in Call to action: Black Ops 6 if you need one before proceeding.
How to breed the Mega Stuffy pet
Finding the right room
After collecting all the abandoned plush toys, you I want to go back to Terminus Island. There, find the living quarters where you may have previously acquired Juggernog. Regardless, you will see this In each bunk there is one of six stuffed animals you spent time collecting.
Interact with them all one by one. Each person must drop a package of items, usually lethal and tactical equipment, before heading to the center of the accommodation. After interacting with all of them, they amalgamate into Mega Stuffy Pet and become a useful ally.
Mega Stuffy will follow you from the air and can shoot zombies and revive yourself or another player at your party. Unfortunately, it doesn't do much damage, but it can help prevent you from being attacked while taking down the zombies it hits. He doesn't have much health, so his value will likely decrease the higher your Zombies level. However, the Mega Stuffy Pet can help you as you progress through the lower levels and keep you alive in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies Mode.
Source: ConCon/YouTube