Call of Duty: Black Ops 6

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6

Shotguns are extremely strong short-range weapons in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6with the ASG-89 being perhaps the best when equipped with its best attachments, perks, and equipment. This semi-automatic shotgun can take down targets in quick succession, with no interruption between shots. However, this weapon has some glaring weaknesses that you'll want to tweak before taking it onto the battlefield.

Unlike the other versions of Shotgun in CoD: Black Ops 6you don't have to worry about the speed of the ASG-89. This weapon's rate of fire is surprisingly high due to how it can fire multiple shots at once. While it may not boast the firepower of the Marine SP shotgun, it has better initial mobility when you unlock the weapon by reaching account level 31.

Best Accessories for ASG-89

Adjust the weapon to kill in one shot

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 ASG-89 Shotgun Build Accessories

The ASG-89 has a limited range, which you can expand with certain attachments, making it a shotgun that excels at both medium range and close range. Do you want pieces that improve weapon accuracy also to ensure that all shotgun shells hit the target. Here are some of the best attachments you can use on an ASG-89 build:

Attachment Type


What does it do


Modified Choke

Increases your weapon's accuracy and range.


Target laser

Improves your weapon's overall accuracy.


Light stock

Reduces the weight of your weapon, providing more mobility.


Long Barrel

Greatly improves the weapon's range, giving more precision to your shots from a distance.


Volga reflection

Improves your weapon's overall accuracy.

Fire Modes

Rapid Fire

Increases the speed at which your weapon fires, as well as the time it takes to aim.

Rear Grip

Assault Fist

Dramatically increases your weapon's firepower, increasing the damage of each shot.


Extended Mag I

Gives your weapon a greater ammo capacity, allowing you to fire more shots before needing to reload.

This build is only possible when you use the Gunfighter Wild Card equipment with the ASG-89. This rig allows you to have eight accessory slots instead of five, giving you more room to personally customize the shotgun's loadout.

According to the user's below TikTok video Rasclart0aspects of this ASG-89 build give it the potential to One-shot enemies from unexpected distances with shocking precision. The Rapid Fire accessory makes the ASG-89 fire faster, giving you a chance to catch your enemies off guard during a firefight. With the added range of other parts, this shotgun has surprising lethality at a much greater distance than you would expect.

The Extended Mag I delivers more shots before you need to reload, giving you more time to secure a kill with extra shots. Although this part increases the time needed to reload, it synergizes well with the Assault Grip Attachment to make all your shots count before you run out of bullets. Since the ASG-89 already has decent handling, the accuracy and mobility increases will make it much more deadly.

Best Perks for ASG-89

Never lose control of your enemies

According to the video above from the YouTube creator Zéliard, Recon Perks are best with the ASG-89 for how he supports his explosive style of play. The Attachments you saw earlier encourage you to use passive skills that allow you to track enemiestake them down and finish them off quickly with a single shot from the shotgun. Some of the best perks to put into an ASG-89 build are:

  • Perk 1: Ninja (Move more silently without alerting enemy players to your presence.)
  • Advantage 2: tracker (See enemy footsteps. ADSing automatically pings enemies. This ability has a slightly longer cooldown before it can be used again.)
  • Advantage 3: cold-bloodedness (You are undetectable by AI targeting and thermal optics. Any Scorestreaks earned by players cannot be used to highlight your position.)
  • Perk 4: Recon (Enemies can be seen through walls for a short time after you respawn. Whenever an enemy is out of your vision, an indicator will flash on your HUD. You do not leave deadly skulls when you kill an enemy.)

The Recon Combat specialty benefit is gained by having three other recon benefits in your build. This ability is fantastic for ASG-89 as it allows you to always know the location of your enemies without alerting them to where you are. Although the shotgun's additional range gives it the effectiveness of an assault rifle in CoD: Black Ops 6Shotguns have a better chance of killing when you use them in an opponent's face.

All of these perks combine to make you hard to spot, giving you the perfect chance to get quick kills against enemies that can't find you. Stay on the move with the ASG-89 or stay in a reliable location on the map to always have the advantage.

Best equipment for ASG-89

Become an assassin behind enemy lines

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 ASG-89 Weapon Built with Perks and Gear

With the attachments and perks you have equipped, you can be smart use equipment that supports your construction. Unlike accurate sniper rifles or noisy LMGs in CoD: Black Ops 6the ASG-89 utilizes a more patient playstyle than other weapons. Like a shotgun, it can be difficult to find the perfect position to kill your enemies, so you need equipment that will back you up if your plans fail.

Some equipment that can support this ASG-89 build includes:

  • Stimulus
  • Semtex (grenade)
  • Knife (melee weapon)
  • Sleeper Agent (Field Update)

The Stim Shot is an item with a cooldown that allows you to restore your Tactical Sprint and ammogiving you the means to get in or out of a fight quickly. You can close the distance to enemies with this equipment or retreat immediately depending on when you use Stim. When combined with the Knife melee weapon, you can score a kill or two without having to fire a shot with the ASG-89.

The Semtex grenade stick to enemieskilling them in an unstoppable explosion. With the sleeper agent field upgrade, you can disguise yourself as a member of the enemy team to ensure this grenade always sticks to a target. The unpredictable nature of the accessories, perks, and equipment used with the ASG-89 in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 all combine to give this weapon a powerful build.

Source: Rasclart0/TikTok, Zéliard/YouTube