Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6

The Marine SP rifle in Call of Duty Black Ops 6 is a pump-action shotgun with a slower rate of fire but the potential for devastating one-shot kills at close range. It is a weapon that requires precision and timing, as missing a shot can drastically prolong the time to kill. Although the Marine SP is powerful in close combat, he struggles with range and mobility, so better equipment should compensate for this.

The shotgun's effectiveness can be heavily influenced by its accessories, which can improve its accuracy, handling, and rate of fire. Smarter builds will reduce spread and increase reload speed, which will make Marine SP more effective in battle. However, with the right starting point, you can make your build effective with your own play style. While this build is great overall, other loadouts make for the best shotgun builds. Black Ops 6 and should be considered when doing a personal build.

Best accessories for Marine SP

How to make your shotgun unstoppable

Call of duty black ops 6 marine sp on display from multiple angles.

The best accessories compensate for the shotgun's disadvantage and at the same time increase its power. Call of Duty: Black Ops 6. A good shotgun build can eliminate enemies in a single shot, while also reducing the spread. Although many players assume this is a hipfire firearm due to its spread, reducing the spread makes it much more effective. This way, the Marine SP shotgun becomes an unstoppable force until you need to reload. This construction comes from WZ Stats.





Quick Charge Barrel

This attachment increases reload speed, which is essential for a shotgun that relies on rapid follow-up shots.


Target laser

Although not as popular as other lasers, the target laser increases down sight speed (ADS).


Quick withdrawal stock

This stock significantly improves ADS speed, allowing you to aim at the target faster


Modified Choke

This barrel accessory improves your shotgun's accuracy by tightening the projectile spread when aiming.

Fire Modes

Rapid Fire

This accessory drastically increases the rate of fire.

If you are going to change any of these attachments, be sure to leave Rapid Fire and Modified Choke alone. If you remove rapid fire, the weapon will be incredibly slow to fire. This makes the weapon almost ineffective due to its slowness. Modified Choke improves damage much more than you might think. When you fire your weapon at a target at close range with a modified choke, you are more likely to do more damage because the reduced spread causes more shots to land. This is also a great build for BO6zombies mode.

Best Perks for Marine SP

Black Ops 6 Zombies characters with weapons drawn on the Terminus map.

The best advantages for the SP Navy in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 will complement your load. The most important thing to remember is that you want your perks to help you build by increasing the effectiveness of your attachments or helping to compensate for weaknesses. The biggest weakness of a shotgun is its reload speed, so Gung-Ho will be recommended in most shotgun constructions; increases your reload speed. The video below of the advantages we have listed will show a rating system of NRVS_FPS to better understand what you can replace the perks with.

  • Assassin: Score enemies in killstreaks and reward you with Bounty Packs for extra score.
  • Enthusiastic: Allows you to reload faster and move more freely when using the equipment.
  • Double time: Extends the duration of your Tactical Sprint.
  • Executor: Increases your movement speed and health regeneration after eliminating enemies.

You can always trade Assassin and Double Time out, but do not remove Gung-Ho or Enforcer. It would be better if you had the extra reload speed that Gung-Ho offers, and Enforcer is one of those passive perks that will make taking out multiple enemies easier. Assassin should be the first to switch if you prefer another perk, as it works with killstreaks, which many players aren't focused on. Still, it's important not to underestimate the importance of Kill Streaks.

Best Equipment for Navy SP

Make sure you have the correct backups

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Marine SP shotgun being used by the operator.

The best equipment in Call of Duty Black Ops 6 will be the Stim Shot and Semtex. The Stim Shot will give you an instant heal while also upgrading your tactical sprint. Healing gives you a crucial advantage in combat, helping you survive otherwise fatal encounters. The Tactical Sprint update is also significant because it means you can start running away from a bad situation while injured and then use the Stim Shot to catch your breath and heal yourself and continue running for much longer than your enemies. they can.

Do not choose any other tactic than the Stim Shot; It's pretty much the most OP tactic in Black Ops 6.

Semtex, on the other hand, can be exchanged without losing much. The best thing about Semtex is that it is a sticky grenade, and many players love using sticky grenades. However, there are many grenades for your build, so using the explosive you are most comfortable with is a good idea. Do not use any other type of throwable because the best combination for a shotgun is a grenade in Call of Duty Black Ops 6.

Video credit: NRVS_FPS/YouTube