The two launch maps for Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies, Liberty Falls and Terminus were very well received by veterans and newcomers to the game mode. As Black Ops 6 was released on day one on Xbox Game Pass, many players will get their first experience with the round-based undead wave shooter, and both maps have been hailed as a return to form for fans. One way that Liberty Falls demonstrates its success is through its many Easter Eggs and hidden secrets.
The Zombies game mode has historically been known for its elaborate Easter Eggs, including entire missions, hidden weapons, power-ups, music, and other smaller secrets. The launch maps take heavy inspiration from many of the series' greats, such as Der Eisendrache, Origins and Mob of the Dead, featuring all these hidden extras, with at least 25 known secrets in Liberty Falls. From the currently known information, 10 of the best Easter Eggs can be observed on this map, based on complexity, completion pleasure, quirkiness, and rewards provided.
Vending machine
In the opening area of Liberty Falls, players can spot an ordinary vending machine that appears normal at first glance. However, Hitting the machine opening with a melee attack will yield a randomly generated reward. Some of its expenses are pointless, like non-interactive chip packs or even lethal live grenades, but players can expect to earn some points, salvage, and ammo. Players have even reported receiving high-quality items like Perk-A-Colas and wondrous weapons like the Ray Gun.
While this Easter egg's rewards have the potential to be amazing, It is very simple to perform and requires pressing a button to activate it. Players are much more likely to receive a low-quality reward, but since rewards can be provided at least once per round, Zombie enthusiasts are recommended to visit frequently.
Pool of Blood
This Easter egg is a little more elaborate than the Vending Machine, requiring players to have three Semtex grenades that are thrown into a pool filled with what appears to be blood. This can be found near the Liberty Lanes bowling alley. After all three explosives are thrown into the pool, the player will be rewarded with saves, weapons, and other bonuses, after which a red sphere emerges from the pool and opens up. This sequence can be repeated up to three times after five rounds between activations.with the final reward being a Fire Sale power-up.
The loot received from this Easter egg is not necessarily the largest available in Liberty Fallsbut it's a decent selection that will help players, especially in the lower rounds. The repetition of the secret, like the vending machine, makes it a reliable source of equipment.
Grave excavation
To start this Easter Egg, the player must shoot a specific barrel on the rooftops of Washington Avenue, using the Chopper Gunner or Hellstorm Missile abilities. Once this is done, they will be able to pick up a shovel that can be used to dig graves in the Liberty Falls Cemetery area. Players can expect to dig up the usual items like saves, points, Perk-A-Colas, and wonder weaponsbut the undead still remain in some tombs. Players must remain vigilant for enemies emerging from their graveyard.
If this Easter egg is made in later rounds, players can expect to receive much larger items, which makes digging very useful. However, Using a powerful but rare ability like a Chopper Gunner exclusively to do this Easter Egg may be quite impractical.
Fire trap in the church
This hidden secret is especially useful during the final stage of the Easter Egg main quest, as can help the player defend against waves of zombies in the very restricted area of the church. The player simply needs to shoot some candles near the Pack-A-Punch machine with a Napalm Burst or throw a Molotov at them. Once this is done, large patches of fire will form and rise across the floor, causing damage to any zombies or players who walk on them.
This will greatly help the player control the zombies in the church during the last part of the main quest. However, players will still be damaged by firetherefore, they must also remain vigilant regarding this threat. However, it is a simple and convenient secret to use.
Raining zombies
While it doesn't offer the same level of usefulness as the other Easter Eggs, the comedic value steals the show. By using a form of explosive weaponry such as a rocket launcher on a zombie head attached to the top of the church tower the sky will rain zombies down on the player for a full minute. The image of them falling towards the ground is a lot of fun, but the zombies will still drop their standard ammo and rescue items, making the secret useful.
This Easter egg combines shockingly humorous images with some practical items. It's a good idea to do this Easter Egg close to the start of the game, as a minute save is useful in preparing for future rounds.
Zombie Rave Bus
In contrast to many of the other usable Easter Eggs in Liberty Falls the Zombie Rave bus appears to have been designed exclusively to please the player. When using binoculars to watch a zombie dancing in the distance, a rave will suddenly begin as music plays over the city's speaker systems. All the zombies will gather on a bus near the waterfront and start dancing to electronic music for about a minute.
While it's possible that there's some deeper meaning to this Easter egg, or another step towards it, it's likely to be a pointless diversion on the developers' part. Anyway, it is sure to greatly entertain those who find thisespecially if it is started somehow unknowingly.
Creating the miracle weapon Jet Gun
Creating the Jet Gun, which makes its big return Black Ops 2TranZit, yeah one of the most elaborate Easter Eggs in Black Ops 6: Zombies. Since the Wonder Weapon is essential to completing Liberty Falls' main quest, many players have tried this sequence to obtain the powerful device. Players must complete three steps to collect weapon parts: defend against waves of zombies while changing a water pressure gauge, find a shed key, and dig up a pile of salvage.
Getting the Jet Gun requires preparation and understandingas it may take several rounds to get the weapon. The Jet Gun Easter egg requires interacting with a Mangler (or obtaining the Mangler Cannon), defending against an endless horde in the bowling alley, and locating a specific zombie in the graveyard. The Jet Gun comprises a great overall sequence for the main quest, with the reward being incredibly useful as a weapon and essential to the main quest.
Bank vault
Players can break into the bank vault at the Savings and Loan building in Liberty Falls simply by locating three unique codes. Once done, It is possible to return to the vault multiple times if the loot keys are located after defeating the mini-bosseswith potential Wonder Weapons and Perk-A-Colas on offer. The beauty of this Easter egg is its simplicity, with great items on offer.
Becoming Aetherella
The superhero character Aetherella in Olly's Comics store is not just a statue in Liberty Falls, the player can physically become the powerful Aetherella. When in your form, the player is immune to damage and has incredibly powerful damage output for an approximate two-minute window. To start the Easter Egg, nine miniature statues of Aetherella must be located across the map and sucked up with the Jet Gun. Once this is done, the player can then transform into the superhero form.
This sequence provides an incredibly powerful reward that can be practically essential in the last stage of the Easter Egg main quest. Becoming Aetherella is a shining example of the complexity that often surrounds Easter Eggs in Zombies, making it a fan favorite and one of the Black Ops 6is the best.
Liberty Lanes Bowling Minigame
This excellent Easter egg benefits from being complicated, bizarre, rewarding, and genuinely enjoyable. To begin, the player must shoot five different pairs of bowling shoes located in Liberty Falls. After the fifth one is shot, everyone in the lobby will be teleported to an alternate bowling alley in Liberty Lanes, with Manglers and Zombies partying. Zombies will walk down the lanes and the player will be asked to throw towards the undead's makeshift bowling pins. Everyone in the game will be rewarded, but the higher the bowling score, the better the serve for the winner.
Like many other Easter Eggs, rewards can vary in quality, but this depends on the player's score in the minigame. The entire scenario is a complete change of tone from the rest of the game modeBut this fun sequence, combined with the potentially game-changing loot, led to the Liberty Lanes Bowling Alley minigame being called the best Easter egg in Call to action: Black Ops 6Liberty falls map.