Brad Pitt's Friends Thanksgiving Episode Was More Important to the Show Than You Think

Brad Pitt's Friends Thanksgiving Episode Was More Important to the Show Than You Think

Friends hosted many Thanksgiving-themed episodes over its ten-year run, but none of them promoted the holiday's message better than "The One with the Rumor." It's probably one of the most iconic episodes of Friends, given that stars Brad Pitt as Will Colbert. Brad Pitt Friends character is Ross's former best friend, and the two together started the “I hate the club Rachel.” On the surface, 'The One with the Rumor' may seem like a Thanksgiving episode featuring a future Hollywood star, but its meaning actually runs much deeper than that.

It promotes all the major ideas and ideologies about what Thanksgiving means in America, while also providing character development and a shift in narrative. The episode finally allowed Ross to overcome his feelings for Rachel and mature so that their friendship and bond could blossom, paving the way for them to begin their co-parenting story. This new dynamic was achieved with the unwitting help of Brad Pitt's Will Colbert.

Brad Pitt's character in 'The One with the Rumor' makes Ross change

Ross realizes that friendship and family are more important than resentment

Brad Pitt in a cameo as Will Colbert in Friends

Throughout the episode, Ross and Rachel start to fight over some rumors they both started about each other in high school. Ross started the rumor that Rachel was born with both male and female reproductive organs, while Rachel told everyone that Ross hooked up with the elderly librarian (which was true). This argument and a revisiting of the past led Ross to rejoin the “I hate the club Rachel with Will. However, it was seeing Will's resentment and hatred for Rachel that made Ross change his perspective.

Ross realized how damaging this was and realized he didn't want to hate Rachel, especially since he was having a child with her.

It's been over ten years since Will last saw Rachel and he still had all this pent up hatred and resentment towards her. Ross realized how damaging this was and realized he didn't want to hate Rachel, especially since he was having a child with her. Then he left the club and apologized to her. This was the perfect message for a Thanksgiving episode of Friends, as it showed Ross overcoming himself and his ego while putting his friends and family first.

'The One With the Rumor' Strangely Captured the True Spirit of Thanksgiving

The group realizes that they should be happy with themselves and grateful for each other

This episode of Friends promoted the true spirit of Thanksgiving in the most unorthodox way, which was through the use of Will Colbert. According to Monica, he was bigger and tried hard to lose weight. It is clear in the episode that Will is unhappy and stressed with all the rules and routines he has imposed on himself to stay in shape. This helps the program send the message that people should stay true to themselves and do what makes them happy. The bad example set by Will Colbert helped demonstrate to the characters how important it is to value what they already have in their lives.