The hype for the next one Frontiers 4 is finally starting to get into action, with fans eagerly watching the few trailers available online in anticipation of the 2025 release date. Frontiers 3the failed film and the general decline in sentiment towards the franchise caused people to lose some love for the series. However, Frontiers 4 in all its glory seems to recapture the spirit of the older games while improving the series in all the right ways.
It is doing this, in large part, by innovating. Frontiers 4 is implementing massive changes to Frontiers 3changing the tone and eliminating much of the crude humor that defined their previous releases. However, despite all its improvements and innovations, Frontiers 4 is maintaining one of the best qualities of the series and something that many other games have completely abandoned over the years.
Borderlands 4 is keeping split-screen gaming alive
Features two-player split-screen at launch
Frontiers 4 got a fancy new trailer at the 2024 Game Awards, finally giving players a look at what they can expect. This trailer gave players hope that this could actually be a strong entry in the somewhat waning franchise and the game description that followed further increased the excitement for the upcoming looter shooter. Namely, Frontiers 4 is reviving split-screen co-op long after many gave up hope it would persist in the new era of photorealistic visuals and intensive requirements.
At launch, Frontiers 4 will support two-player split-screen as well as four-player online co-op in which players take on the role of any of four Vault Hunters. The entire story can be completed in this mode, ensuring that two friends can sit side by side and explore each region, face every boss, and experience each story together. It's a wonderful thing to see, especially after other AAA games canceled split-screen game modes like Infinite Haloor ignored it on certain consoles, such as Baldur's Gate 3.
Of course, remains to be seen how well Frontiers 4 handles your split screen modeas Borderlands 3 the attempt presented some errors at launch. However, it's great to see Gearbox fight for its inclusion, even despite the technical complications that arise in trying to implement it. The mode hasn't disappeared simply because fewer people are playing in person, although that is a factor.
Trying to get two instances of the same game to run on the same screen is a challenge, and as games become more technically demanding, it becomes more difficult to ensure that you spend the time and resources to make them work well. That's why it's always refreshing to see it implemented for anyone who misses the days of playing with friends on the same couch or for anyone simply looking for the best couch co-op games on consoles.
Split-screen has always been a big part of Borderlands
Co-Op is at the center of the series
Split-screen co-op has been a major feature in Borders series since the first gameinitially allowing split-screen for up to four players before reducing it to just two in later entries. Playing a Borders Playing co-op has always felt like the right and intentional path, as the various shenanigans players can get up to elevate the otherwise fun FPS gameplay. As such, including split-screen seemed like a must-have feature in Frontiers 4.
Split-screen was, for a long time, the way to play any type of console game with a friendespecially before the days of Xbox Live, Nintendo Online and PlayStation Plus. There was no other option than to sit on the same couch, grab a controller each and spend hours running around destroying villains, collecting weapons and trying to get into the most ridiculous situations possible.
Split screen, for many, has allowed video games to become the ultimate sandbox, even in fully linear experiences. THE Borders games, especially Borders 2, facilitated this better than most, as they were built specifically for chaotic moments. In essence, Even in your worst moments, Borders It was always about having fun.. Although Gearbox made some questionable changes Frontiers 4the inclusion of split-screen co-op shows a determination to at least maintain this core element of fun.
More games should learn from Borderlands 4
Couch Co-Op should be included in most games
As games evolve, older trends are eliminated to allow new ones to emerge. For a long time, it seemed like split-screen co-op was one of those older trends destined to fade into obscurity. However, there is still hope, at least in certain situations. Not every game needs to feature split-screen co-opand not every developer with a tight budget and limited development time needs to dedicate resources to this.
However, for the games where it fits, for the developers who can implement it, and as long as the technology to incorporate it is still available, split-screen should make a triumphant return. It's appearance Frontiers 4 It's a great move and we hope to see it appear in future titles from other developers. However, It would be great if split screen became an expected feature in most AAA titles where it makes sensenot the one fans expect.
Unfortunately, outside Frontiers 4, There doesn't seem to be much interest in this, even from franchises that previously prioritized it.. Gears of War: E-Dayfor example, it doesn't have a confirmed split-screen mode - although one may be added in the future - and Infinite Halo I never saw their version released, despite 343's promises that it would be. Similarly, Warhammer 40,000: Marine 2 it didn't feature a split-screen mode, despite being modeled on a genre that featured it heavily in the past.
For anyone who longs for the days of sharing a couch, a bag of chips and a 2-liter bottle of soda with a friend, not only Frontiers 4 make this easier, but we hope to see the return of fun to the living room once again.
There will be a group of people who never grew up playing split-screen games and those who prefer to play online without other people around. For them, the inclusion of split screen in Frontiers 4 It won't seem like a big deal, especially since it's limited to just two players, unlike the four-player online alternative. But for anyone who longs for the days of sharing a couch, a bag of chips and a 2-liter bottle of soda with a friend, not only Frontiers 4 make this easier, but we hope to see the return of fun to the living room once again.
Source: Borders/YouTube